Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Storm of the... Ever!

That is a large area...
The Public Hazard Warning Area is almost as large as ND,SD, NE, & KS

Western Alaska is under a storm warning and public hazard warning in what is being called the "Worst Storm in History."

For those that don't realize it, Alaska doesn't mess around. We don't hype things up. Things are rough enough without sensationalism. When I woke up this morning, I was greeted with an outdoor temp reading of -4.8°F, others on my facebook feed were posting pics of up down to -15°. For the record, it is November. So tough circumstances are common place, especially the weather. So when the impending storm is considered so bad that Alaska has been exempted from the Nationwide EAS testing tomorrow, in case the system needs to be used for an actual emergency, you know things are bad.

So let us keep Western Alaska in our prayers. That part of the state is off the road system, that means that getting supplies, should they need anything, or sustain any duration of hardship, might become difficult. The method in shipment usually consists of boats and planes. But when the worst storm, ever, is passing this way, it is hard to get things out there. So let us keep everyone in our prayers.


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