Friday, April 30, 2010
AdWords for mobile is fully available
Adobe Community Help and Google Site Search: Making search come alive in CS5
- find fast answers with powerful new search options that let them focus results to just Adobe content, community content, developer resources, or even code samples
- download core Adobe Help and language reference content for offline viewing (thanks to the Adobe AIR runtime)
- see what the community thinks is the best, most valuable content via ratings and comments
- share their expertise with others and find out what experts have to say about using their favorite Adobe product

The "Open" Classroom and Cheating
I'm posting this as I'm watching my students take an open Latin assessment. Basically my concern is three-fold:
1) There is no where outside of the traditional classroom that someone would not be able to use whatever resources they wanted to complete a task -- [yeah, yeah, I can already hear the desert island iPhone battery jokes].
2) What we usually call "tests" are anything but.
3) As far as "cheating" goes: why not just create assessments that a) don't assess the ability to memorize and b) are different for each kid?Want to know your thoughts. Do you give open assessments? Do you let students use resources (Net, notes, each other)? How do you define "cheating"? Why do teachers create assessments that can be "cheated" on?
Lubang Vulkanik Bawah Laut Ditemukan
Rahasia dan Fenomena Alam terungkap, sebuah lubang vulkanik bawah laut ditemukan. Sekelompok ilmuwan dari National Oceanographic Centre menemukan lubang vulkanik bawah laut terdalam di dunia. Lubang vulkanik tersebut ditemukan saat mereka menjelajahi Cayman Trough, wilayah perairan Karibia, menggunakan robot laut bernama Autosub6000.
Diketahui, air di sekitar lubang vulkanik memiliki temperatur yang panas. Para ilmuwan berpendapat, hal ini bisa menjadi petunjuk dalam membeberkan teka-teki permulaan kehidupan di bumi dan spesies makhluk hidup laut yang belum pernah diketahui sebelumnya.
“Sangat mengejutkan, mengetahui bahwa di dalam dunia dengan enam miliar lebih penduduk, terdapat bagian dari planet kita yang belum pernah terlihat sebelumnya,” tulis salah satu anggota kapal James Cook dalam situs pribadinya.
Menurut para ilmuwan, lubang vulkanik super panas atau yang dikenal dengan sebutan ‘Black Smokers’, kerap menjadi penuntun para ilmuwan dalam menemukan spesies bawah laut baru. Para ilmuwan menggunakan kapal James Cook untuk menurunkan Autosub6000, yaitu robot yang dikendalikan remote control untuk menjelajahi bawah laut dan menemukan lubang vulkanik.
Seperti dilansir CNN, Selasa (13/4/2010), lubang vulkanik akan retak di dalam kerak bumi yang memungkinkan magma, gas, asap, dan materi lainnya menyembur ke permukaan.Temperatur di wilayah ini bisa mencapai 750 derajat Fahrenheit dan memanaskan air laut hingga temperatur paling ekstrim sebelum memuntahkannya kembali ke laut, yang kemudian terbentuk sebuah erupsi asap.
Para ilmuwan berharap mereka bisa melakukan penjelajahan lebih jauh guna mengidentifikasi makhluk laut baru lainnya, karena makhluk yang dapat bertahan di temperatur ekstrim dapat memberikan petunjuk mengenai asal muasal dimulainya kehidupan di bumi.
Dari fenomena alam tersebut ada sebuah hikmah dan pelajaran untuk manusia. Adalah kewajiban bagi manusia untuk dapat melihat tanda-tanda kebesaran Allah SWT. Dengan demikian, orang tersebut akan mengenal Sang Pencipta yang menciptakan dirinya dan segala sesuatu yang lain, menjadi lebih dekat kepada-Nya, menemukan makna keberadaan dan hidupnya, dan menjadi orang yang beruntung dunia dan akhirat.
Dalam Al Quran, manusia diseru untuk merenungkan berbagai kejadian dan benda alam, yang dengan jelas memberikan kesaksian akan keberadaan dan keesaan Allah beserta sifat-sifat-Nya (tafakkur-tadabbur-tasyakkur). Dalam Al Quran, segala sesuatu yang memberikan kesaksian ini disebut “tanda-tanda”, yang berarti “bukti yang teruji kebenarannya, pengetahuan mutlak, dan pernyataan kebenaran.” Jadi, tanda-tanda kebesaran Allah terdiri atas segala sesuatu di alam semesta ini yang memperlihatkan dan menyampaikan keberadaan dan sifat-sifat Allah. Orang-orang yang dapat mengamati dan senantiasa ingat akan hal ini akan memahami bahwa seluruh jagat raya tersusun hanya dari tanda-tanda kebesaran Allah (ayat-ayat kauniyah).
