Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Michael Voris Responds to WYD Statement & USCCB

Well, as I said the other day the WYD Press Release from July 25th would create all sorts of interesting discussions on the Catholic Blogosphere. If you check out Patrick Madrid's site you will find over 85 comments on the matter. A large portion of the discussion is about one thing: why would the WYD Organizing committee put out a press release stating that Real Catholic TV isn't an approved group - when, in truth, they never applied nor did they need to apply for any sort of accreditation. Objectively, the press release is bizarre and intriguing.

Since then, Real Catholic TV and Voris have been somewhat quiet about the whole ordeal. There was a statement by someone affiliated posted on Patrick Madrid's comment box, but nothing "official" coming out of the RCTV team, until now. Real Catholic TV,  has put out the following Press Release on the subject:
July 26, 2011


SOUTH BEND, IN – The faithful who work at would like to thank the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for drawing attention to our existence and scheduled contributions to the upcoming World Youth Day events to be held in Madrid, Spain, as well as the launch of its new pilot program striving to address tough issues concerning sexuality and morals facing Catholic youth today,

While we regret that some assistant to the Secretariat for Laity of the USCCB has not given us her approval “to participate in the cultural program”, we prefer to rely upon the higher authority of Our Lord Himself, and an Ecumenical Council of the Roman Catholic Church as it does what it can to increase the authentic Faith and Morals of the Catholic Church:

“The laity derive the right and duty to the apostolate from their union with Christ the head; incorporated into Christ’s Mystical Body through Baptism and strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit through Confirmation, they are assigned to the apostolate by the Lord Himself.” Cf. Second Vatican Council, Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity, Apostolicam Actuositatem, 3.

For every press release that is issued mentioning our existence, more and more tangible interest in is generated on the part of ordinary Catholic faithful simply seeking straightforward information on just how to be really Catholic – not only in word, but more importantly in deed, which all too often is lacking on the part of some Dioceses in too many parishes to the grave detriment of souls. For the significant increased attention drawn to the exclusive on-line product found on, we are very grateful.

The faithful at are in full compliance with the universal norms of the Code of Canon Law, the universal legislation of the Roman Catholic Church, which in no canon muzzles ordinary Catholic faithful from using themselves on the web as genuine instruments of dissemination of Catholic principles. To the contrary, the Second Vatican Council calls upon every single Catholic to do his or her share to build up genuine observance of authentic Catholic Faith and Morals, which we only strive to achieve in a concrete and updated format resonating with the youth of today.

To learn more about us, check us out at, and Press and other Media are invited to contact Ms. Susan Vance, Director of Communications, directly at 248-545-5716, or by e-mail at
This statement is sure to ruffle a few feathers, especially those who are Anti-Voris, but it makes some really good points, the most salient of which is that this will only help promote Real Catholic TV and their mission. I don't know if the "tone" is what I would have expected or put out myself, but then again they might have simply been trying to keep this light-hearted. the WYD Org. Comm. really threw a bomb at them, and very unfairly. They are an apostolate and spending lots of money, other peoples donations, to go to Madrid and put on this event so it could have been detrimental to their efforts - again, unfairly. Yet, it seems that RCTV isn't too worried about the WYD P.R., and has put their own release out simply to drum up some more support and advertising for their event in Madrid: No Bull Madrid.

As for me, I still feel as if there is a lingering question that no one is asking, let alone answering:
Why in the world did the WYD Organizing Committee put out their Press Release? Is there someone that has an axe to grind against Voris that has just enough power to get a statement released? Did someone who dislikes Voris pester the WYD Org. Comm. enough to get a statement such as this released? In other words, what was the impetus for this Press Release?  I don't think we will ever get a straight answer to my questions, but they are important to ask and to think about.

Lastly, I want to reiterate my desire to hear an "after-action report" from WYD, especially in regards to what events, both sanctioned and non-sanctioned, occur in Madrid. I expect that once all the videos come out there will be some rather eye-opening revelations as they relate to the juxtapostion between the No Bull event and those other events that didn't receive a press release clarifying their status. I guess we will just have to wait and see.


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