Sunday, October 31, 2010
Network Marketing Prospecting-I'm Just Curious, Are You Using Phrase #23?
The life changing 5 pillars company information by Michael Dlouhy, author of Success in 10 Steps, is an entire video series in and of itself. So, we won't be able to delve into it. The focus today will be on the 3 basic skills all in network marketing need to master in the opinion of world renowed MLM train, Tom Schreiter
This is highly important because without skills, reps can't be successful at all. The 3 skills are:
1. Learn how to talk to people.
2. Find people to talk to.
3. Take the volunteers.
Now, it makes sense that if a distributor master's skill number one, the other two will naturally fall into place. Tom teaches many ways to master skill number one, too numerous for this article. So, we will just focus on one: the magic sequence of words. These sequences of words are so powerful because they speak directly to a prospect's subconscious mind and cause people to lean forward and pay attention to what rep has to say.
They are many magic sequences of words such as:
-I just found out.
-I have some good news and bad news
-Most people
-Everybody knows
-Everybody says
-I'm just curios
-Well, you know how
I could go on and on.
In some of his mlm training workshop, Tom Schreiter will give an example of how to use an entire string of the magical sequences words in a brief business presentation. Here is such an example:
Thank you for coming today. Everybody knows the economy is in trouble. Everybody says we are not going to get raises this year. So most people like to have more money.
I'm just curious: how many people here would take an extra paycheck in your mailbox every month? And how many people here would believe the extra paycheck would make things a whole lot easier?
Well, you know how its hard to get by with 1 or 2 percent raises every year? But there's an old saying that two paychecks are better than on e.
Now, you can have a second paycheck but there is a catch. You are going to have to spend about 30 or 35 mintues every day learning a new set of skills for your business.
I just found out how you can do this while driving in your car and listening to these cd's.
There are two types of people in the world: those who come home and have a chance to spend time with their families and have a good time, and those who come home and try to start a conventional business.
Now, I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is trying to start a conventional business will take time away from your family. The good news is with our business, you can do it in a few minutes every day once you get it up and going.
In this particular example, there are about 12 magical sequences of words phrases. Notice how they all flow smoothly together and can hold a mlm prospects attention. If you begin to learn, practice, and implement this, your mlm business will grow by leaps and bounds!
To Your Success,
Monique Hawkins
540-858-2885 anytime
Skype: Monique371
Be A Mentor With A Servant's Heart
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Quit Affiliate Marketing?
You maybe heard of Philip Mansour, he's a great online marketer that almost quit affiliate marketing about 9 months ago because of the rapid increasing competition.
He's been a very well-known super affiliate now for the past 4 years, so this was truly jaw dropping when I heard the news.
And then I was lucky enough to be one the marketer to be in a private training session where he showed me and a few other top marketers something that *really* shocked me...
He showed us what kept him in the game (and exploded his income 10 times more at the same time!)
He created a new training course where he teach all his new strategies called "Offshore Conquer". But, I'm not going to talk about the course right now, what I gonna do is reveal some strategies to help you get you started, till you have the chance to get your hands on that training.
Affiliate marketing seems to be getting tougher each day, and when one of the top "CPA" guys almost throws in the towel, there must be something really crazy going on. Don't you think?
Philip and me think that it *use to be* a War Zone with PPC, CPV, Media Buys, Display Advertising, and even SEO...
But this dude bounced back with an idea so lucrative, he's now taking over the BIGGEST and highest paid niches online. He just doing it in different neighborhood.
I can give you all the details and secrets, for that you need to get his Offshore Conquer course where he
explains exactly what he's doing and how you can start taking over the BIGGEST niches online as well (without much and in some case no competition).
Ok, one thing you can start doing right now to get into this profitable untouch markets is very simple, just follow the niche marketing steps below:
STEP 1: Find a profitable niche by using a keyword research tool like Wordtracker.
STEP 2: Then search the same popular keyword in different other languages. Focus on European and top Asian countries.
STEP 3: Now find affiliate networks or vendors that offer global shipping or digital goods that can be downloaded instantly like; ebooks, software, apps, web services, etc.. Also make sure they have site translator or have a site in the language you want to target.
STEP 4: Now do a good research about the content, start writing articles. Make three files, so you can split your articles between a blog, article directories, and your newsletter.
STEP 5: Let's set up your online business. Start a blog with a paid or free service, depending on your budget.
STEP 6: Set up a website where you can host your landing pages, this is where you gonna send your visitor to sign up for your newsletter or pre-sell them on a product.
STEP 7: Submit at least 2 articles per day to top directories like - - etc.. This will help your SEO efforts and give you market authority.
STEP 8: Now let's go social!... Set a Twitter, Facebook, Bebo, and Myspace account. Yes, I said Myspace, maybe is not so popular here anymore but still very popular in other countries. Then start sharing your blog posts, articles, and any other content you publish online, but make sure to also share other relevant stuff, not just your stuff!
STEP 9: Don't forget to set up an auresponder to automate your newsletter and in house email marketing processes. To learn more about how to build a list of responsive leads check List Building Bullet at
STEP 10: To make sure your social media marketing efforts are not in vain, you need to interact and engage with your audience, not focus on sharing, but build a real relationship!
I hope this little steps are enough to get you started, you can also check Phil's site to learn the advanced stuff at: ...
Please use the comment box for questions and feedback...
Yours truly,
Luis E Galarza,
Internet Marketing Specialist.
Follow me on Twitter:
Sent from my BlackBerry® by Boost Mobile
Friday, October 29, 2010
YouTube Promoted Videos serves its 500,000,000th video view
Posted by Dan Friedman, Inside AdWords crew
Going Google across the 50 States: Texas brothers convert 30% more leads by staying on track with Google Apps
YETI Coolers, co-founded in 2005 by brothers Roy and Ryan Seiders, offers durable, super-insulated ice chests for serious outdoor enthusiasts. Roy first recognized the potential of a premium cooler during an early entrepreneurial endeavor and decided to design his own. He recruited his brother to help and the two settled on YETI for the company name – a new brand that consumers could easily associate with frigid toughness. Today, YETI coolers are “certified grizzly-proof” and distributed through over 500 dealers across the country.

