Thursday, July 28, 2011

PandaMania: an Accredited Program

Dear Alaskan Catholics and Parents whose children were subjected to Pandas this summer:

I let you down. I failed in my duty as a blogger and defender of the faith. For that, I am truly sorry.

You see, I knew of the Panda problem long ago. In fact, earlier this spring I had a discussion about it with some of the other Alaskan Catholic Bloggers to try and brainstorm the best way to go about "dealing" with the problem. Should I post about it and let people know our thoughts? Should I document all the other blogs and parents that have posted about their encounter with it? But then I was talked out of it when my fellow bloggers chalked up my concern to an "over analyzation" of the program. It couldn't be as bad as I was making it out to be. So I dropped the issue, I was trying to turn over a leaf and be more "positive". So many bloggers complain that Catholic bloggers like myself aren't positive enough (is that hypocritical?). In fact, some have gone so far to call me "critical and judgmental." I should have trusted my instincts.

You see, one of my fellow Alaskan Catholic Bloggers contacted me about the Panda problem the other day and said:
"I knew that it was stupid, but I didn't know it was wrong!"
They meant the Pandas and that is a pretty heavy indictment of the program. But an even bigger indictment came from Simcha Fisher, who is about as mainstream of a Catholic Blogger that you can find. What I mean is that she is the big time, so much so that she writes for the National Catholic Register. So it isn't as if I found some crazy-trad sitting in a basement somewhere with a blog, to support my argument. Instead, a pretty middle of the road, very authentically Catholic big-time Mom blogger supported my argument without any solicitation.

So what did Ms. Fisher say about the Pandas? She said:
Based on PandaMania’s website, I wouldn’t touch this program with a ten-foot pole, even if the Pope himself were teaching it.
Uhh, wow? Really? That bad huh? Maybe she was just trying to make a point, but wait there is more:
...and the Pandamania website itself makes the program look somewhere between useless and dreadful (“What happens when a pack of fun-loving pandas invades your church?” Erm, I’d call 911 and the Knights of Columbus). Two thousand years of top-flight scholarship and divine inspiration, and the best we can offer is ... wacky pandas who may or may not be advocating for abortion? I looked hard for some reason Catholics would want to get involved with PandaMania, but I’m left distressed that Our Sunday Visitor is endorsing this program.
Ok so I guess she really didn't like it. "...somewhere between useless and dreadful..." isn't really a nuanced position.

So for those of you that sent your kids to VBS this summer and they had to deal with the dreadful pandas, I apologize. I let down my guard, and tried to be "nice, loving, positive, and charitable." I decided to keep my fingers quiet and not "stir up the pot" so to speak. I guess that was the wrong choice - I should have trusted my instinct.

But then again, maybe my friend, Ms. Fisher, and myself are wrong. Maybe the Pandas have solidified the faith in a positive and authentic way in your child. If so, I'd love to hear about it and be proven wrong. Honestly, when I am critical of something, I love being wrong. Why? Because it teaches me something and makes me critically examine the flaw upon which I made my faulty conclusion. I'd love for this to be one of those times.
Simcha Fisher suggests Calling 911 or the Knights of Columbus
There are those within the institution of the Church that don't like bloggers. They think that they are jaded, critical, judgmental, divisive, negative, and do nothing but complain. What they don't realize is that 99% of bloggers that "criticize and judge" (their words, not mine) do so not out of anger or spite but because they want a truly Catholic and congruent hermeneutic. They want authenticity in Catechesis. They want Catholicism pure and unadulterated. The pandas don't seem to fit that description.

So the next time you think I am "critical" of something, give me the benefit of the doubt. Email me, message me, comment - do anything to find out where I am coming from and why I am saying what I am. Usually it isn't some anger or spite filled rant that I am going on, but instead it is an attempt to prevent some harm from occurring. It is hard to un-ring a bell, just as it is hard to un-teach a child something.

I know there are some of you that think I am exaggerating. You probably still think I am being sarcastic, snarky, critical and judgmental. So I will let the Church speak for itself. You see, if your kids played with the Pandas this summer they might have learned about Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Who is that and what does the Church say about him? Well you see, he was a Jesuit priest who is often called the "Father of Modernism (or the New Age)." The kids received a "Person of Faith Card" which are supposed to be "[e]xcellent tools for encouraging children to learn from the examples set by people of faith." The first one in the series is Chardin.

So what does the Church say about Chardin? Well he is famous, that is for sure. He even received a Monitum, which is more or less an official reprimand and warning that they are in danger of some terminal and grave penalty. Another famous contemporary of Chardin that received a Monitum was Hans Küng. So what is the Church's official statement on Chardin? Well this was issued in 1962 [and reiterated in 1981], and to this day remains the official position of the Church:
"Several works of Fr. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, some of which were
posthumously published, are being edited and are gaining a good deal
of success.

"Prescinding from a judgement about those points that concern the
positive sciences, it is sufficiently clear that the above-mentioned
works abound in such ambiguities and indeed even serious errors, as to
offend Catholic doctrine.

