Some major news sources are reporting on this, as well as a major portion of the Cathol-ogosphere. Along with that though, the media decides not to find someone speaking to the amazing things that Pope John Paul II did during his life or the time as Pope, but instead finds someone who diminishes his legacy and this momentous declaration.
The full post I am refering to is found on a Euro-blog on
The story is pretty typical coverage of the Church. Ill-informed and off base. The worst though is who they found to comment on the situation: Fr. Thomas Reese: [My comments in BLUE]
One Jesuit priest doesn’t think any pope should be made a saint.[What, really? What? Why? - that is Fr. Reese for you.]
“Saints are supposed to be examples for us how to live a Christian life,” said Fr. Thomas Reese. “How can a pope be an example to anyone but a pope?[WHAT? Under this logic... how can JESUS be an example to anyone but Carpenters or Gods in human form? This is just ridiculous.] We need more young people, parents, business people, politicians and workers as saints.”[Ok this is the part that I have the MOST trouble with. He acts as if Sainthood is some contest or declaration by the Church that is some "American Idol" type contest. He implies that the Vatican sits around deciding who they want to Canonize next. He is completely wrong in his criticism, and horribly misguides readers on the teaching and beliefs of the Theology of Saints. What a shame.]
Fr. Thomas Reese is the same person that:
- Argued that Notre Dame was RIGHT to invite Obama to speak and give him an honorary degree.
- Ran the liberal-esque/modernist-mayhem America, until his resignation.
- Opposes the new translation of the Missal.
I could keep going on and on... but I think you get the point. We need to unite as Catholics. I know that a lot of us bloggers are blamed for doing the opposite. Some argue that we create division and dissent. I would agree that unfortunately that happens sometime. Yet, what if we just let people like Reese run rampant with their blogs and their ideas?
My argument is not that he is a bad or unholy person. Actually, I argue the opposite - that he is a good person and a holy person, just very misguided in his beliefs and teachings. Although the minutia and intricacies of our Theological teachings require prayer, instruction and spiritual guidance; the major tenants are fairly accessible to all who seek them. So to have someone like Rev. Reese be so far off base with those major tenants, and to then lead the unknowing down paths which are contrary to such teachings is unfortunate and damaging. I pray for him, and other modernist-progressives that are attempting to reshape and reform the Church in the image they see fit and to the convenience and appreciation of man, as opposed to the appreciation of Christ.
Some may ask, "Aren't you simply arguing that you are right and he is wrong? Isn't this about your OPINION versus HIS?" My answer is, NO. This isn't about OPINIONS... it is about the Theological TRUTHS that exist. It is about the truth that is JESUS and his CHURCH.
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