When Roy and Ryan started the company, they recognized the value of Google’s free email service, Gmail, and started with one email address – However, fast forward three years and the company had grown to 10 employees. We hit a tipping point where we needed to expand and create a more professional look with email addresses. The question was how to retain three years of information and still offer the entire office the same easy-to-use interface and access to remotely-stored email history. The solution was Google Apps.
Soon after implementing Google Apps, we hired our first National Sales Director who resides in North Carolina. Despite the geographical barrier, Google Docs has allowed us to collaborate with him and other remote employees in real time, and has became a critical component of our sales process.
Our goal is to increase the number of dealers that sell YETI coolers but for a long time, our volume of dealer inquiries was unmanageable and we missed out on sales opportunities. This is where a Google spreadsheet saved us. We created a “Potential Dealer Tracker” to track, prioritize, and, most importantly follow up with potential YETI dealers. By capitalizing on dealer inquiries in an organized, methodical way, we’ve been able to convert 30% more leads just this year. The profit from the new accounts nearly pays our National Sales Director’s salary!
We also use Google Calendar to track internal and external meetings and even non-work events like Red Raider and Longhorn football games. More recently, we started using Google Sites and launched our company’s first intranet. We look forward to adding even richer content to the site as the company continues to expand.
Given the rapid growth we’ve experienced over the last few years, it has been extremely difficult to stay on top of all areas of the business. Google Apps has changed this, providing the tools we need to succeed. It’s low cost, secure and easy to use – from our standpoint, Google Apps is the perfect solution for any small business.
Posted by David Bullock, YETI Coolers
What gives?
Laurie Williams, who is a great person and a great agile researcher, has done some work recently on, and I should use her words but don't have them handy, 'how do we feel about the Agile Manifesto and the Agile Principles now?'
One general reaction I had, which is also a reaction I have had recently in other situations....
When push comes to shove, what should give way: Agile principles or our local organization?
In my view, almost always the problem is 'us' and not the agile values, principles and practices.
And almost always, we make the agile stuff 'give right of way' to what we call 'reality'. But it is not 'reality' as in the law of gravity, but only reality in that these are the stupid ways our organization is doing things today.
Example: Sustainable pace.
Some people complain that the principle of sustainable pace means that managers can whip us to stay at 30 story points per sprint (after the team itself volunteered to go 30), and that it does not allow us to fix the technical debt or do the broader range work that must (at least eventually) be done.
This is my view:
* sustainable pace is very important in many ways. The main way I like to talk about it is that it is no longer about 'hard work', it is about 'creativity' and 'innovation' and 'inventive' solutions to difficult technical problems. Our brains have to be fresh to be creative as a team.
* sustainable pace (as measured via velocity) quickly becomes less valuable unless we are doing virtually everything possible never to allow technical debt to grow. Let's be professional.
* sustainable pace does not mean that the team 'must' maintain the same velocity every sprint. (Yes, Virginia, stuff does happen, for example.) AND, the team should always be challenging itself to remove impediments so that more 'work' can be accomplished in the same amount of time. In other words, in general and on average, 'velocity' should be upwardly sloping. But NOT by working harder.
* an empirical process requires transparency (or a high level of it) and any pretending about or hiding of 'undone work' (as Ken Schwaber likes to call it) is not helpful at all. Sustainable pace quickly becomes meaningless if we do this. (Cf Technical debt above.)
* Bad news does not get better with age. So, sustainable pace must be immediately linked to a strong and improving 'definition of done' for normal stories in a sprint.
* By sustainable we must mean we are doing everything we professionally can to assure we are keeping each sprint up with ALL the different types of work needed to keep the system fully 'done'. This includes fixing all bugs, doing all the refactoring, building all the truly useful documentation, visioning of future sprints, release plan refactoring, etc, etc.
* As soon as we discover some undone work (and we as humans will typically forget something and thus it is undone), we must address it it immediately or put it on the product backlog. And consider how much it makes our previous information about velocity and progress a lie. (Always, to some minor degree, and possibly to a significant degree.)
* Just because we will always be imperfect does not mean we should give up on agile or agile principles or practices.
Can you put these ideas into action real soon? (Today is a good day.)
PS. I am not saying the Agile Manifesto and the Agile Principles are perfect. But maybe I am saying that our real worlds are messier than those ideas. Or so I see.
How to Improve Call Center In English
Step 1
Assess the communication needs of employees at your call center by testing their proficiency in English. English Language Testing System (ELTS) assessments for employees are jointly conducted at more than 500 locations in 120 countries by the British Council, IELTS Australia and the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations. Tests are also conducted by regional language associations in most countries. For example, the All India English Language Testing Authority (AIELTA) develops and administers tests that evaluate the functional abilities of English speakers.
Step 2
Purchase an English language instruction software designed for call center employees. A wide array of language software is available on the Internet and at leading bookstores worldwide. Next, create training sessions designed around the software targeted at developing specific skill sets, ranging from active listening and reading comprehension to accent and pronunciation.
Step 3
Recruit part-time or full-time instructors certified in teaching English as a second language. Have them design a customized training program that meets the specific requirements of your call center by integrating relevant business language. Encourage individual coaching sessions that address each employee’s unique requirements, such as focusing on pronunciation, intonation, grammar or vocabulary.
Step 4
Hire speech language pathologists to help modify accents.
Step 5
Promote reading related to your call center’s business. Examples include IT support services and financial services such as credit card billing and banking support.
Step 6
Instill self-learning by distributing pocketbooks on common English business phrases and idioms. Or suggest the use of the Merriam-Webster online dictionary.
Step 7
Create an environment of immersion. Have your human resources division collaborate with instructors to develop in-house games that impart lessons in a fun way. Come up with creative ideas such as a Hollywood movie night to deepen the learning experience, or have a Scrabble competition where participants focus on just business words.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Neat Video Shows How To Protect Your Affiliate Links
This technique is also called "Link Cloaking"!