"For this reason, the most eminent and most revered Fathers of the Holy Office exhort all Ordinaries as well as the superiors of
Religious institutes, rectors of seminaries and presidents of
universities, effectively to protect the minds, particularly of the
youth, against the dangers presented by the works of Fr. Teilhard de
Chardin and of his followers.
Oi, the Pandas really seem to be a problem. So again, I am sorry for dropping the ball on this one folks. I know that the entire Archdiocese of Anchorage used this program this summer, and many other dioceses around the country as well. I could have saved us all a ton of grief if I would have just trusted my instinct. Heh, maybe the Archdiocese should hire someone to stay up to date on things and keep a finger on the pulse of Alaska Catholicism so as to  brief the Archbishop and Chancery to make sure things like this are known about before they happen. But what do I know?

So please accept this apology. If your kids are running around with Chardin cards, I deeply apologize. I have failed in my duty, and for that I am truly sorry. I will pray for a fortification of the faith in all those that encountered Pandas this summer. I will also make sure that next time I have thoughts about something... I will be sure to blog about it.




Wednesday, July 27, 2011

'Profound Depths' of Spiritual Warfare

Arn, Knight Templar | Photo
We all need a reality check. We all need moments of 'reset' where we evaluate the way we think, believe, and conduct ourselves. The past two days I have blogged about Michael Voris and NFP. I can't think of more hot-button issues than that except for maybe Chapel Veils/Mass Attire and The New Missal Translation. In doing so I have tried to be objective as possible, which as a human is of course colored with bias and opinion. Yet, I think that the spiritual battles we are in require us to seek truth and justice in anything that we do concerning the Faith and Holy Mother Church.
In over our heads...
So, when I came across a post over at Abbey-Roads, it made me realize that sometimes we are in over our heads, regardless of how sincere and objective we attempt to be. Terry was talking about Anders Breivik, the Norwegian 'terrorist', but was addressing Spiritual Warfare in general. A statement he made really struck me:
Many aspire to be knight Crusaders in the spiritual battle, and many take up arms of their own making - completely on their own - and with misplaced zeal claim to be serving Our Lady, even proclaiming that the Blessed Virgin wears 'combat boots' amongst other types of war mongering analogies. Few of us living in the world really understand the profound depths of spiritual warfare however, and the humility and fidelity it takes to persevere in and through it - often amidst much tribulation and even through defeat after defeat.
How true is this? I don't think he was posting about me, or even bloggers like me... but he could have been. I discuss things like Voris, NFP, Spiritual Warfare, the Liturgy, things of the Faith that are of a very profound and important nature on my own accord. I, of course, hope to be serving Our Lady, and often make war-like analogies. Yet, as Terry says - do I have any understanding of the profound depths of spiritual warfare? I doubt it. Even if I do, I can't possibly possess the humility and fidelity it takes to persevere through it. I just can't - I am human and I am without much spiritual direction.
A sheep in ram's clothing...
Dall Sheep
I am a sheep who purports to be a ram. I rush into battle with fellow sheep, from behind my screen, bashing my imaginary horns into other little sheep, in a state of delusion that I am somehow combating on the fields of war. Yet, although I may be sadly mistaken that I am some great warrior I am nonetheless locked in the throws of melee with something.

Terry quotes Fr. Angelo Mary:
This battle is not of flesh and blood but of principalities and powers. Catholics need their fortitude back, but we can do without the romantic pieties of externalist chivalry.
He is right, a sword and shield makes not a knight. It isn't the external but the internal. We need fortitude, we need to battle, but it isn't about blogs and words, it is about prayer and beliefs. Our Holy Mother said Yes and was obedient, she served her Son as both a Mother and follower. Our battles must be done not to externally prove our worth or belief, but we must battle internally so that we are drawn closer to her and God. Terry talks about the idea of Mary 'wearing combat boots' - I don't want to tangent and talk about where that quote comes from, but if you read my blog you might get the sense that I would say the same thing. Maybe I would have, maybe I do or did at some point. I would be wrong regardless. Our Lady wears a Crown of 12 Stars, and she had the moon under her feet and she was clothed with the sun. Marching into battle with the wrong idea is not only misguided, but possibly fatal in the worst sort of way.
Fr. Angelo Mary says further:
What we need is Our Lady of Victory. We had better be careful about what crusades we call and the drums we beat and the pseudo-elites we try to create. Marian chivalry is a thing altogether different.
It is different. It isn't combat boots, it isn't ostentatious comments about war, battle, or fighting. Instead it is about humility, sacrifice, and love. Chivalry is about submission to love and beauty. Is all spiritual warfare or battle language bad or wrong? No, I dont think so or otherwise I would have to close my blog down this instant. (But what if it is?) People don't always appreciate Voris, myself, Shea, apologetics, etc... because of the strong tones we take. Sometimes they are right. Sometimes we wage and rage so hard against something that we miss the point entirely. Sometimes what is called for is a kiss and not a sword. Yet, sometimes a kiss is what deceives and kills. Hence, the profound depths of spiritual warfare. This isn't an easy thing in which to deal. This is serious and complex stuff. We cannot go it alone, and it is not for the weak of heart or spirit. I don't pretend to think I am anywhere near capable, but I have thrust myself in and now must 'swim or sink.' Therefore I must be honest with myself and my goals.

