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spending time with Jesus...
I was at Adoration the other night and was thinking of all that had happened and realized that so much happens in the world and we don't even realize it, yet God is constant. So much seems to happen while I am "away" from blogging for a few days on some "adventure." For example I was recently camping during the whole Corapi/Black Sheep Dog "announcement." Not that I have to "comment" on Catholic news to be a relevant blogger, it is just interesting how God does things - time wise.While visiting with friends today the movie "Rudy" was on in the background and there is this line where a priest says, "Praying is something we do in our time, the answers come in God's time." Isn't this so true? We often find ourselves trying to do so much to affect how God will act in our lives, and the one thing we should do is obediently waiting for God's answer. Instead, we get impatient and try to do "more."
For me, reading about these events on my "smart phone" as I camped, got soaked in the rain, and caught copious amounts of Salmon was a surreal experience. I felt so disconnected from the world and these events. Normally, I feel so "plugged-in" because I am constantly updating my blog, checking Twitter, Facebook, etc... What I fail to realize in both instances is that God is constant. There is no "Breaking News", no Re-Tweets that catch his attention, or any 'Top News.' Instead He is always gracious and merciful regardless of the situation.
standing still...
It is hard to explain what I feel when it seems the world is spinning around and I am standing still, but I think we have all felt that way before. It makes you feel small and insignificant. The day to day wraps us up into the world in such a way that we almost feel as if it couldn't possibly go on without us, when in reality the exact opposite is true. What makes God so shocking and so mysterious is that not only does He know us by name, but He loves us so much that He is willing to forget every last thing we did to put Him on the cross, if only we turn back to him. It is insanity - the world spins around and doesn't even notice us... and yet to Him, we... you and I, make it spin round. Time passes and God remains the same, only you and I change. We hurry and run-round trying to "do things" to make some difference - to ourselves, to our family, and to the world. Instead, we should worry a little more that we are spending time to make Him happy, for He truly loves us... and only He will matter when our time is up.†††
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