Don't let a low life person steal your hard working profits... If you started the sales process between a consumer and a merchant you should get credit for your efforts.
Come on, we know that affiliate marketing is not as easy as before. The industry now have a very fearless competition arm with all type of strategies and gadgets. So, the last thing you need is to get rob by a not gooder!
Well, my friends from Guarantee Online Success put together a great video that shows how exactly your can cloak your referral URLs (no opt-in needed).
Enjoy This Tutorial..
How To Hide Your Link From Affiliate Theives!
Please let me know if like the video. And if you have any question don't hesitate to drop a comment below!
Yours truly,
Luis E Galarza,
Internet Marketing Specialist.
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Western Union now in Thailand
For those of you who are not familiar with this form of payment, Western Union Quick Cash payments are free of charge and will reach you faster than checks. Payments will continue to follow our normal payment schedule and will be available for pickup in your local currency at your local Western Union agent the day after they're issued.
A couple of things to note: We can send Western Union payments only to publishers that have an individual account at this time. Also, the payee name on your account must exactly match the government-issued ID card that you'll use when picking up your payments. For more information on how to sign up for and pick up Western Union payments, please visit our Help Center.
Posted by Deborah Chang - AdSense Payments team
Dear John... The Online Business' Killer Letter
"I am so sorry to the be the bearer of bad news…."
You would be scared and full of anxiety and your stress level will start rising. Specially if such a business killer letter was send by your lawyer, or accountant, the IRS, eBay administrators, or your fulfillment company. And the rest of the note is just tells you that soon, sometimes very soon you would be out of business.
The question here is:
What would you do on such a situation?...
You cannot let all your hard work just go down the drain, even more if you been busting your butt for years building a successful business!
And don't think that this can't happen to you, nobody is 100% bullet proof, except for Superman :o)
Here is the story of what happened to a friend. He thought this couldn't happen, until his eBay business got a letter from his fulfillment company:
"I will never forget the day nor the hour, I was about to visit my cousin in Charleston WVa.
The day was a beautiful Friday afternoon. I was enamored that the weather was in the 70′s with clear blue skies. I remember thinking to myself that this was a one of a kind day to have such great warm weather so late in August, it was 1:27 pm on August 27th.
I had just left Columbus Ohio in my rental car on my way with a 3 hour drive to Charleston. I had finally made it into town and I was ready to get my "vacation on".
I was sitting in the car when my phone got an email from the manager at my fulfillment house, the text began:
"I am so sorry to the be the bearer of bad news…."
Oh sh*t, my brain began to race, in seconds my breathing began to get shallow. I had not read the next word but between that opening and the next few seconds to the end of the sentence I knew doom and gloom was in store.
Something inside of me know they was not a mix up with an order, I could sense this was not a customer return, what the hell was it? Could it be the worse? Oh yeah, I know exactly what was coming next and I did not even have to read another word, the letter continued…
"I am going to have to shut my doors on September 30, 2010 and I will no longer be able to do your fulfillment…"
Well, there you go! The Titanic just hit the iceberg, I don't think I have had this feeling in the pit of my stomach since 9/11.
The swirling mental state of WTF is going on was present. Then something immediately starting playing in my head…what's that? It's the guy from Speed (the Movie)…"Pop quiz hot-shot, what do you do?""
As you can see, making sure your business is safe is not enough, also you need to have an emergency plan in case of any problem.
Here are some tips:
1. Have more than one vendor for the same product.
2. Keep record of everything. Sales transactions, tax forms, etc..
3. Be insured.
4. Make sure to turn your business into a corporation or LLC. To protect your assets.
5. Provide links to disclaimers, terms of service, policies, etc. From every web page in your site. Specially sale pages.
6. When building an email list, make sure each lead signs up through a double opt-in process. This way you can use that information in case of spam complaints!
7. Always provide an "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of your email.
8. Use more than one fulfillment service, to avoid my friends problem, and keep a list of back up services you can use in case of anything.
9. Have a list of reliable hosting services as a back up.
10. Keep a copy of your entire website in case your hosting service goes out of business. So, you upload the files to another service right away.
11. Also keep three copy of all your business stuff; one in the computer and the other two in two different portable hard drives or online cloud storage service. This helps in case of computer malfunction.
12. Make sure your business is 100% legal. Have a second lawyer check your operations to make sure of it.
Please if you have more tips, or you thing I miss something, share it with me by posting a comment. Thank you.
Yours truly,
Luis E Galarza,
Internet Marketing Specialist.
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Bring Your Phone to Work Day: Managing Android Devices With Google Apps
With over 200,000 devices activated each day, Android is seeing rapid adoption, and today we are launching new administrative controls that make it possible to securely manage these devices in the Google Apps environment. With this launch, Google Apps provides secure management and sync capabilities for all major mobile platforms. You can manage most mobile devices right from the browser, without having to deploy dedicated servers.
Many Android devices feature tight integration with Google Apps, including native applications for Gmail, Google Talk, and Google Calendar, as well as mobile access to Google Docs. Now any employee with an Android device running version 2.2 - personal or company-issued - can access their corporate information while allowing administrators to enforce data security policies such as:
- Remotely wipe all data from lost or stolen mobile devices
- Lock idle devices after a period of inactivity
- Require a device password on each phone
- Set minimum lengths for more secure passwords
- Require passwords to include letters and numbers
When the employee leaves the company, the administrator can withdraw access to corporate info, which allows the employee to continue to use their device if it’s their own.
These policies can be enforced on devices that have installed the Google Apps Device Policy application, which will be available from Android Market in the next few days. They will be available free to all Google Apps Premier and Education Edition customers in the next few days, and can be accessed from the 'Mobile' tab under 'Service Settings' in the Google Apps control panel.

To learn more about these updates in mobile device management for Google Apps, join us for a live webcast with Mayur Kamat, Google Apps Product Manager, on November 10, 2010 at 9 a.m. PDT / 12 p.m. EDT / 6 p.m. GMT. Register now.