Dan katakanlah, “Segala puji bagi Allah, Dia akan memperlihatkan kepadamu tanda-tanda kebesaran-Nya, maka kamu akan mengetahuinya. Dan Tuhanmu tiada lalai dari apa yang kamu kerjakan.” (QS. An-Naml: 93).
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Eclipse Movie Trailer
Bagi para pecinta The Twilight Saga, twihard, twilighters or apalah sebutannya (termasuk aku he..he..he..), pasti saat ini semakin tidak sabar The Twilight saga: Eclipse Movie rilis. Rasanya gregetan banget nunggunya, yah tepatnya 61 hari lagi dan euphoria pun semakin menjadi-jadi (masih lamaaaaaaaaaaaa). Pihak Summit Entertainment selaku production house, juga seolah-seolah sengaja membuat kita semua geregetan. Gimana tidak, trailer eclipse saja di rilis hingga 3 tahap, ck ck ck. Teganya kau summit mengulur-ngulur hati kami.
Iyah memang trailer ini dirilis hingga 3 tahap dengan jangka waktu yang berbeda-beda. Trailler yang pertama muncul tanggal 10 maret 2010 secara online. Trailer pertama ini berdurasi hanya 10 detik. WHATTTT!!! Apa-apaan ini, bahkan mataku belum sempat berkedip aja trailer ini sudah habis (damn u summit.. peliiit). “ I know the consequences of the choice your making”. Waoow suara edward SEKSEH abeeeeezz.. (suaranya seperti beledu –kata bella).
Sebenarnya trailer dari jauh-jauh hari memang telah diumumkan akan rilis secara resmi tanggal 12 maret 2010 tepat di premiere film Remember Me yang juga di bintangi oleh Robert Pattinson. Namun ternyata ada konfirmasi dari summit bahwa akan ada trailer 10 detik secara online, sebelum trailer diluncurkan secara resmi. Robert Pattinson juga ternyata executive producer dalam film ini. So, tidak heran jika saling berkaitan dalam promonya. Berikut Video dan CAPS dari trailer TWILIGHT SAGA : ECLIPSE 10 DETIK
Trailer kedua berdurasi selama 90 detik, wah lumayan niey meskipun cuma 1:32. Waoww meadow scene *gasps*... ini dia yang ditunggu-tunggu, ternyata garapan David Slade sang sutradara keren juga. Pencahayaan dan setting nya menurutku lebih keren dan bagus daripada twilight dan newmoon. Meskipun menurutku bella dan edward terlihat lebih tua disini, padahal kan vampir tidak boleh terlihat tua (karena robert pattinson tetaplah manusia yang terus tumbuh dimakan usia wakakakakakak). Trailer kedua ini masih kurang greget sepertinya hanya romancenya saja yang ditunjukkan (mana perangnya.. mana the cullens family.. mana rileyy?). Berikut Video dan CAPS dari trailer TWILIGHT SAGA : ECLIPSE TRAILER
Trailer ketiga ini yang tidak disangka-sangka dan baru rilis tanggal 23 april 2010 kemaren secara langsung di OPRAH WINFREY SHOW. Trailer yang berdurasi 1:39 ini ternyata puncaknya, semua lengkap, cincinya keliatan (tapi kok cincinya kayaknya kegedean gak sih permatanya?), The army of vampire... owh rileeeeeeyyy akhirnya nongol juga (cakep euy yang jadi riley). Tenda.. keliatan bok tenda putihnya (sleeping bag scene.. jijay ah bayanginnya.. edward yang broken heart.. gak tega aku). Suasana kota yang mencekam juga keren bok, Love u dyeh david slade (i really really hope bed scenenya jangan dimasukin deleted scene yak). Yang paling menarik perhatianku justru saat edward dorong pohon, ampuuuun sekseh abizzz n so powerfull ( oh.. Caveman's edward.. sweet).