This is not to say that some of us can't play a vital role in the spiritual warfare that the Church, the Bride of Christ, faces. But, we must be authentic, we must be real. The strongest warriors, athletes, intellectuals all have one thing in common - they know and accept their limits and more importantly their weaknesses. By accepting those things that pull us away from the truth and our mission, we can compensate for those weaknesses. Hence, we must repent and reconcile our sins - The Church gives us a Sacrament and thereby grace to compensate and correct that which pulls us away from our Goal: Christ. When we are in need of Salvation we have a Sacrament - the Eucharist, to guide us on our path to Christ and Heaven. So you see, to be a knight, a warrior, a spiritual militant, we must accept our weaknesses and utilize our allies. This isn't about us, we don't do it alone, and rushing into battle waving a flag and a sword doesn't make us a spiritual warrior. Blogs, Tweets, and the such don't prove our humility or fidelity to the Church, all they do is shout out loud - all bark and no bite.
...but the Maiden...
So let us who claim to be spiritual warriors do it authentically. If we blog about it, it rings hollow unless we actually do it. Attend Mass, receive the Sacraments, pray, fast, give alms, die to self, feed the hungry, clothe the poor, spread charity, defend the Church, humble our selves, and walk the path of the Cross. A knight is brave not because he slays the dragon, but because the dragon can so easily slay him. It isn't about the sword, but the sacrifice. Chivalry is not about the armor, but the maiden. The depths of spiritual warfare are profound, we cannot do it alone and if we try... well, we shouldn't. We must trust in God, appeal to Mary, seek protection of St. Michael and humble ourselves. We shouldn't pick up a sword expecting victory, but as a sign of our commitment to die for our cause. Those that live by the sword, die by the sword - it isn't a warning but a rule.

Our Lady of Victory - Ora Pro Nobis. 
Our Lady of Victory|


Michael Voris Responds to WYD Statement & USCCB

Well, as I said the other day the WYD Press Release from July 25th would create all sorts of interesting discussions on the Catholic Blogosphere. If you check out Patrick Madrid's site you will find over 85 comments on the matter. A large portion of the discussion is about one thing: why would the WYD Organizing committee put out a press release stating that Real Catholic TV isn't an approved group - when, in truth, they never applied nor did they need to apply for any sort of accreditation. Objectively, the press release is bizarre and intriguing.

Since then, Real Catholic TV and Voris have been somewhat quiet about the whole ordeal. There was a statement by someone affiliated posted on Patrick Madrid's comment box, but nothing "official" coming out of the RCTV team, until now. Real Catholic TV,  has put out the following Press Release on the subject:
July 26, 2011


SOUTH BEND, IN – The faithful who work at would like to thank the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for drawing attention to our existence and scheduled contributions to the upcoming World Youth Day events to be held in Madrid, Spain, as well as the launch of its new pilot program striving to address tough issues concerning sexuality and morals facing Catholic youth today,

While we regret that some assistant to the Secretariat for Laity of the USCCB has not given us her approval “to participate in the cultural program”, we prefer to rely upon the higher authority of Our Lord Himself, and an Ecumenical Council of the Roman Catholic Church as it does what it can to increase the authentic Faith and Morals of the Catholic Church:

“The laity derive the right and duty to the apostolate from their union with Christ the head; incorporated into Christ’s Mystical Body through Baptism and strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit through Confirmation, they are assigned to the apostolate by the Lord Himself.” Cf. Second Vatican Council, Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity, Apostolicam Actuositatem, 3.

For every press release that is issued mentioning our existence, more and more tangible interest in is generated on the part of ordinary Catholic faithful simply seeking straightforward information on just how to be really Catholic – not only in word, but more importantly in deed, which all too often is lacking on the part of some Dioceses in too many parishes to the grave detriment of souls. For the significant increased attention drawn to the exclusive on-line product found on, we are very grateful.

The faithful at are in full compliance with the universal norms of the Code of Canon Law, the universal legislation of the Roman Catholic Church, which in no canon muzzles ordinary Catholic faithful from using themselves on the web as genuine instruments of dissemination of Catholic principles. To the contrary, the Second Vatican Council calls upon every single Catholic to do his or her share to build up genuine observance of authentic Catholic Faith and Morals, which we only strive to achieve in a concrete and updated format resonating with the youth of today.

To learn more about us, check us out at, and Press and other Media are invited to contact Ms. Susan Vance, Director of Communications, directly at 248-545-5716, or by e-mail at
This statement is sure to ruffle a few feathers, especially those who are Anti-Voris, but it makes some really good points, the most salient of which is that this will only help promote Real Catholic TV and their mission. I don't know if the "tone" is what I would have expected or put out myself, but then again they might have simply been trying to keep this light-hearted. the WYD Org. Comm. really threw a bomb at them, and very unfairly. They are an apostolate and spending lots of money, other peoples donations, to go to Madrid and put on this event so it could have been detrimental to their efforts - again, unfairly. Yet, it seems that RCTV isn't too worried about the WYD P.R., and has put their own release out simply to drum up some more support and advertising for their event in Madrid: No Bull Madrid.

As for me, I still feel as if there is a lingering question that no one is asking, let alone answering:
Why in the world did the WYD Organizing Committee put out their Press Release? Is there someone that has an axe to grind against Voris that has just enough power to get a statement released? Did someone who dislikes Voris pester the WYD Org. Comm. enough to get a statement such as this released? In other words, what was the impetus for this Press Release?  I don't think we will ever get a straight answer to my questions, but they are important to ask and to think about.