Posted by Amit Singh, Vice President of International Sales, Google Enterprise
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Import Export Business Tips
You can have a dedicated phone number that allows you to record an outgoing message and receive unlimited incoming messages for as little as $24 a year ($34 the first year) - that is $2 a month. (NOTE: I did not say $24 a month, I said $24 a year after the first year which has a $10 setup fee.)
The voice messages are then sent to you via email and you can play them back on your computer anywhere you might be in the world. You can find these services advertised on the net, but if you would like the name of the service I have used for 5 years you have to get either the Import Export Toolkit or the Exporters Master Training package.
Sidenote: everyone loves their children and grand-children but you should not put their voice on your outgoing message - if you do not like your voice, write down what you want to say and have a friend or relative with a better voice record the outgoing message for you. And, please, do not have your children or grand-children in the background when you are calling someone - you only get one chance to make an impression.
2. Get a dedicated fax number.
Here again you can use the same service as the voicemail and have them send your faxes to you via email as PDF documents that you can then view on your monitor and print out, if necessary.
Sidenote: I often use a dedicated fax number as a means of qualifying an import lead's validity - if an "importer" has the same number listed for both their fax and phone number, they are most likely just getting started, or are sample seekers who have no intention of buying anything. Don't waste your time.
3. STOP USING YAHOO AND HOTMAIL email addresses.
I have spoken to many people who will not bother to read an email if it is sent from a Hotmail or Yahoo email account. So when trying to do business via the Internet DO NOT try to do so with a Yahoo or Hotmail email account and expect people on the receiving end to take you seriously. offers the best FREE email system right now and although it will probably reach a point where it too is looked down upon in the business world, it is still fairly new and does not have the BAD stigma attached to it that Yahoo and Hotmail have achieved.
BETTER YET - Follow advice on our last post about getting a website and begin using your own website Email system to send and receive your emails.
Yahoo and Hotmail email systems are two of the MOST restrictive systems that I and other business owners I have spoken to have found - many, if not most, of any email with the word dollar, or symbol for dollars $ or mere mention of order or other commonly used business terms will send your email into their spam folder. Oh and forget about an email with an attachment like an invoice.
Do your due diligence on a lead first, make sure they are a legitimate business and even then DO NOT SEND FREE SAMPLES - advise them that you will ship samples at wholesale cost and they will pay shipping "in advance" but that once you receive an order for $1,000 or more, you will deduct the wholesale cost of the samples from their first order. NO NEGOTIATION. Scammers know you want and need business and they will use this against you.
The above method was provided to me from the owner of a very successful vitamin manufacturing business (about $10 million a year successful) and it is the exact method his company uses, no exceptions.
Forget about the trade lead boards, legitimate importer don't need them, they have the Internet and will find their sources of supply via the websites of the manufacturers and/or exporters. The majority of the FREE importer (buyer) leads are 1 person wannabee startups but the vast majority are SCAMMERS and FREE SAMPLE SEEKERS that will not only break your bank but waste your most precious asset - TIME!
There is a way you can find REAL importers using your best friend on the Internet - Google. I will not provide the exact details of how to find them as this is reserved for the BONUS resources we give to our customers who purchase either our Import Export training course or just the Export training course.
But I will tell you that GOOGLE can be your BEST friend in identifying REAL importers or REAL products that you seek to export and the key I will reveal is to learn how to use their "ADVANCED" search techniques. Other than that, if you want a full, detailed description of this search strategy you will have to get one of the two above mentioned courses.
Finding REAL IMPORTERS using the method I discovered is great, however, in the world of marketing, which type of lead is better? A lead that you find, then contact and try to sell OR a lead that has already seen that you have the product(s) they are looking for and now they have called you or sent you an email?
COMMON SENSE - the lead that is coming to YOU is the BEST lead you can find in ANY BUSINESS. And what is the best way to help potential customers find you and your products? Yes, you guessed it, a WEBSITE (re-read the post previous to this one).
Hope you have found value in the above TIPS and suggestions.
Ron Coble
International Trade Services
Video of the BOOT at WebInTravel - talking search, inspiration and the future of online travel
Channelling The Customer: Bridging The Chasm Between Inspiration & Transaction from WebInTravel on Vimeo.
Siew Hoon and WebInTravel team are posting over here a series of full length videos from the WebInTravel. If you want to see me and a panel talking about search, inspiration, the customer and the future of online travel then press play above or follow this link
WebInTravel: 10 things I overheard from about trends (Tnooz)

Call to Action Articles Case Study I: Part III
So, Ezine Articles viewed my 200 word article with a big honking affiliate link as an acceptable landing page. That means you can use Call to Action Articles as your affiliate landing page too for absolutely free and it doesn't have the clutter of say a Squidoo. As I get more money there will only be less clutter in the future(right now though the automated Wordpress Google Ads that you have to pay $30 to get rid of are intermittent and only at the bottom of the article).
The general concensus is that you can blast Ezine Articles with more backlinks than you can a normal article so I'm going to try to see how much I can do that to achieve a higher ranking.
Article Ranking Stats:
Build Deep Links Fast: #1
Building Deep Links Fast: #2
Building Deep Links Quickly: #6, Ezine Article: #1
Building Deep Links: #69 Ezine Article: #3
Build Deep Links: #19 Ezine Article: #5
Deep Links: The Abyss Ezine Article: #73
Several of the do-follow social bookmarking services I submitted too also got indexed and showed up. They are effective. You can strengthen your social bookmarking links in a non-spammy way by linking to your profile page.
Make the most of your AdSense experience with our new checklist
If your language preference is set to U.S. English and you are logged in your Google Account, you'll find the checklist in the left navigation bar of the Help Center. You can recognize it by the progress bar. The checklist is divided into five parts, offering basic recommendations, required steps, and tips to help you grow your account to its full potential.
When you check an item, you'll see the progress bar update accordingly. This will help you in several ways. If you're new to AdSense, you'll get a clear overview of what steps to follow to make the most of your account. If you’re already an experienced AdSense publisher, you'll also have the chance to revisit the basics, and further develop your use of the program.
