Wednesday, July 27, 2011

'Profound Depths' of Spiritual Warfare

Arn, Knight Templar | Photo
We all need a reality check. We all need moments of 'reset' where we evaluate the way we think, believe, and conduct ourselves. The past two days I have blogged about Michael Voris and NFP. I can't think of more hot-button issues than that except for maybe Chapel Veils/Mass Attire and The New Missal Translation. In doing so I have tried to be objective as possible, which as a human is of course colored with bias and opinion. Yet, I think that the spiritual battles we are in require us to seek truth and justice in anything that we do concerning the Faith and Holy Mother Church.
In over our heads...
So, when I came across a post over at Abbey-Roads, it made me realize that sometimes we are in over our heads, regardless of how sincere and objective we attempt to be. Terry was talking about Anders Breivik, the Norwegian 'terrorist', but was addressing Spiritual Warfare in general. A statement he made really struck me:
Many aspire to be knight Crusaders in the spiritual battle, and many take up arms of their own making - completely on their own - and with misplaced zeal claim to be serving Our Lady, even proclaiming that the Blessed Virgin wears 'combat boots' amongst other types of war mongering analogies. Few of us living in the world really understand the profound depths of spiritual warfare however, and the humility and fidelity it takes to persevere in and through it - often amidst much tribulation and even through defeat after defeat.
How true is this? I don't think he was posting about me, or even bloggers like me... but he could have been. I discuss things like Voris, NFP, Spiritual Warfare, the Liturgy, things of the Faith that are of a very profound and important nature on my own accord. I, of course, hope to be serving Our Lady, and often make war-like analogies. Yet, as Terry says - do I have any understanding of the profound depths of spiritual warfare? I doubt it. Even if I do, I can't possibly possess the humility and fidelity it takes to persevere through it. I just can't - I am human and I am without much spiritual direction.
A sheep in ram's clothing...
Dall Sheep
I am a sheep who purports to be a ram. I rush into battle with fellow sheep, from behind my screen, bashing my imaginary horns into other little sheep, in a state of delusion that I am somehow combating on the fields of war. Yet, although I may be sadly mistaken that I am some great warrior I am nonetheless locked in the throws of melee with something.

Terry quotes Fr. Angelo Mary:
This battle is not of flesh and blood but of principalities and powers. Catholics need their fortitude back, but we can do without the romantic pieties of externalist chivalry.
He is right, a sword and shield makes not a knight. It isn't the external but the internal. We need fortitude, we need to battle, but it isn't about blogs and words, it is about prayer and beliefs. Our Holy Mother said Yes and was obedient, she served her Son as both a Mother and follower. Our battles must be done not to externally prove our worth or belief, but we must battle internally so that we are drawn closer to her and God. Terry talks about the idea of Mary 'wearing combat boots' - I don't want to tangent and talk about where that quote comes from, but if you read my blog you might get the sense that I would say the same thing. Maybe I would have, maybe I do or did at some point. I would be wrong regardless. Our Lady wears a Crown of 12 Stars, and she had the moon under her feet and she was clothed with the sun. Marching into battle with the wrong idea is not only misguided, but possibly fatal in the worst sort of way.
Fr. Angelo Mary says further:
What we need is Our Lady of Victory. We had better be careful about what crusades we call and the drums we beat and the pseudo-elites we try to create. Marian chivalry is a thing altogether different.
It is different. It isn't combat boots, it isn't ostentatious comments about war, battle, or fighting. Instead it is about humility, sacrifice, and love. Chivalry is about submission to love and beauty. Is all spiritual warfare or battle language bad or wrong? No, I dont think so or otherwise I would have to close my blog down this instant. (But what if it is?) People don't always appreciate Voris, myself, Shea, apologetics, etc... because of the strong tones we take. Sometimes they are right. Sometimes we wage and rage so hard against something that we miss the point entirely. Sometimes what is called for is a kiss and not a sword. Yet, sometimes a kiss is what deceives and kills. Hence, the profound depths of spiritual warfare. This isn't an easy thing in which to deal. This is serious and complex stuff. We cannot go it alone, and it is not for the weak of heart or spirit. I don't pretend to think I am anywhere near capable, but I have thrust myself in and now must 'swim or sink.' Therefore I must be honest with myself and my goals.

This is not to say that some of us can't play a vital role in the spiritual warfare that the Church, the Bride of Christ, faces. But, we must be authentic, we must be real. The strongest warriors, athletes, intellectuals all have one thing in common - they know and accept their limits and more importantly their weaknesses. By accepting those things that pull us away from the truth and our mission, we can compensate for those weaknesses. Hence, we must repent and reconcile our sins - The Church gives us a Sacrament and thereby grace to compensate and correct that which pulls us away from our Goal: Christ. When we are in need of Salvation we have a Sacrament - the Eucharist, to guide us on our path to Christ and Heaven. So you see, to be a knight, a warrior, a spiritual militant, we must accept our weaknesses and utilize our allies. This isn't about us, we don't do it alone, and rushing into battle waving a flag and a sword doesn't make us a spiritual warrior. Blogs, Tweets, and the such don't prove our humility or fidelity to the Church, all they do is shout out loud - all bark and no bite.
...but the Maiden...
So let us who claim to be spiritual warriors do it authentically. If we blog about it, it rings hollow unless we actually do it. Attend Mass, receive the Sacraments, pray, fast, give alms, die to self, feed the hungry, clothe the poor, spread charity, defend the Church, humble our selves, and walk the path of the Cross. A knight is brave not because he slays the dragon, but because the dragon can so easily slay him. It isn't about the sword, but the sacrifice. Chivalry is not about the armor, but the maiden. The depths of spiritual warfare are profound, we cannot do it alone and if we try... well, we shouldn't. We must trust in God, appeal to Mary, seek protection of St. Michael and humble ourselves. We shouldn't pick up a sword expecting victory, but as a sign of our commitment to die for our cause. Those that live by the sword, die by the sword - it isn't a warning but a rule.

Our Lady of Victory - Ora Pro Nobis. 
Our Lady of Victory|


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