Lastly, I want to reiterate my desire to hear an "after-action report" from WYD, especially in regards to what events, both sanctioned and non-sanctioned, occur in Madrid. I expect that once all the videos come out there will be some rather eye-opening revelations as they relate to the juxtapostion between the No Bull event and those other events that didn't receive a press release clarifying their status. I guess we will just have to wait and see.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

This is not a post about NFP. (*UPDATED*)

There is a lot of talk on Twitter amongst some Catholics regarding NFP and the benefits it has on marriages, especially new marriages. I wanted to write a post about my thoughts on NFP and then I realized how touchy of a subject this is. Not only that, but Michael Voris has been talking about contraception on the Vortex lately.

I have thoughts about implementing NFP right away in a marriage, but I will keep those to myself. I know better. I guess I dont know well enough not to post about it at all, but I know better than to get into specifics.

I believe NFP is a good thing, don't misconstrue what I am not saying. I just worry that NFP is talked about in a vacuum and doesn't include the larger and necessary discussion of marriage and children. Again though, this isn't a post about NFP, I know better.

So before I start talking about NFP, I'll stop typing and move on to other safer topics.


I decided to post about NFP - a little bit of a rush post, but I did it over at
Natural Family Planning(click for post)


Monday, July 25, 2011

Michael Voris and World Youth Day (*UPDATED*)

World Youth Day 2001 - Madrid, Spain
The World Youth Day website put out a rather interesting "Press Release" today. They essentially released a statement that says:
Michael Voris, “Real Catholic TV” and the program “No Bull in Madrid” are not accredited to or recognized by World Youth Day 2011.
The event they are talking about is a teen conference called: "No Bull in Madrid." It is billed as a conference about: "Fighting the Pop Culture Bull." It looks to be an interesting and informative event, the type that you would expect certain apostolates to hold over there. There will be all sorts of events and folks over in Spain for WYD, and I am sure that a majority of them are being done by the groups themselves.

What is interesting about the press release is that it seems to be prompted by "confusion" on behalf of those planning on attending World Youth Day in Madrid, and whether he is affiliated to the WYD event. I don't know if this means folks have been emailing the WYD Committee, the Diocese of Madrid, or really where the confusion has been directed. The Press Release is very unclear as to whether Voris and RCTv ever applied or attempted to gain an endorsement. In fact, it is even unclear whether such an endorsement is something that would even be possible for a group like Real Catholic TV.

Here is the Press Release in its entirety:
U.S. Based Media Producer Not Approved by WYD 2011
WYD Cultural Program Participants Must Be Endorsed by Bishops' Conferences

It has come to our attention that Michael Voris, a US based media producer, is scheduled to offer independent catechesis sessions out of a hotel in Madrid during World Youth Day 2011. There has been some confusion regarding his affiliation with World Youth Day. Michael Voris, the clergy and the laity associated with him, and their media efforts “Real Catholic TV” and “No Bull in Madrid” are not in any way recognized or approved by World Youth Day 2011.

Catechesis at World Youth Day is offered by Bishops of the Catholic Church in union with Pope Benedict XVI, who has invited the young people of the world to join him in Madrid for this celebration of faith and life. The Vatican's Pontifical Council for the Laity selects and invites Bishops, and only Bishops, from around the world to conduct Catechesis sessions at WYD in various languages.

Participants in the World Youth Day 2011 Cultural Program must be recognized and endorsed by the Bishops and Episcopal Conferences of their respective countries. Participants were selected for Cultural program by the World Youth Day organization in close collaboration with the Pontifical Council for the Laity. Those groups participating in the World Youth Day 2011 Cultural Festival have been selected because, through their various activities, they promote the authentic teaching and unity of the Roman Catholic Church and have been endorsed by their local Bishop and Espiscopal conference. Michael Voris, "Real Catholic TV" and "No Bull in Madrid" did not receive such endorsement from their Bishop or Episcopal Conference.

Michael Voris, “Real Catholic TV” and the program “No Bull in Madrid” are not accredited to or recognized by World Youth Day 2011.

World Youth Day Madrid 2011 invites and encourages all pilgrims attending this celebration of faith to visit the vast array of events that make up the official World Youth Day 2011 Cultural Festival and are endorsed by the Pontifical Council for the Laity, the WYD organization and their respective Bishops conferences.
No Bull in Madrid - Link
So there are a lot more questions than answers really. I foresee certain bloggers taking this as a statement by the Vatican against Voris and Real Catholic TV. In reality, I think this is more of a clarification than anything. WYD and other such events often have "Unofficial" events that occur in the locale that aren't necessarily "sanctioned" by the event and WYD Committee. It seems to me that this is exactly what this is. It is essentially a mini-conference for teens at and during WYD.

I think the fairest way to construe this P.R. is to simply take it at face value. Unfortunately I don't think that the blogosphere is going to let this by without jabs and commentary that construe for more than it actually is. I have put in requests to various entities to try and get more of the story, so let's see if there is more to all of this than meets the eye.

The interesting part is that the conference seems like a really interesting event: "No Bull in Madrid." I know that not everyone is a fan of Voris and the Vortex, but to be honest, he says a lot of things that need to be said. I think there is a fair debate to be had over whether his approach and tactics work or are the "best way to go about things" but I know many good, orthodox, and loving Catholics that really gain hope and encouragement (regardless of what some bloggers say about his cynicism and despair) from Voris' message. I think likewise, an event for teens might appeal in the same way on topics more germane to their lives.

