Friday, August 5, 2011

Prayers for Cam and Baby

Prayer warriors, I want to let you know that Cam, over at "A Woman's Place is..." really needs some prayers right now. She is pregnant, 13 weeks, and has received some rather sad and difficult news:
Relief began to fade during the ultrasound. The ultrasound tech couldn't tell me anything, but the look on his face, and the look on the face of the nurse in the room, were both very grim. When the doctor came back into the room a while later he looked very sad.

He said that the baby is alive, but that it is measuring eight weeks (I'm 13 weeks along). More worrisome, he explained was the heart rate, which at 90 beats per minute, was much too low. He went on to say that, at this point there's not really anything anyone can do and that, unless a miracle occurs, I will likely miscarry very soon.

And so we wait. And cry. I've been praying every chaplet I can think of (Saint Gerard, Blessed Kateri, Saint Jude, Saint Anne, Saint Philomena and Saint Padre Pio were the saints whose intercession I prayed for before sleeping last night and the rosary) and am clinging to the tiny bit of hope that remains. And I do appreciate all your prayers. We're supposed to leave for Florida on Sunday. I have a feeling the weeks ahead are going to feel very long.
So please take a moment right now, ask those saints for intercessory help and favor and ask Jesus to cradle Cam, her husband, and their unborn baby in His hands. She is in the midst of a lot of life events and so this of course hits the way these things do: at the busiest of times.

St. Gerard - Ora Pro Nobis 


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