Melalui OPRAH WINFREY SHOW ini juga diumumkan bahwa Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart dan Taylor Lautner akan hadir di acara ini tanggal 13 mei 2010 tepat di hari ulang tahun Robert Pattinson. OMR (oh my rob).. OMK (oh my kris).. gak sabar nungguin robsten moments. Bubble mereka gak nguatin dyeh. Aku yakin banget akan banyak kejutan di hari ituw. ( Aku merana saking gak sabarnya *sighs*)
Ternyata ada syuting ulang eclipse movie di Vancouver, aku kurang tau adegan mana yang diulang. Rumornya sih karena banyaknya gambar adegan the meadow dan bed scene Bellaward yang udah kesebar duluan di internet. Tapi itu baru sebatas rumor, namun agak was-was juga kalo adegan bed scenenya kena sensor. Hal ini terkait dengan range usia film ini kan pe 13 tahun (Yawdah dyeh dimasukin deleted scene gak papa.. asal jangan dibuang yah editor...). Hanya bisa berdoa aja semoga film ini bisa memuaskan semua kalangan hehehhe.
Cast of Eclipse sudah mulai berdatangan di Vancouver, Kanada untuk syuting ulang eclipse movie. David Slade sang sutradara udah sampe duluan tanggal 23 April 2010. Adapun Kristen Stewart tiba di vancouver tanggal 27 April 2010, katanya bareng Taylor Lautner siey.. tapi si Tay tidak ketangkep bidikan kamera paparochi. Sedangkan Robert Pattinson baru tiba 28 April 2010 kemarin. Berikut bidikan kamera para paparochi disana (agak bureng.. tapi lumayan obat kangen hehehehe). Ayo Robsten tunjukan bubbles mu. Wah kangen-kangenan nih robsten, kan terakhir ketemu waktu ngrayain ultah kristen 9 April lalu di Budapest, Hungaria. Wajah mereka keliatan happy, mau ketemuan ma yayang sih. hihihihi ^_^
Sebagai tambahan info, update news hari ini, Summit Entertainment telah mengkonfirmasi bahwa pemenang Academy Award®, Bill Condon akan menyutradarai The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn. Wah finally, sutradaranya kepilih juga. Aku tidak begitu tau Bill Condon, film dia salah satunya adalah Dream Girls. Tapi jika dia adalah pemenang Academy Award, pastinya dia adalah sutradara hebat. Karena ini adalah film terakhir, harus sutradara yang terbaik yang menjadi sutradara Breaking Dawn. Banyak adegan-adegan penting yang menjadi puncak novel The Twilight Saga. Scene Bella melahirkan anak setengah immortal memang kontroversial, hingga pemilihan sutradara berlangsung cukup lama. Semoga rumor kalau Breaking dawn akan dijadikan dua seri benar adanya, sehingga tidak ada adegan-adegan penting dalam novel Breaking Dawn yang dipotong. Waaaaaaa.. Wedding, Honeymoon, Pregnant, Life after Immortal, perang lagi, pasti sangat Haaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwt. (Range usia film ini ditingkatkan dunk, biar gak banyak sensor hahahhaa * evil laugh*).
Download Video Youtube Dengan Opera Mini dan Mozilla Firefox
Beberapa waktu yang lalu, aku sudah pernah posting artikel mengenai cara download video YouTube tanpa software dengan beberapa link untuk mengunduhnya. Namun beberapa bulan ini link-link tersebut selalu saja eror dan ada perintah untuk menginstall java. Aku memang tidak terlalu tau banyak tentang pemrograman. Dalam hal ini aku tidak tau penyebabnya, entah software laptopku yang eror atau dari YouTube nya yang eror (mohon sharing disini kalo tau penyebabnya).
“Using Java now - click "run" / "accept" / "trust" in the security dialog for this to work correctly.
For more help, see our help page or look at our step-by-step tutorial”
“To download video using Savevid Java applet you need Java to be installed. Click to install Java. Reload this page after installation.”
Setelah java aku download dan kuikuti semua perintah yang ada, ternyata tetap saja aku tidak bisa download videonya. Jengkel banget rasanya, padahal aku sudah terlalu kebergantungan banget dengan youtube. Yah walaupun aku tau, situs-situs sharing video selain Youtube banyak banget, tapi rasanya kurang lengkap saja. Akhirnya setelah browsing, ternyata ada cara lain untuk download video di Youtube. Ternyata cukup dengan browsernya saja yaitu melalui cachenya. Berikut aku berikan rincian langkah-langkah download video melalui operamini dan mozilla firefox.