It will be interesting to learn the rest of this story... In the meantime we should all say prayers for the teens traveling to Madrid. WYD is an amazing event, and many lives are changed for the better during these events.

UPDATE [10:39p ET]:
I have learned more information on all of this.
First, Patrick Madrid has posted about it at his blog. He calls the decision to release a statement on a non-affiliated groups actions:
"...quite unusual, perhaps even unprecedented..."
Secondly, I have been in contact with Real Catholic TV. They responded quickly and honestly. Essentially they never applied for approval because they never intended on being "accredited to or recognized by WYD..." The owner of's website domain, Marc Brammer, released a statement on Patrick Madrid's blog. (No I don't feel slighted, even though I posted this story first). It says:
Patrick … you are so right … unprecedented! I am the owner of the domain name and teamed up with Voris to launch RCTV in September of 2008. So let me make a statement for the record …

Nothing has ever done has been done with “approval” owing to the fact that “approval” is not required. The laity, or their efforts, do not operate as ecclesial bodies or functionaries (e.g., prayer groups and Catholic Bible Studies do not need “permission” or “approval” before commencing activities) nor is there any real mechanism in place for obtaining such approval.

For instance, not a single Vortex episode (nearly 800 to date) has ever been “approved” in the sense of receiving some official endorsement by the Church, nor are they required to be “approved” unless there is a claim to be speaking for the Church (which there is not).

Our efforts in Madrid are solely our own undertaking, as is everything that we do. We consult greatly and regularly with various clergy and religious in many of our endeavors, and we are very happy for their support.

The work of the laity, however, is NOT the work of the clergy.

Additionally, even with the “approval” of the Church on the work of various “official” Church undertakings, we see clearly that in many instances (as with “catholic” universities and hospitals and social justice efforts) this official seal of “approval” is rendered meaningless by the actions or intentions of some of those involved.

So, while we grateful for the clarification on the part of WYD officials that our efforts are not “approved,” our response is, “Thank you for clearing up a matter that we failed to see needed clarification. We never said we were “approved” and “approval” is not required for lay endeavors on behalf of the Faith.”
Now, I don't know if Brammer's statement is as polished as I would have put out, speaking as someone familiar with communications/press efforts, but it says what RCTv told me: they never intended this event to be an officially sanctioned or affiliated event with WYD. In fact, I question whether that would even be possible for a lay group such as RCTv to get. Although, the WYD Press Release seemed to insinuate that lack of affiliation or accreditation was somehow significant.

Finally, I don't think this will be the end of this "situation." It hit rather late in the day, and I am sure with Patrick Madrid picking up on it, tomorrow will bring a bunch of posts about it. Hopefully, bloggers will be honest, as was Madrid, and see that this statement is unfair and unprecedented. WYD has a lot of events that occur at or around the sites used by the Church in an official capacity. Many that I have talked to have recounted concerts, dances, "get togethers", learning sessions, site-seeing, etc... All of these things I think can have a proper place if done properly and in the right context. I also have heard stories of a sort of "let the kids be kids" atmosphere at some of the wrong places and wrong times. Not that it is OK, but I think it comes with the territoryy. My point isn't that there is something wrong with WYD, but that there is something wrong with putting this press release out. Stay tuned for more details.


The Passage of Time

Photo Source
A lot has happened in the past few days, and as always I have been "away" with my family during these crazy times. Norway, the shootings in the south, Amy Winehouse, the first New York "homosexual marriages", etc... All of these things an more have happened in the past few days while my family has been camping out and fishing. So, obviously, I haven't been able to keep up with too much of it or write about it on the blog. Yet, these things happen, commentary occurs, and time passes.

spending time with Jesus...
I was at Adoration the other night and was thinking of all that had happened and realized that so much happens in the world and we don't even realize it, yet God is constant. So much seems to happen while I am "away" from blogging for a few days on some "adventure." For example I was recently camping during the whole Corapi/Black Sheep Dog "announcement." Not that I have to "comment" on Catholic news to be a relevant blogger, it is just interesting how God does things - time wise.

While visiting with friends today the movie "Rudy" was on in the background and there is this line where a priest says, "Praying is something we do in our time, the answers come in God's time." Isn't this so true? We often find ourselves trying to do so much to affect how God will act in our lives, and the one thing we should do is obediently waiting for God's answer. Instead, we get impatient and try to do "more." 

For me, reading about these events on my "smart phone" as I camped, got soaked in the rain, and caught copious amounts of Salmon was a surreal experience.  I felt so disconnected from the world and these events. Normally, I feel so "plugged-in" because I am constantly updating my blog, checking Twitter, Facebook, etc... What I fail to realize in both instances is that God is constant. There is no "Breaking News", no Re-Tweets that catch his attention, or any 'Top News.' Instead He is always gracious and merciful regardless of the situation.

standing still...
It is hard to explain what I feel when it seems the world is spinning around and I am standing still, but I think we have all felt that way before. It makes you feel small and insignificant. The day to day wraps us up into the world in such a way that we almost feel as if it couldn't possibly go on without us, when in reality the exact opposite is true. What makes God so shocking and so mysterious is that not only does He know us by name, but He loves us so much that He is willing to forget every last thing we did to put Him on the cross, if only we turn back to him. It is insanity - the world spins around and doesn't even notice us... and yet to Him, we... you and I, make it spin round. Time passes and God remains the same, only you and I change. We hurry and run-round trying to "do things" to make some difference - to ourselves, to our family, and to the world. Instead, we should worry a little more that we are spending time to make Him happy, for He truly loves us... and only He will matter when our time is up.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Spiritual Warfare: A Primer