The progress bar can help you identify quickly how many of the recommended steps you’ve completed, and the checklist will suggest which step you can take next.
We hope that this Help Center feature will be useful to you and help you grow with the AdSense program! If you have other great ideas for ways to help newbies get started with AdSense or thoughts on how to make the checklist even better, join the conversation in our forum.
Posted by Natalia Niznik - Inside AdSense team
The Public Speaking Posture Trick All Business Owners Should Know
Well, having an excellent public speaking posture can you!
I know many entrepreneurs are still afraid of jumping in front of a camera, audio interview, and even worst speaking in from of a large audience in a live seminar. The excitement and fear creates anxiety in you, which can make even the best speaker in the world to mess up the presentation. And nobody wants to have a bad first impression in front of your prospects, don't you agree?
A bad presentation will just lower your chances to get leads or make a sale, it will also decrease your authority and company reputation.
One way (no trick here) to increase your chances of success is by practicing your notes very good before any presentation. The other way is by having a really good public speaking posture.
Alan Fine, author of "You Already Know How To Be Great" (came out for sale las week), provides his trick to have an excellent public speaking posture. To project confidence and competence make sure you stand up straight, then focus on keeping your body like that will take your mind off your anxiety, and it will relax your speaking.
In case you are doing a podcast or online radio show, make sure to sit straight and focus on your posture.
That's it... Now try it, and let me know how it work for you.
Yours truly,
Luis E Galarza,
Internet Marketing Specialist.
My ebook:
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Wyoming is Going Google
According to Wyoming CIO Bob von Wolffradt, all state agencies – representing 10,000 employees – will migrate to Google Apps within a year. This will be the first time all Wyoming state employees share a common communications platform, which will improve their ability to collaborate with each other in serving the citizens of Wyoming.

Many other states around the country are using Google Apps, including departments in Colorado, Kansas and New Mexico. Colorado, Iowa, Maryland, New York, and Oregon are also bringing Apps to their K-12 classrooms. All these governments are saving money while equipping their employees with modern collaboration tools that carry the assurance of federal government security certification.
We welcome Wyoming to the cloud, and look forward to working with them and Tempus Nova to make the project a success.
Posted by Dan Israel, Google Apps for Government Team
The Implications of Distance Learning on Teaching: a Conversation
Go to to sign up. It's free.
Please tag #jhusmed on Twitter with questions/comments on the conversation.
We look forward to chatting.
For the UK: Learn how to expand your business internationally
Posted by Jason Shafton, Inside AdWords crew
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Project Management: Simple Tips For Managing Deadlines
However, it is a formal process with specific steps designed to identify, strategize and facilitate the completion of specific tasks. Project Management can involve the input of a team, or the effort of a single individual. But regardless of how many people are involved in the project, the process is similar. As such, the steps can be outlined as follows:
* Defining the scope of the project
* Determining available resources (people and material)
* Recruiting the project team (if applicable)
* Generating or Brainstorming ideas
* Setting priorities
* Drafting an Action Plan
* Finalizing the Action Plan
* Implementing the plan
* Monitoring progress
* Making adjustments
From a Work Management standpoint, these steps may appear to be straight-forward, and indeed they would be if it were possible to ignore the interpersonal factor. However, as collaboration is critical, "People Skills" are what drive the Project Management Process.
Unfortunately, “People Skills” are often characterized and derided as a nebulous set of “soft and fuzzy” attributes best-suited for idealists. However, far from being ideals, the “soft skills” that one must refine and develop for successful Project Management are both specific and universal.
In this regard, the Interpersonal Skills most important for effective Project Management include the following:
* Active Listening
* Assertiveness
* Negotiation
* Time Management
* Collaboration
As a developmental strategy, project leaders should seek out specific training on these topics. If formal training is not an option for you, then research these topics on your own. Check out the Internet or your local library for the many useful resources published on these topics.
Of course, not every assigned project will demand the convening of a formal project team. Many times, projects are an individual endeavor. In such cases, collaboration may be minimal, but coordination and work management skills are still necessary.
As you work through individual projects, keep the following tips in mind:
* Get clarity on the deadline for completion of the project.
* Don't procrastinate. This only makes tight deadlines tighter.
* Set priorities. Temporarily defer lesser priorities.
* Make Up a "to do" list.
* Get the project started. Write a memo, make a call, set up a meeting, etc.
* If you need input, coordinate with the appropriate “others”.
* Outline your action plan.
* Refine your plan and get approvals.
* Implement your plan.
As a final tip, remember to give equal weight to both the Interpersonal and Work Management elements of a project. Doing do will undoubtedly increase the planning and prep time at the start the project, but it will expedite its completion.
Qunar mulling IPO in second half 2011
Thanks to Brett Henry for alerting me to this.
Merchandising Assistant for Major Global Firm
- 1-2 years merchant assistant, customer service, project coordinator, or administration experience
- Excellent customer service and time management skills to resolve all customer service and product issues in a timely manner
- Proficiency with MS Office applications with advanced Excel skills
- Strong problem solving and analytical skills with a service-oriented work ethic
- Exceptionally detail-oriented with ability to juggle multiple priorities simultaneously
- Flexible team player who enjoys project-oriented work
- Personable, outgoing, quick learner
-Bachelor’s degree preferred
This is an incredible opportunity to join forces with an industry leader and take charge of a variety of projects! Please submit resumes in Word format.
Career Group Inc. specializes in placing the highest caliber of temporary and full time administrative support professionals across a wide variety of industries. With offices in Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco and Redwood Shores, we represent prestigious firms within the private equity, hedge funds, advertising, fashion, real estate and entertainment industries.
Please view our website for additional excellent opportunities.
Email to apply
Posted by Stephanie Coronado
Needs Entry-level assocaite for Marketing Firm
Our San Francisco based, energetic sales and marketing firm is looking for entry-level candidates that have great leadership and people skills. We are an outsourcing marketing firm that performs sales and client acquisition for Fortune 500 companies. Our personal focus makes us one of the nations leading outsourced sales and marketing institutions and is why the most demanding Fortune 500 clients in the US, trust us to perform.