1. Putar video yang ingin kamu download hingga selesai (ingat hingga selesai!!)
2. Setelah itu cari lokasi cachenya, masing-masing browser memiliki cara yang berbeda
a. Buka halaman baru dan ketik: opera:config#UserPrefs|CacheDirectory4
b. Ketik url pada bagian Cache Directory4 . Ini lokasi cache di laptopku:
Mozilla Firefox
a. Buka halaman baru ketik : about:cache?media=disk
b. Pada bagian Offline cache device, klik List Cache Entries
c. Copy Cache Directory, ini lokasi cache di laptopku:
d. Klik Up to higher level directory kemudian klik CACHE
3. Setelah lokasi cachenya ketemu, cari file yang telah didownload, kemudian save pada folder yang kalian pilih. Adapun trik untuk menemukan file yang kita tuju cukup meilhat tanggal dan jam kita selesai download. Apabila video yang kita download cukup panjang dapat dengan mudah ditemukan karena filenya yang cukup besar. Untuk operamini biasanya letak filenya urut sesuai waktunya, namun untuk mozilla biasanya agak berantakan.
4. Klik file yang dipilih dan jangan lupa mengganti file menjadi flv dengan mengetik: .flv dibelakangnya.
Mozilla Firefox
5. Akhirnya videonya berhasil di unduh dyehhh.
Kelihatannya memang ribet, namun itu hanya pada awalnya saja. Jika kamu sudah tau lokasi cachenya, itu akan secara otomatis tersimpan di history address bar kamu atau simpan saja di bookmark. Kamu tinggal langsung klik alamat cachenya :
Untuk opera:
Untuk Mozilla:
Setelah aku coba memakai kedua browser tersebut, menurut pendapatku lebih enak pakai operamini, karena selain lokasi filenya yang urut juga karena file itu pasti tersimpan. Sedangkan untuk mozilla firefox, pernah beberapa kali setelah video aku play hingga selesai, ternyata setelah aku cari di lokasi cache ternyata tidak tersimpan, padahal aku sudah menunggu cukup lama memutar video tersebut. Jadi untuk tidak mengambil resiko aku selalu pakai operamini. Dan aku ingatkan sekali lagi, sebelum video selesai diputar jangan sekali-kali membuka lokasi cachenya.
Okey, semoga bermanfaat yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ^_^
More relevant traffic estimates now in the updated Keyword Tool
Additional publisher resources: Navigating DoubleClick Ad Planner
In the first part of our video series the AdSense team’s own Vijay Vachani will walk through the ins and outs of the DoubleClick Ad Planner. Vijay will explain how advertisers find information about your site through the Ad Planner, and how you can take advantage of the features available in the Ad Planner’s ‘Publisher Center”.
Posted by Posted by Matthew Carpenter-Arevalo - Inside AdSense team
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Top 91 CPA & Affiliate Networks For You To Profit From
So, You Are Looking For A Huge List Of Affiliate And CPA Networks... You Came To The Right Place!
Here is a big list of companies that use the Cost-Per-Action type of compensation. Each of the service providers below have been check to make sure I didn't post any unethical company that can harm you or your business in any way. I also added a list of useful resources to help you understand all about this 2009-2010 and beyond gold rush!...
If you are a beginner I recommend you to read my 49 affiliate marketing tips, which can help you jump star your online venture. This networks have offers paying up to $150 per lead, and up to 80% commission per sale. So, as you can see is a great deal of opportunities here to make some real money online. In future posts I'll be giving you some strategies that you can use to create successful CPA campaigns.
For now here is the list so you can start getting your feet wet in the world of super affiliates!....
- Ad Canadian.
- Ad Communal.
- Adjump.
- AdMax Media.
- Adscend Media.
- Affiliace.
- Affiliate Cash Pile.
- Affiliate Fuel.
- AffiliateTraction.
- AffiliateWise.
- Affiliate Venture Group.
- AffNet.
- As Seen on TV Network.
- Axon Media Group.
- Azoogle Ads.
- B-Line Revenue.
- The BizOpp Network.
- Clickbank.
- Clickbooth.
- Clickspeed.
- Commission Monster.
- Commission River.
- Convert2media.
- Copeac.
- Cpadna.
- CPA Prosperity.
- CPA Underground.
- CX Digital (IncentAclick).
- Cpaflash.
- Cpaway.
- DTM Partners.
- eComLeads.
- EliteClicksMedia.
- EWA Private Network.
- Feed Flare Media.
- Fluxads.
- Floatinteractive.
- GetAds.
- Google Affiliate Network.
- Globalizer.
- Global Ad Revolution Guppy Media. (No longer available)
- Health Converter.
- Highprofits.
- Hybryd Ads.
- LFM Network.
- LeadExpose.
- LeaderMarkets.
- Lead Research Group.
- Maxbounty.
- MarketLeverage.
- MediaTrust.
- ModernClick.
- MotiveInteractive.
- Mundo Media.
