Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Glen Biegel has some questions for Mark Begich

Mark Begich has announced a "Town Hall" this Wednesday in Anchorage. "Begich expects to answer questions on oil and gas development in Alaska, Medicare, the 2012 budget and other issues." Begich is a self professed Catholic and so his stance on issues are open to inquiry and analysis under Catholic Teaching and Canon Law.

Local radio host Glen Biegel, himself a Catholic, has posted some questions on his Facebook page that he thinks should be asked of Begich.
  1. Why not trade your vote on Obamacare?
  2. If you can force me to buy something that I don't need, something I don't want, something that I likely won't use, why is that good?
  3. Have you converted anyone over from a no vote on ANWR to a yes vote.
  4. What is the most common objection to ANWR?
  5. What is the best objection to ANWR in your mind?
  6. Change or repeal ESA? EPA? Clean Air/Water Acts?
  7. Do you know what the burden of debt is per person for the next generation? In yen?
  8. Can you explain why another bureacrat will straighten out the rest of the bureacrats? Isn't the answer to get the bureacrats out of our way, not add more?
  9. Did you ever criticize the Republicans for having large budget deficits?
  10. Did you ever claim to be pro-life?
  11. Do you support the Defense of Marriage Act?
  12. What prevents the US from just continuing to borrow money? What will happen to us if we just continue to print and borrow money?
The fact that he claims to be Catholic, and of most importance to this blog, would make Begich's answers to questions 9, 10 & 11 the most interesting, but I think these are all fair and relevant questions that Biegel raises. I don't think Begich would feel that way though. In fact, he is rather "touchy" about his Catholicism and any criticism thereof.

Again, Catholic Representatives and Senators need to be in line with Catholic Teaching and Canon Law. Having them out there promoting their version of the Faith only weakens it. Bishops need to get strong and utilize Canon Law (915 for example) and help guide these folks into the fold. 

If anyone goes to the Town Hall, and asks these questions or hears them asked, I'd love to hear his answers. I'd also love it if some more pointed questions were asked about his Catholicism. Then again, I don't think he would like that very much, and I don't know if the Archbishop would either. Why? Because the answers would put both Begich and the Archbishop (unfortunately) in a very, very sticky spot.


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