Occasionally I get an email or Tweet that says:
"Why is your blog so "Battle" themed? It isn't like we are in spiritual warfare all the time with our faith - you need to find peace. There are good things in the Church and you should focus on the good."
Now I would agree that there are good things in the Church and that we all need to find peace. What I disagree with is that we aren't locked in an ongoing battle for the safety of our souls. An example of what we face on a simple walk through life:
We get in our car to go to the store, we face the choice of what to listen to, the pop station with the songs and ads all dealing with sex, drugs, and sex or maybe something else? So as we drive and we fill our minds with something we head to the store to buy a few things. We need eggs, milk, and a few other things. When we get there, the jerk in the red car takes our spot and we are forced to park way out in east-Egypt, what a horrible thing to have to walk on such a nice day. 

As we enter the store we see a girl that looks, well... you know how she looks, and we think to ourself: "What I would..." wait? What do we think to ourselves, in our own mind where no one knows, safety right? So we continue on, thinking (or not thinking) about that girl. We get the eggs, milk, and get up to the checkout counter and see the magazines that fill our eyes and minds with so much. Again we either have thoughts or don't have thoughts about all sorts of things. As we exit the store we see that lady from Church, you know the lady the one that is just so.... or maybe we offer up a prayer for her? I don't know I guess it just depends on our... mood? that day. 

As we walk to the car we look at the electronics store and think of that new things we just want need want soooo bad! Wouldn't it be so cool? It would make us feel so something, this object would make us feel? Such an odd thought, or maybe not, maybe it is exactly what we need,  ah well that is for another day. So we get in our car and turn on the radio... to something again. On the drive home we think about the radio, the red car, the girl, the electronics store... or we don't. 
Whether we like it or not we are faced with things around every corner that force our minds and thoughts into a battle between good and evil. It isn't usually our fault that we face these things, but it is up to us how we deal with these battles. Life is a constant battle with the faith. The Devil is literally around every corner and we have to accept that and deal with it. We don't get to say, "but I dont want to..." Whether we want to or not we face him. 

So when we are faced with a decision there is usually good and bad. The radio, the red car, the girl, the things, all of this is part of the spiritual warfare that we engage in... and it is up to us how we deal with it. Luckily by the grace of God we have some pretty awesome help, but it still comes down to the that internal compass. 

Spiritual warfare is a part of everyday life, we are the Church Militant and we must remain on guard and ready... lest we get tangled in the wickedness and snares of the Devil. So let us pray, and may God rebuke him, and Do thou, o' Prince of the Heavenly Host, cast into hell...Satan.


Wheat and Weeds

The battle is long and yet we must fight. Our goal is to be upright and ensure that we make it to the day of decision. Let us not fear the blades of angels, but let us rejoice in the harvest to come. We will find ourselves amongst weeds - we know that, it is foretold, it is promised. So let us fear not, but let us use it as a consolation to the destruction and competition we face in life. We battle for sacred ground with those who seek to steal our sun, soil, and water.

Let us remain fixed on the goal, but let us also not be lead astray by those that would fault us for recognizing the weeds. They are there, they are real, and they mean to do us harm. We cannot control them but we can control ourselves. So let us push on, let us not break in the wind, but bend and move so as to strengthen the shaft that holds us skyward. 

The Gospels are such a source of inspiration, we need to use them more as a source of nourishment but more importantly - HOPE. Let us rejoice not because our victory is assured but because God's mercy is promised and provided. Let us rejoice that we have a loving God whose Salvific wounds have redeemed for us a life lost amongst the weeds - let us rejoice and be glad!


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pope: Churches are meant to be beautiful

Benedict XVI says that beautiful cathedrals and abbeys are "striking signs" of God's presence on earth, and he is inviting the faithful to share the ideal of those who built them.

"Be attentive in allowing yourselves to be swept up by the beautiful ideal that inspired the builders of cathedrals and abbeys, when they built these striking signs of the presence of God on our earth. May that ideal become yours and may the Holy Spirit, who sees the depth of hearts, inspire you to pray in these places, rendering thanks and interceding for humanity of the third millennium!"
Link: Zenit


Monday, July 18, 2011

Philadelphia's New Bishop: Chaput? - The American Bishop Carousel?

Archbishop Charles Chaput - Currently of Denver

If you follow Catholic blogs or the "Bishop News" in this country, you probably know quite well that Cardinal Justin Rigali will be resigning this week in Philadelphia, which Pope Benedict is said to be ready to accept. The appointment of the next Archbishop is the real page turner though.

