Sunday, January 30, 2011

ArchD of Anchorage: Updates and News

Just wanted to post about some happenings in the the Archdiocese of Anchorage. Most of these events are in Anchorage, of course.[1] There are a lot of great things going on in some places, and just because I, and some others can't take advantage of them, doesn't mean that they shouldn't be discussed.

Fr. Brundage Tuesday Evening Lecture Series:
St. Andrew Church pastor Father Tom Brundage continues a Tuesday evening lecture series.

  • Feb. 1 and 8: “The Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Catholic Church: Origins and Reform”
  • March 15 and 22: “Introduction to Canon Law”
  • March 29: “Lenten Reflection”
  • April 5: “The Return of the Latin Mass”
  • April 12: “Making Saints.”
The lectures are held at 6:45 p.m. at Gruening Middle School in Eagle River. [2]
[Link: Catholic Anchor]

Roman Missal Workshop - March 3rd
Feb. 1 Deadline for early bird special for the One-Day Workshop on the New Translation of the Roman Missal that will be on March 3
This workshop is designed for Deacons, Deacon Wives, Religious, Pastoral Associates, Lay Leaders, Liturgy Leaders, Music Ministers, and those interested in the liturgy.
Deadline for early bird special is February 1 for both the workshop and hotel rooms.
Workshop presenters are from the USCCB and the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions.

Sponsored by the Dioceses of Juneau, Fairbanks and Archdiocese of Anchorage.
Please visit your parish office for the registration form or email/call Kim Bakic for more information: or 297-7755.

There are other events that are upcoming that look worthwhile, but because I can not vouch for the presenters or content, I can't in good conscience advertise them on my blog.[3]  So make sure to keep your eye on the Anchor's website, they do a good job of keeping events and news up to date!

[1] That was meant to be snarky. We have little to no "activities" down here that are in any way orthodox or spiritually enriching. It is frustrating, and before a comment comes in the form of: "well you should start something." We have, several times. Any time we want to do anything it is altered, quelled, prevented, or oppressed. Maybe it is time to use this blog in a more direct way, like the Pope encouraged recently? I don't know... pray for us.

[2] Does anyone know if this is being advertised to a larger audience in some way, and is therefore at a more "public" venue and not at the Church? That would be AWESOME evangelization!

[3] The true arbiters and interpreters of the the teachings of the Church are of course our clergy. That doesn't mean though that as a lay person I shouldn't give my opinion, defend the faith, and attempt in my frailty to uphold the teachings of the Church. Mostly I try and remain silent unless I have some personal knowledge. Therefore, know that when I post something that it is solely my opinion and not meant to be the official interpretation of doctrine – in other words: who am I? Yet, at the same time, as I said, I attempt to make sure that my blog is a true testament to the teachings of God and His bride, the Church - not my preference or personal desire of what that should be.  Confusing, I know.


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