The ideal candidate must have high ambition levels and great people skills. Our company promotes 100% from with-in, so therefore no experience is necessary. If you posses the following attributes:
-Effective interpersonal skills & excellent communication skills
-Eager to help and develop others.
-Demonstrated leadership and team building abilities
-Sense of humor
The entry level position is for those with a passion for people and desire to implement change, while working alongside seasoned professionals. This job involves face to face sales of services to current customers and potential prospects. You will be exposed to:
-Team management
-Campaign Coordination
-Marketing and Sales presentations
-Teaching and development of others
All majors are welcome; we have comprehensive training for the right candidate.
We are filling these positions immediately; therefore, candidates must be in Northern California to apply and if offered the position, be available to start with-in one week.
Send your resume with contact information and we will evaluate and select the top candidates for interviews.
Email to apply
Posted by Stephanie Coronado
Nast Gal Styling Assistant
We are seeking a Assistant Stylist to work in our Emeryville, CA photo studio. This is an entry-level position and a great opportunity for the right individual to get valuable experience in the world of fashion styling.
Primary Responsibilities:
Assist with catalog and editorial shoots while maintaining positive energy in the studio at all times.
Collaborate with Senior Stylist to ensure that all necessary product is in studio prior to shoot and take note of high priorities and re-shoots.
Prep all new product for website photography and identify order in which it is to be shot.
Assist with dressing models, sizing clothes, coordinating accessories, hair, and makeup.
Use the vision of the brand, buyer requests, and other resources as guides to make specific styling choices.
Collaborate with photographer to direct model and identify what details and angles to include in the frame.
Field questions about products from photographers and Styling team.
Steam, iron, and prep samples to be shot.
Organize and maintain accessories, shoes, and keep shooting area clean.
Contribute to other projects as assigned.
Fashion background preferred - college degree or relevant store/styling experience.
Innate knowledge of the Nasty Gal customer. Big plus if you are one!
Great fashion sense.
Knowledge of latest trends.
Excellent time-management and organizational skills.
Acute attention to detail.
Resumes without cover letters will not be considered. PLEASE SUBMIT A PDF MOOD BOARD/PORTFOLIO WITH YOUR APPLICATION.
Click here to apply.
Posted by Stephanie Coronado needs a Fashion Stylist
• Formal fashion design education of at least three years in fashion styling. Talented students are welcome to apply as well.
• Strong sense of style and fashion.
• Creative and responsible individual.
• Team work skills.
This is a great opportunity for a fashion savvy stylist who loves fashion to categorize the fashion world in detail in a creative way.
The position is a part time job with flexible working hours.
To apply:
Send a resume detailing your job and education history, key strengths, and time availability to
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Daphna Friedlander, product manager
Posted by Stephanie Coronado
Product Quality Associate: Minted (financial district)
The business has the potential to transform the industry it operates in as well as create entirely new service markets. We intend to build the dominant consumer brand online in this sector, and offer a high-quality, branded experience to consumers. Candidates who are interested in design, art, décor, or fashion may be particularly interested in our business. We offer a fun, dynamic work atmosphere, and exposure to leading edge Internet business innovation. The company presents a great opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a leading consumer brand.
Reporting to the Associate Manager of Product Quality, the Production Quality Associate is responsible for performing thorough quality assurance support on all the web assets required to launch new products on our site, including design files, images and Adobe Scene7 templates. The position entails technical training in Adobe’s Scene7 software, and requires strict adherence to company-specific processes for design file and image creation. This position will work closely with our product design team. The ideal candidate is an expert in Adobe’s Creative Suite, and extremely detail-oriented. He or she must be organized and have a strong desire to work in a quality-driven environment while adhering to deadlines. Specific responsibilities include the following:
•Inspect and test products at various stages of the production process to ensure flawless customer experience
•Resolve quality control issues as soon as possible on all design files and web assets
•Identify ongoing or perpetual issues in design file or web asset creation and collaborate on process enhancements with the product design team
This is a seasonal position, with hours up to, but not to exceed 40 hours/week. This job cannot be performed remotely.
Skills and Experience:
•Bachelor’s degree or equivalent
•Experience in a technical environment
•Ecommerce or other catalog-based experience a plus
•At least 3+ years’ experience with Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, Acrobat Pro)
•Excellent computer and internet skills
•Proficient in all MS Office applications, especially Excel
•Extremely detail-oriented and highly organized
•Proven ability to manage multiple projects in a fast-paced environment
•Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
Email to apply
Posted by Stephanie Coronado
WebInTravel: 10 things I overheard from companies (Tnooz)

Into the cloud: Virgin America goes Google
Today, we’re excited to announce that Virgin America is the latest company to go Google and switch to Google Apps. Over the next two weeks, all of the airline’s 1,700 employees based across North America will be moving their corporate email to Gmail, and collaborating more efficiently using Google Calendar, Google Docs and Google Talk. Their migration to Gmail will cut Virgin America’s email system costs by about half on an annual basis, in addition to the long-term storage benefits where the move into the Google cloud will save them over 18 terabytes of space as the airline continue to grow and add employees.
To make it easier for Virgin America make the switch, one of our Google Apps Authorized Resellers, SADA Systems, will be helping them deploy Google Apps, implementing single sign-on user access so that users can use one password to log in to multiple applications, integrating with telephony (voicemail) systems and doing custom email configuration.