- NDemand Affiliates.
- Ndustry Clix.
- NetPartner.
- Neverblue.
- Offeratti.
- Offerfusion.
- PayDotCom.
- PartnerWeekly.
- Peerfly.
- PublisherRev.
- Qwik Media.
- RevenueAds.
- RevenueLoop.
- RevenueStreet.
- Rextopia.
- ROIRocket.
- Smart E Offers.
- SnapVertise.
- Swish Marketing.
- Triad Media.
- Unanimis.
- Uniqueleads.
- Unite Network.
- Video Performance Network.
- Wotogepa, now called PPC Couch Netword.
- XY7.
- Unanimis.
- Underground Elephant.
- Uniblue Systems.
- yMultimedia.
- YeahCPA.
If you think this list is not huge enough for you, and want even more networks to put in your income test projects, go to Geno Prussavok's blog for a list of 170+ Affiliate Networks from the US alone!...
- Blogging To The Bank 2010.
- Super Affiliate Handbook. (Using CPA)
- Super Affiliates. (Great for CPA)
To your success,
Luis Galarza, Internet Marketing Consultant In Massachusetts.
Proud member of the Internet Entrepreneurs Club.
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"We launched our own computer lab in my classroom."
A few days back, I published a post of things teachers had done to go paperless in their classrooms. Some were high-tech and some were lo-tech. They were all creative, thoughtful, determined, and pro-student.
This evening I got word of another project a teacher and his students took on. And I'm in awe.
"My 130 + students decided that we were not going to go paperless for just Earth Day, but rather the remainder of the year. We discussed a plan and then put that plan into action. My students and I were able to take a laptop cart that had been abandoned by most at the school due to the operating issue of the machines, which are about six years old. We spent the next few weeks leading up to Earth Day repairing and cleaning the machines up after school.That's from a post by Mike Meechin, a high school teacher in Florida. He posted it on his blog -- Innovate Education -- and I, for one, am looking forward to checking in throughout these last several weeks of the school year to see how he and his students are doing.
"On April 22, we launched our own computer lab in my classroom."
Update to Google Maps in Canada
Eyefortravel TDS: follow tweets at #tdsasia
Business Traveller Tip: 12 survival tips for staying at a 5 star hotel

- Do not give your bags to bell boy: When I get to my room I usually want to unpack, shower and go to sleep in that order. If the bell boy has your bags the preferred order of unpack, shower, sleep changes to wander around room for ten mins waiting for bell boy to arrive, open door, wait uncomfortably for 2-5 mins for bell boy to bring in bag and then leave, stress about whether or not this is a country where tipping is required then get to the 1, 2, 3 of unpack, shower, sleep.
- Prep for check-in: At check-in, in one go hand over ID, Credit Card and loyalty card. Reduces questions, check in delay and problems with name pronunciation
- Be polite at check-in: You are tired and grumpy but they control everything from upgrades to speed of room service. Be nice. Say thank you
- Get two keys even if there is only one of you: Keep one key in your pocket and the other in your laptop bag away from your computer. Magnetic key cards do not react well to mobiles/smart phones/blackberries. It does not matter how deep the bath or sweet smelling the soap is, if you can't get into the room because your phone nuked your key and you have to head back to reception for a new one . BTW I hate when this happens and at reception assistants looks at me and says 'you didn't keep your key in your pocket did you? We recommend against that'. Makes me want to pull a Russel Crowe
- Confirm non-smoking every time: especially for late night check in. Too often I have a non-smoking res only to have the late night staff either not notice or not care. The last thing you want late at night is get to your room, turn around, go all the way back down stairs and effectively check in all over again
- Beware the elevator with a minds of its own: if you need a key to activate the elevator, them keep your foot in the door or finger on the open door button until the elevator has recognised the key input. Otherwise look forward to screaming at the button as the elevator timer clicks over faster that you can say 'there's no place like home' and sends you hurtling in the opposite direction to where you want to go
- Bolt the door: Whenever in your room bolt lock the door and turn on do not disturb to prevent any chance of housekeeping walking in when you don't want them to. I even had a hotel give my room to another punter who turned up at 1130 pm while I was asleep.