To find out the latest, we turn to the the usual suspects, Rocco Palmo at Whispers in the Loggia and Thomas Peters over at the American Papist. Both right now are pointing to Denver's: Archbishop Chaput. This has been speculated, but for weeks seemed like more of a "dream" for most folks as opposed to any type of reality. Why? Well let's let Palmo explain in his words:
And if multiple indications from near and far have it right, he [Chaput] stands set to bring the most revolutionary change American Catholicism’s most traditional major outpost has known in at least a century, to begin its rebuilding from the ashes of the darkest in its long, storied history
This is a pretty big statement. Philly has had it's share of problems, we don't have to recount them here, but moving one of the highest profile Bishop's there makes more than one statement. Peters' take is quite similar actually:
We need to keep the appointee –whoever he is– in our prayers. Philadelphia is a very troubled archdiocese these days and whoever is chosen to succeed +Rigali will have his work cut out for him.
Boy is he right, there will be work "cut out for him." So if all these signs point to Chaput, and as the day goes on more and more reports seem to point that way, it looks like tomorrow's announcement is the worst kept secret right now. Palmo seems pleased and says:
Thanks be to God for his goodness to us. Truly, we are blessed beyond words.
So it seems that Philly is all but locked-up as having Chaput be tapped as the next Archbishop. But that leaves a lot to talk about in all honesty as opposed to tying everything together actually...

My take...
If Chaput leaves Denever, and Cardinal Rigali retires it essentially leaves two holes. An active Cardinal and Denver. Not only that but was Chaput the pick all along or is this a move in the background? Sure we dont want to mix politics and the Church but there is a reality there. 

So will there be a "re-ordering" of  Bishops here in the States? There are obvious "traditions" that are often kept in terms of Bishop cities, who goes where, etc... but all that seems to be changing. What else is changing is also the current Papal Nuncio. Will that have some affect? 

There are only a few dioceses with vacant seats, and nothing too surprising. Over the next year though, some pretty "big" retirements are coming up with moves or new appointments that will need to be made, a total of 11 retirements could occur by the end of 2012, not to mention 8 other bishops already beyond the age of 75. This means that there could be as many as 20 new dioceses with new bishops within the next year, almost 2 per month. These aren't in little out of the way places either: Lincoln, NE; San Francisco, CA; Chicago, IL; Portland, OR; Hartford, CT; etc... so maybe a re-ordering will be in place. 
CLICK TO ENLARGE | Table Source:
Let us pray in the least for all these holy men, and let us especially pray for Archbishop Chaput. If he is indeed going to Philly he will need our prayers and we can only hope that his fidelity, courage, and love for the Church will fill the city of Brotherly Love and turn it once again into a beacon of the Faith.


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Web-design company buys marketing firm

Zipline Communications Inc., a Spokane Web-development concern that does business as Zipline Interactive, says it has acquired a web-hosting and e-mail-marketing company here called Rewire Applications.

Zipline Vice President Ryan Stemkoski says the acquisition, completed last month, will enable the company to use email-based marketing strategies developed by ReWire in conjunction with technologies Zipline already has in place.

Zipline is located at 154 S. Madison and employs 10 full-time employees, he says.

The majority of its business is focused on what's called content-managed web-sites, Stemkoski says. That technology allows Zipline's customers to log in and make changes to a site once it's up and running, eliminating the time and expense required if the site designer had to make each tweak to words or photos. Such systems are becoming increasingly popular in the Web-design industry, Stemkoski says.

The e-mail marketing strategies developed by ReWire allow a user to send email-based newsletters and track whether the messages have been opened and read, and how long the recipients spent reading them, he says.

While ReWire's technology is in many ways similar to that offered by Constant Contact and other e-mail marketing companies, Stemkoski says the amount of analytical data that can he gathered through ReWire's technology is greater. He says the application created by ReWire also can be integrated directly with Zipline's content managed websites, so the user also can host their e-mail content online and track it there as well.

"We're going to use ReWire's technology to enhance the technologies we already have in place so customers can tie in the e-mail marketing directly with the website," Stemkoski says.

He says ReWire's two former owners and sole employees sold their venture to Zipline because they wanted to focus on other careers. Stemkoski declined to disclose the terms of the transaction.

Zipline's current clients include Craven's Coffee, Mt. Spokane Ski and Snowboard Park, and the Idaho Ski Areas Association, among others, he says.

Zipline also offers print and billboard advertising design, as well as designing mobile-based websites, which Stemkoski says the company also has integrated into its content-management system.

Don't commit these web-design sins

Web experts offer their advice on how websites can go wrong:

(1). Putting your brilliant design first. Make sure the site is easily navigable and well organized.

(2). Going overboard with Flash. Flash can harm search engine optimization, which is key to allowing customers to find your site.

(3). The unwelcome welcoming screen. Visitors clicked and come to your site to get information. Don't make them look at an introductory screen before they can access what they want.

(4). The boggling homepage. Don't overwhelm visitors with more information than they need. They should be able to figure out in (3-5) seconds how to get what they want from your site.

(5). Worshipping the fold. People do scroll. Variation in consistency lets readers forget about the fold.

G. Not addressing the user's real need. Help visitors understand your brand and the need your company addresses first, and only then present the product.

(7). Hiding who you are. Let a customer relationship start with the initial visit. Make a personal connection through employee videos explaining who you are and what you do.

Web Design in 2010-2011 - Analysis

As we're coming to the middle of this year, everyone is trying to analyze the recent trends in web designing and web development. However, in this article, we'll see what web designers and developers are trying to utilize with the new features to create impressive designs. We will also try to look into the factors that are driving this change.

1. The days of static design visuals are dead

With the online technology that is available today, web designers are coding websites more creatively than using simple images and html/css. Clients have come to expect a higher level of functionality and interactivity as they visit more and more websites that utilize things like Ajax, and JavaScript. Whilst CSS3/HTML5 has started to step on the toes of JavaScript, JavaScript itself has started to inch into the territory of Flash. JavaScript has just finished a major revision of its specifications for the language. Once browser companies adopt these standards, web developers will be provided with more tools to improve their capabilities in creating web applications.