We asked Ravi Simhambhatla, Chief Information Officer for Virgin America to share his thoughts about why they decided to go Google:
As the only airline based here in Silicon Valley, our goal has always been to use the best in technology and design to reinvent the air travel experience for the better. We’re eager to bring the latest and greatest tech innovations not only to our guests—but also to our teammates. The transition to a cloud-based email system allows us to save costs and increase the speed and efficiency of our platforms, so we can focus on what we do best: elevating the flying experience. Google answers our data and connectivity needs better than any other system. Google Apps allow us to stay ahead of the competition by remaining flexible and efficient since we can upgrade based on the latest technology, and not be confined by budget or staffing to out-of-date systems. Once you have Google Apps, you always have the most recent version.As a leading airline innovator, Virgin America has had a history of cloud firsts: in November 2008, Virgin America launched in-flight Internet with a first-ever "air-to-ground" video stream to YouTube Live. In June 2009, we collaborated on the Day in the Cloud Challenge, the first online scavenger hunt to be played both in the air and on the ground, and in December 2009 we teamed up to offer free WiFi to holiday travelers. So naturally, we’re thrilled to welcome Virgin America to the cloud as they join more than 3 million companies that have gone Google. To learn more about Google Apps and the companies that have switched, visit
Posted by Vivian Leung, Google Apps team
Security First: Google at the Cloud Security Institute Conference
If you'll be at the conference, please join us for Adam’s presentation to hear about information security, privacy, and data protection in the cloud from Google’s perspective. If you can’t attend the conference, please visit our website for more information about about the security and privacy of data in Google Apps.
Posted by Ashley Chandler, Google Apps team
How to Use Auto Suggestion To Succeed In Business
Following is a great lesson I learned from this must have personal development book.
In one of the chapters the book talks about a technique called "Auto Suggestion". This technique of self development can help super charge your visions and increase the power of law of attraction around your life.
To understand this principle it is neccesary to know that the subconcious mind is where we will get our plans, and that it is through this medium that the Infinate Intelligence will communicate with us.
By exersizing auto suggestion we will transmit our desires to the subconscious mind, which in turn will eventually present us with a plan to achieve our goal. First we need to put together a self talk note, write all your desires and visions there, then by repeating a self talk several hundred times a day, we are ensuring the right messages are reaching our subconscious.
And oh yes DON"T forget, these talks MUST be mixed with emotions and belief. Once you are doing that, be PERSISTENT and CONCENTRATE.
To properly apply this principle follow the summary of instructions.
1. Go to some quiet spot where you will not be disturbed close your eyes and repeat aloud the written statement of the amount of money you intend to accumulate, the time limit for its accumulation. and a description of the service or merchandise you intend to give in return for the money. See yourself in possession of the money.
2. Repeat this program night and morning until you can see the money you intend to accumulate.
3. Place a written copy of your statement where you can see it night and morning and read it before retiring and when arising, until it has been memorized. You must mix your words with emotion and hand thoughts over to the subconscious mind with absolute faith.
4. Say your self talk hundreds of times daily, again with faith.
5. Be persistent.
Advise learn from Mark Stephenson.
If you follow this simple exercize, soon you will start seeing results.
To your success,
Luis E Galarza,
Internet Marketing Specialist.
My ebook:
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Call to Action Articles Case Study I: Part II
Best Reviewer can build 20 deep links at a time. Nothing can beat that. Say what you will about the C-class ip restriction but you can use best-reviewer to link to your articles on other sites with more domain authority. The C-class ip theory runs in contrast to PR theory but just only work for one link per domain per PAGE(not per domain). If you get easy links run with them. Then you have a whole new page that your article and bookmark is on that you can link to. We will see what happens for the slightly more competitive keyword of "Build Deep Links".
My Ezine Article is using the anchor text of Building Deep Links but it might take a while to be approved since it's only 250 words.
There are two main internet marketing methods:
Adsense Critical Mass-Build so many pages that you eventually get ranked for so many long tails that you start to make money.
Targeted Affiliate Page-Build links to get targeted traffic to a page that leads to an affiliate program they are looking for.
In method one, you really want somewhere where you get 100% profit sharing eventually but you'll take traffic to the other sites. You're not trying to rank for specific keywords you're just trying to build your network and you figure that you'll get enough traffic eventually.
In method two, you're funneling traffic to a specific page where you want them to do a specific action(Call to Action). You don't want them to click on a Google Ad or a link to one of your other pages. You want them to click on the affiliate link. You're trying to build highly keyword targeted links to a specific page.
Call to Action Articles strives to meet method II and it'll prove it's power when I start getting conversions for Best Reviewer. Most Article Directories go for Method I.
Google Commerce Search Webinar: Helping Chemist Direct focus on their core business, Europe’s leading online chemist, provides more than 20,000 health and beauty products and prescription medicines on the web. Fast, relevant search and the ability for customers to easily find the right products is key to the success of Chemist Direct’s online business.
Join Mitesh Soma, (CEO & Founder, Chemist Direct) and Nitin Mangtani (Product Manager, Google Commerce Search) as they discuss the importance of search on retail websites. Mitesh will discuss the various search solutions he evaluated and how since implementing Google Commerce Search, he has been able to capitalize on the latest innovations in search technology, sub-second response times, quick deployment and effortless scalability.
We hope you can join us.
Live Webcast Details
Date: Thursday 28th October
Time: 10:00 ET/15:00 BST
Duration: 40 minutes
Language: English
Register here
Posted by Guillaume De Zwirek, Google Commerce Search Team
The Report Center is retiring soon
In the next few weeks we’ll finish the transition and retire the Report Center entirely. From then on you’ll schedule and download all of your reports from within AdWords campaign management.
We’ve made the transition to this new style of reporting gradually, collecting feedback from advertisers and making adjustments accordingly.
For example, we heard that you had a hard time finding specific reporting options in your account. To help, we’ve added relevant FAQs to the download menus in the Campaigns tab, enabling you to find the views and metrics you’re interested in more easily.
If you’re currently downloading reports from the Campaigns tab, you’ve already adjusted to the bulk of the changes, and you’ll find that each of your scheduled reports have been copied to the Control Panel & Library. We’ll delete any old versions of scheduled reports from the Reports tab, and stop sending the emails associated with them, by early November. Shortly thereafter, we’ll remove the Report Center entirely.
To prepare for the retirement, you can compare the scheduled reports in the Reports section of your Control Panel & Library to the old versions of your scheduled reports in the Report Center, then make any necessary adjustments to make sure you’re getting the data you want, in the format you want.