- Before going to sleep turn out the lights: Not as easy as it sounds. Five star hotel rooms emit a lot of light beyond the room lights. There is the standby light for the TV, the fire alarm will have a light, the control panel for the room may glow at night, the phone a message light, the clock radio a mid to high glow, the DVD player, the toilet light switch, an emergency light, the mini bar....too often I have turned out the main lights, gone to bed and sat in a near transcendental glow as all around points of red, green and blue lights emit from devices supposed to make my stay more enjoyable but instead bore into my brain. Check around the room before bed to determine what lights need the tried and true "cover with a sock" treatment
- Eat breakfast in the main area: if you have the option of breakfast in executive lounge or the main hotel restaurant take the main restaurant option not the lounge (unless you need wifi see tip 10). While the lounge offers a quieter (and more kudos filled) environment, at a five star hotel the full restaurant breakfast buffet should come with an exponentially larger range of choice than the lounge options
- Hunt for free wifi: will not work all the time but the lobby, exec lounge and area near the meeting rooms are the best places to hunt for free wifi
- Don't express check out: Unless the queue at check out is horrible I find express check out carries more challenges than gains. Charges can appear that you did not plan and receipts do not arrive at the time you are doing your expenses
- The save money Don'ts: Don't use the phone - if you have to get them to call you back. Don't use hotel laundry service - find local laundromat that delivers. Don't use mini-bar - stock up at the convenience store down stairs.
thanks to watchwithkristin for the photo via flickr
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Randy Komisar on Getting to Plan B
Bridging the gap: Branding campaigns

My team and I work mostly with medium-sized businesses that try to be as efficient as possible with their online ad spend. In the past, we found that direct response campaigns (which ask users to make a purchase or sign up for a newsletter) were more common than pure branding campaigns. However, I've seen firsthand that advertisers are slowly but surely beginning to understand the value of online advertising as an extremely cost-efficient, effective and measurable branding mechanism.
As publishers, this means that you'll have more opportunities to capitalize on the increased ad competition that brand campaigns bring. Below I'll explain what types of brand campaigns we see, how advertisers select publishers to include in brand media plans, and how you can ensure that your sites make it in.
Types of Branding Campaigns
The most important difference between direct response and brand campaigns is that brand campaigns aren't focused on driving direct conversions. The goals of online "pure brand" campaigns are very similar to offline ads: reach a specific audience with a sticky message that builds recognition, favor, and/or credibility of the brand. Another type of brand campaign called "brand response" aims to reach a targeted audience and elicit some form of action. Common types of brand response goals include increased searches on brand terms, unique visitors to the advertiser's site, and user interaction on site.
To achieve these goals, most brand campaigns have the following characteristics:
- CPM pricing
- Flighted dates (specific, short period of time for an advertising campaign)
- Display ads
- Placement targeting* (Brand advertisers, especially pure brand advertisers want to ensure that they reach a specific audience by targeting certain sites)
Building a Media Plan
When advertisers choose sites to include in the media plan for a brand campaign, they consider much more than 'will it convert?' The top things on their minds as they choose sites to target are:
- Does it have a high composition of their target audience?
- Is it aesthetically pleasing?
- Does it have highly visible, above-the-fold inventory?
- Does it accept image, flash and video ads?
- What is the average CPM?
As mentioned, brand campaigns are great for publishers because advertisers are willing to pay a premium for sites they want to show on. This means more revenue for you.
One of the best ways to maximize the chances of being included in a media plan is to update your site information in the Ad Planner Publisher Center. Google Ad Planner is the media planning tool advertisers use to select inventory on the content network. Ad Planner allows advertisers to filter sites by audience composition, accepted ad formats and sizes, reach, unique visitors and daily pageviews.
Other important steps you can take:
- Accept image and video ads
- Provide above-the-fold, premium placement ad slots
- Open up real estate on your homepage
- Opt to receive placement targeted ads
Manufacturing in the Cloud with Google Apps and Smartsheet

Veteran enrollment in top MBA programs

This shows that US veterans represent around 2-4% of the top MBA schools, with an average of about 3%. There is also some variation from across the schools, but I would caution against extrapolating long term school trends from this data, as schools with smaller classes can easily have significant fluctuations in the number of veteran admits. Rather, we can look at this information as a single data point and compare it to future class years. This data also provides no insight into the acceptance rate at each school for military veterans, since applicant demographics are usually held strictly confidential.
On a positive note, there is no reason why these numbers can't go up. The HBS dean of admissions, Deirdre Leopold, is quoted in Fortune magazine talking about the number of military vets at HBS by saying "I would be happy to have that number go up."
Hopefully with the humble help of this blog, and all the resources available, those numbers will indeed go up.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Business Writing Tip: Earning Credibility
Simply put, the communicator's job is often a balancing act of creating communications that satisfies Management and readers wants and needs at the same time. This may seem like an untenable challenge for Business Communicators, but in reality it is not all that dissimilar from what all writers and authors have to confront.
