Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Presidential Picture

Christie - Out.
Palin - Out.

Romney is in "first" followed by Cain, Perry, Santorum, Bachmann, and Gingrich, probably in that order. The polls may say something different but this is the way I see it. 

I called the Palin thing back in the spring, I have blog posts if you want proof :) I don't know if she knew then, but it seemed pretty evident that she wasn't going to run. But I didn't write this post to tell you, "I told you so." I am writing this post to say... now what?

I think our best options: Mike Pence and Sarah Palin, are sitting on the sidelines. Bachmann is a great leader, but a big part of being President is assembling a great team, and I don't know if people would buy into the idea that she could do that. With Christie on the the outside, he becomes the #1 VP contender, and that means Rubio is out. 

The elephant in the room is Perry. WHAT in the world happened? Was it the media? Was it him? Was it someone else? I think you can argue that he wasn't that strong of a candidate to begin with, but that argument has some holes. You can say he is too much like Bush, not enough like Reagan, or whatever... and I might buy those. What is even more interesting than the Perry downslide is Romney.

I don't know one person, honestly, who is supporting him right now. I know a few that said they will vote for him, because he is better than Obama, but no out and out support. (Caveat: There are some that are super pragmatic and say, that they support him only because they think he will win... I think you get my point.)

So what do we do? Can we vote for Cain? Can Santorum or Bachmann come back? Is Perry really done?


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