If you’re looking for additional resources to guide you through the changes, you can visit the AdWords Help Center for articles on each report. We’ve also published a before and after guide to keyword reporting to give you a step-by-step tutorial to running one of the most popular AdWords reports.
Thanks again for your patience during the transition. If you have any additional feedback on AdWords reporting, please continue to send it our way.
Posted by Gordon Zhu, Inside AdWords crew
The cloud never tasted so good: Jason’s Deli has gone Google

Jason's Deli was on a custom, legacy email system that couldn't keep up with the demands of so many offices, and users were complaining about the slowness and lagging features. Jason's Deli began looking for a more innovative solution that would continue to release improvements and new features, and that would allow its employees the mobility they needed to effectively run their business.
After successfully completing a 60-user IT pilot in June, the company followed a big-bang approach for migrating the remainder of their users to Google Apps in July. In addition to migrating mail, calendar, and contacts, Jason’s Deli also ported an extensive document library over to Google Docs using the Docs API and custom scripts.
Join this live webcast to hear from CIO Kevin Verde and learn why Jason's Deli chose Google to better support their distributed locations across the country. Thursday, October 28, 2010, 2:00 PM ET / 11:00 AM PT / 6:00 PM GMT. Register now
Posted by Ashley Chandler, Google Apps team
Monday, October 25, 2010
Music Business/Law Tips - "Foreign Licensing Deal" (Part 2)
Guaranteed Release. The artist should insist that the company commence manufacturing and selling the CD (and online) within a few months after the deal is signed, or else the rights granted will terminate and revert back to the artist. Logically, the company wants to release the CD because it bears all the costs of manufacturing and selling; each record sold results in a payment to the company.
Payments. Royalty payments are generally due to the artist semiannually within 30-90 days following June and December of each year. Such payment will be accompanied by a statement setting forth the amount of records sold, if any, and the royalty computation.
Copyright. The copyright to the master(s) remains with the artist. The artist is only granting to the company the right to make reproductions of the master. The artist should make sure that the company puts the proper "notice of copyright" on the CDs manufactured (i.e., © [name of artist]).
Termination. Once the term ends, the company is usually allowed a sell-off period of six months for the CDs already manufactured (with royalties still payable).
Ben McLane Esq
How To Craft The Perfect Banners or Display Ads
In this article I'm going to give you the 5 most crucial elements all banners should have to increase the success of your online marketing campaign.
But first, you need to know that the technique below aren't the only way to craft a great image campaign. There are a few different tactics, that's why this week some of my articles would be focus on helping you understand how to make a winning image advertising campaign.
The marketing technique below is based on two human emotions "Excitement" and "Surprise". So, for this strategy to work you need to focus on triggering these two emotions in your audience, so they can go ahead and click through to see whatever you are offering.
Here are the 5 main elements you need to apply to your images to make those two emotions work in your favor:
1. CURIOSITY: Whatever you decide to use in your ad (copy, images, button) needs to create a high level of curiosity in your prospects' minds.
2. SALES COPY: This include your headline, sub-headlines, and also if you want on the rest of your copy. Just remember that needs to have the curiosity element in it.
3. CALL TO ACTION: No banner is good without an easy to see call to action. But, to make it even more powerful I recommend you to add a little sub-headline under your button, that keep the curiosity level on high. Like: Expect the unexpected - You'll be amazed - etc..
4. CACHY IMAGE: Like marketing experts said "one picture equals a thousand words..." In this case your imageshould increase the surprise and excitement factor a thousand times more. Make sure your picture is relevant to your offer, but it doesn't reveal what's behind the door.
5. BRAND: Today even more than before branding has become a most do for all type and size of businesses, "thank you social media :-)" That's why I really advise you to always add your brand (logo, website, or message) to your banners, specially the big size displays. Now, your campaign can still be a successful one without your brand, but you can maximize awareness if you add your company signature to all your advertising campaign.
I hope this little post help you improve your marketing results. I'll be writing more about this subject during this week so stay tune.
Please share your thoughts, questions or concerns through the comment form below.
To your success,
Luis E Galarza,
Internet Marketing Specialist.
Follow me on Twitter
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Multnomah County Goes Google

Switching to Google Apps plays an important role in achieving these goals. This new environment increases government transparency by allowing employees complete access to email and information on demand, vastly improving employee efficiency and collaboration while saving taxpayers approximately $100,000 each year in licensing and related costs and up to $500,000 in staff time and staff costs.
This transition was informed by a careful analysis to evaluate our technology needs and options. Multnomah County considered two cloud-based options for replacing our old system for email, calendar and contacts. We selected Google Apps due to its low cost, ease of use, and innovative capabilities that will allow county employees to be more collaborative and productive in their jobs.
With 250 times the email storage of our prior email system, Google Apps will save employees considerable time previously spent deleting or archiving old emails, while allowing each department to follow specified email retention policies. The web based technology means employees can access their information from any internet-connected device.
New collaborative tools like searchable instant messaging and real-time collaboration in word processing and spreadsheets provide Multnomah employees with useful and innovative tools to help them do their jobs. In fact, the independent analysis found that the document sharing capabilities of Google Docs meet the needs of the vast majority of county employees.
Currently, every county employee is licensed to use the complete suite of Microsoft Office applications, but many staff members only use a small portion of those features. Google Apps provides Multnomah County with equivalent capabilities for no additional cost. Many employees will be able able to do their jobs without those costly software packages in the future.
As an added benefit, all county employees now have a shorter email address. That makes our email addresses easier to remember and much simpler to share with members of the public and those with whom we conduct business.
We began testing Google Apps with a small group of IT users and expanded that to a pilot of 150 and later 500 county employees. These employees came from a variety of county agencies and allowed us to identify and work through any issues with the migration. Our workforce has shown a high degree of interest and engagement in the project and have demonstrated that we’re ready to learn, explore and collaborate. We’ve gone Google.

by Sherry Swackhamer, CIO, Multnomah County
Posted by Dan Israel, Google Apps for Government Team