Consider that creative writers aim to entertain or inform their readers, but their editors have to be satisfied first. Substitute management for editors, and you can see the obvious parallel. Moreover, successful authors earn profits for their publishers, and success earns these writers acceptance and a degree of artistic freedom from editors.
That said, an effective Business Communicator can impact profitability every bit as much as a "best selling" author. (If you doubt this, then consider how a well-designed Training Manual, Operating Procedure, or Marketing Campaign can positively affect the bottom line.)
But if you feel that gaining more creative control over your writing will enhance it's impact and effectiveness, then you will have to earn this privilege. In real terms, this means building credibility and acceptance through sustained excellence, just like any other professional writer.
Granted, there is no easy formula for accomplishing this, but there are several common methods communicators can practice in order to enhance their credibility and influence. Start by committing yourself to the following:
1. Produce consistent and professional writing products.
It may seem obvious, but all projects deserve your best effort. A particular project may seem mundane and unimportant to you, but not so for someone who is counting on your expertise to produce an effective communication. Remember, simple and easy does not mean the same thing.
2. Meet deadlines.
Be aware that communications are generally time-sensitive and having a cavalier attitude about deadlines will not endear yourself to anyone. Keep in mind that nothing hurts a professional reputation more than being unreliable.
3. Invest time and effort to sharpen your Writing Skills.
Regardless of your formal education level, seek out Continuing Education opportunities. Writers are by nature curious, and if you are true to your Craft, you will embrace learning as part of the job.
4. Learn from your mistakes.
As difficult as it may be, accept criticism as a developmental opportunity. Obviously, no writer enjoys rejection, but viewing such as a personal attack on your competence is neither professional nor productive.
Finally, be mindful that even though you may have some very good and valid ideas on ways to improve communications in your organization, unless you have laid the groundwork to enhance your credibility, your ideas will likely fall on deaf ears. In the end, if you want to enhance your value and relevancy to your organization, you will have to work at it.
Teaching Doesn't Take a Lunch Break
I'm especially interested in the piece they cite by Elizabeth Puccini on the 'Fed Up with Lunch' blog where she explains how:
"Starting in October 2009, our schools were the first in New York City to have Meatless Mondays."I'd love to hear your thoughts on school cuisine -- both in terms of things 'green' and things 'healthy'. For it's ironic that as people we recognize the value of good food in fostering good conversation and camaraderie, yet so often our school cafeteria lines are full of fried, salty, sugary heart-attack food seemingly at best bent on fostering bad breath and stomach cramps.
Maybe we ought to keep in mind that 'teaching' doesn't take a lunch break.
Music Business/Law Tips - "Publisher"
(1) the songwriter has to split the income and the copyrights with the publisher (usually forever), and (2) normally the deal is for several years so the writer can only write for the that one publishing company during the term and if the publisher is lazy or short staffed the songs might languish and the songwriter will starve.
Ben McLane Esq
A new approach to how we work with advertising agencies
As the advertising industry has grown and evolved, so too has our relationship with advertising agencies. These companies, from SEMs to the largest traditional agencies, play a critical role in the continued success of Google, our advertisers and our industry — so we spend a lot of time talking to agencies about how we can make it easier for them to work with us and our advertisers.
We’ve had a lot of great feedback from agencies and today we’re announcing changes designed to offer them better training and more rigorous certification in AdWords proficiency, and to lower costs for those who help advertisers get the most out of AdWords. We’re also making it easier for advertisers to find certified agency partners to work with them on digital advertising. Here’s an overview of what’s changing today.
Raising the bar for Google AdWords Certification
We're retiring our long-standing Google Advertising Professionals (GAP) program and replacing it with a new Google AdWords Certification program for those managing AdWords accounts on behalf of advertisers. The new program provides agencies and their employees with more up-to-date, comprehensive, strategy-focused training and certification on the latest tools and best practices for managing AdWords accounts, including:
- New training materials to help agencies better understand recent changes in search marketing and AdWords functionality, available via webinar series, learning center, or on-site training at Google
- More challenging certification exams to test practical application of knowledge and best practices (rather than simple recall of knowledge)
- Advanced-level exams to highlight competency in search, display, reporting and analysis
- A redesigned Certified Partner badge, which includes a “Click to Verify” element so advertisers can view the partner’s profile page for additional information.
