Mindyleigh raises a rather interesting questions over at The Devout Life:
At each Mass, prayers have been expressed for peace between North and South Korea, but I keep raising an eyebrow. How about they NOT reconcile? How about South Korea goes in and takes out the dictatorship of North Korea and liberates its suffering people?!? Lord, hear our (okay, "my") prayer!Now, I don't want to say I haven't thought the same thing. I haven't actually analyzed this situation under "Just War" analysis, but my off the cuff response is that she might be on to something. Do we really want reconciliation here? Sure some ultimate reconciliation where North Korea says, "We messed up, please come in and show us what freedom is like!" But apart from that, Ms. Mindy appears to be on to something.
Human Rights in North Korea
Oh I know, I am just some war mongering neo-con.
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