2. Grid-based designs, Mobile Designs, Retro Designs are gaining popularity as well.

But Grid based is used mostly in portfolios, product pages and big blogs; they almost never appear on corporate websites or in online shops. With the huge amount of data present, classifying information based on context rather than content will be paramount for companies which handle large amount of data (financial, social, etc).

3. Print Design influence

Traditional techniques from print design are increasingly being applied to the Web, be they layout techniques or rich versatile typography. Web Designers are taking layout and design inspiration from print. This includes lots of whitespace, large type,use of a grid and clear hierarchy of elements. The layouts of these websites often resemble those of print magazines or posters, with striking headlines, multi-column text, highlighted quotations, indented text, supporting imagery, side notes and footnotes.

4. Faster and better Web browsers

Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera has offered more choices to web users. But, well, it is part of a web designer's job to make sure that texts are easy and nice to read on all major browsers and platforms. With browser wars is in full force, Techniques for progressive enhancement are more commonplace than before, giving users of modern web browsers a better web experience than those who will not or cannot use them. This has surely drive competition in web designing.

5. Growth of community-oriented Platforms

In many ways, the growth of platforms such as Twitter and Facebook has led the web to be much more community-oriented. Along with these changes will come increased focus in getting information in real-time. Twitter is one of the examples that give immediate and breaking information on the sites. With more and more growth of such social media platforms and more people participating in the creation of information on the web, the way in which we obtain information has shift from being from a singular source, into a more community-created source.

6. Interactive Designs

Web designers of Web applications are paying significantly more attention to the way in which functionality is presented and are trying to improve the user experience with more interactive and responsive solutions. There's a lot more emphasis now on site usability and creating sites that are minimalist in design and easy to navigate (perfect use of CSS and a grid based layout). Horizontal scroll bars have been out there for a decade, but today it feels that they are gaining a new context. The move to horizontal scroll bars is probably an attempt among some designers to provide a more distinct user experience. One way to make websites more responsive is through "keypress navigation," which hasn't been widely adopted so far. But lately we've observed more designs implementing this effectively. Web designers of Web applications are paying significantly more attention to the way in which functionality is presented and are trying to improve the user experience with more interactive and responsive solutions.

7. Slab Typefaces

These are relatively new as in the past logos and headers were smaller and more understated by web designers. However, combined with the trend toward larger headers, slab typefaces demand the reader to take notice.

8. Rich and strong Typography

It has played a major role in Web design for years now. Bold, strong, heavy headlines can effectively convey the purpose of an e-commerce website or portfolio, while subtler headings help structure content and improve legibility. Obviously, the big change we're seeing today is richer, more versatile typography. Oversized logos on an equally oversized header and Footer. We've further noticed that Web designers are extending their font stacks, adding increasingly more fall-back fonts in case a specified font is not available.

9. Recent trends

like embossing, PNG transparency, rich user Interfaces, Font replacement, Huge Images, Modal boxes(A modal box is like the pop-up's more sophisticated They serve as a user-friendly alternative to classic JavaScript windows), Media blocks, The magazine look, Carousels (slideshow navigations, in which the content rotates vertically or horizontally), Introduction blocks(place the most important message of the website right there and thus make sure that readers get the message as quickly as possible.) will continue to grow in this year.

10. More Personalization

As web designers look for more ways of attracting users and prospects to their websites and generating business online, personalization is emerging as an important component of managing the web experience for site visitors - and delivering business value. Be simple, invisible complexity, big and bold, art and creativity, bigger picture. Web Typography is going to reach some new heights in 2010-2011. JQuery, Mootools as well as CSS3 are evolving and reaching new levels of quality and 'interactivity'. Everything seems to be moving forward to larger elements which focus the attention.

Modern Web Design Techniques

Successful web design companies and designers will all tell you that the most important factors for your website are that they offer original content to your readers in a way that will assist the search engine results.

Make Your Website Sticky

By achieving the above your website will keep regular viewers and of course attract new ones. By adding good quality, original content you can be sure not to lose too many visitors to your competitor sites permanently.

Get The Branding Right

When designing or commissioning the design of your company logo, try to get several variations created to choose from. Ask your friends and colleagues for their opinion to help you make the right decision.

Keep Homepage Text Content Short

Find ways to keep your homepage text content light. Use short paragraphs, line breaks and bullet points where possible to make the information easy to absorb quickly. Don't put off the skim readers with too much text content.

Text Size Matters

Your target market may be much older than you and may require the use of screen reader tools and much larger text. Consider this at the outset so that your site design can accommodate this.

Easy Linking Between pages

Make it simple to move between pages with an organised menu structure. Anyone viewing the site and struggling to understand how to get around will probably leave.

Pictures Tell A Thousand Words

Good use of images can really improve the users ability to skim read the page and analyse the content more easily. Avoid confusing and non appropriate images and stick to the theme of your page when choosing images.

Give To Receive

Web searchers are usually happy to offer their details for you to use in your future marketing if you give them a freebie. A simple pdf download in trade for an email address is often enough to encourage an action from your visitors.

Learn From Your Peers

Sometimes you don't need to be completely original. Research your competitors sites to see the things that they do well and try to incorporate that into your site.