Helping advertisers find Google Certified Partners
Google Certified Partners can opt in to Google Partner Search, an online, searchable directory that helps advertisers identify Certified Partners that meet their criteria. Small and medium-sized advertisers who haven’t previously used an agency have told us that evaluating potential partners can be a daunting task, so we think Google Partner Search will be especially valuable for them.
To show up in advertiser searches through Google Partner Search, agencies must opt in and fill in details about their core attributes and capabilities. Searches can be filtered by location, agency experience within a particular budget range, the types of services provided and the industry verticals an agency serves. Advertisers can then evaluate the list of Certified Partners that meet their criteria and contact the partners who seem best suited to their needs. To learn more about Google Partner Search, visit the Help center.
Introducing preferred AdWords API pricing
The Google AdWords API allows developers to build applications that interact directly with the AdWords platform. Agencies and developers of search engine marketing tools use these applications to manage large AdWords campaigns more efficiently and creatively.
Today, we’re announcing preferred AdWords API pricing. This gives qualified Google AdWords Certified Partners who manage client AdWords accounts free use of the AdWords API based on managed client spend. To apply, agencies must have an active agency profile page and remain compliant with the AdWords API terms and conditions. We’ll evaluate applications for preferred AdWords API pricing based on the criteria listed here.
We hope preferred AdWords API pricing will encourage agencies and developers to experiment with new strategies, expand the functionality of their tools, and build more comprehensive client campaigns without worrying about increased costs. You can learn more about preferred pricing and how to apply at the preferred AdWords API pricing site.
We’re looking forward to receiving feedback on all of these initiatives and to continuing to improve our partnership with agencies.
Posted by Penry Price, Vice President, Global Agency Development
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Network Marketing Training-Mindset and Siberia
Ready to find out what mindset and Siberia have in common? If so, read on!
To Your Success,
Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371
P.S. "Build Your Network Marketing Empire BIG- Learn the Insider Secrets of an MLM Legend!". Click here to get your copy of Success in 10 Steps:
Siberia - snow, mud, rain, ice and great entrepreneurs.
If you follow my Twitter or Facebook posts, you know I made my annual trip to Siberia again last week. It is an exceptional place filled with hardy, determined entrepreneurs. You have to be tough to live with long, dark, bitterly cold winters while isolated from the rest of the world.
These are some of the most positive networkers and enthusiastic entrepreneurs in the world. It is great to be in the presence of such a community. It rubs off on you.
Now, think of who you associate with. If you are like me, when I first started in network marketing, I had associated exclusively with co-workers who complained about their jobs every day. They hated coming to work. And my friends, they whined about the government, the economy, and the bad sports teams in the city.
So guess what I did? I complained every day also.
And I started slow in network marketing. I wasn't looking for solutions to my sponsoring problems. I was just blaming all the stupid, lazy prospects.
But after a year or so, my weekly association with positive network marketers paid off. I was with them at meetings, trainings, events . . . and I stopped blaming the stupid prospects and decided that maybe I was the cause. After all, I was at the scene of the crime at every unsuccessful presentation I made.
This was the beginning of the change for me. I learned to stop blaming and complaining, and to take personal responsibility for my results. That's the power of associating with self-directed, positive people.
So what about you?
Who are you associating with in your conversations and everyday living?
Are you still associating with negative people exclusively? Or do you get a daily or weekly dose of positive input from positive, self-directed people?
Tom 'Big Al' Schreiter
Fortune Network Publishing
PO Box 890084
Houston, TX 77289 USA
PO Box 890084, Houston, TX 77289 USA
Nike YC Apparel Designer (Costa Mesa, CA)
- Create original innovative designs that reflect Hurley's culture and design philosophy. Understand and utilize new technologies that bring innovation to Hurley designs
- Effectively communicate and present design concepts
- Work with design team to produce presentation materials that effectively communicate the concept behind the line for internal and external audiences
- Work with design management and gender team members in design, merchandising and production to ensure feasibility of designs, meeting price points, merchandising needs and product creation timeline
- Provide prototype sampling information such as: fabrication, color, graphic applications, style, detail and fit requirements. Monitor the development of the prototype samples and interact with Development, Tech and Sample room to ensure timely completion of each project.
- Participate in activities that will increase understanding and working knowledge of the products, product lines, product development process, commercialization process and the specific markets in which Hurley does business
- Bachelors degree in Fashion design preferred
- 3 plus years relevant design experience
- Experience with Illustrator program
DesignPrimary Location
CA-Costa MesaSchedule
Yes, 10% of the timeDrug Screen Required
NoBackground Check Required
NoRelocation Available
YesNon-Compete Required
NoPosted by Kris Iringan