Novena In Honor of St. Michael and All the Holy Angels
Eight Day:Most noble Archangels, you who, under the comman of St. Michael, guard and protect the Holy Church, deign to deliver her from internal and external enemies. Watch over the Holy Fathe, as well as over all the children of the Immaculate Spouse of Christ, and in virtue of the Divine Blood, obtain for us the grace to live and die in the Faith, Hope and Charity of Holy Church, so that we may be eternally united with its august Head, Jesus Christ Our Lord.(Optional prayer):
O all ye Holy Angels, who contemplate unceasingly the uncreated beauty of the Divinty, in company with our ever glorious Queen, we present and offer to you this novena not only as a means of obtaining favors (here specify your request), but also as a reparation for our past ingratitude, and that of all men. Deign to accept it, O amiable Spirits, in union with the love and devotion of such saints as were especially devout to you, and obtain for us the grace to spend this life fervently that it may be be commencement of that blessed life which we hope to live forever with you in heaven.
O God, who with wonderful order has regulated the functions of angels and men, grant that those who always assist before Thy throne in heaven may defend out lives here on earth, through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.

A novena may be made at any time of the year, with any form of approved prayers, of which these are. By this exercise, the faithful may gain an indulgence of five years on each day, and a plenary indulgence at the end of their novena under the usual conditions. - "Preces et Pia Opera," 409.
This Novena is from: St. Michael and The Angels, TAN Books, 1977.
You can purchase the Book at Aquinas and More.
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