Saturday, December 19, 2009

Culture of Death "Strikes" Again... literally.

Abortion clinic escort strikes Planned Parenthood investigator Lila Rose 

From - 

.- Legal charges are pending against a male Planned Parenthood escort who struck pro-life activist Lila Rose on the hands on Thursday outside an abortion clinic. She warned that the surprising attack should not help create a “double standard” that hinders clinic protesters’ free speech rights.
Rose, the president of Live Action Films who has led undercover investigations into the abortion provider, was not injured in the attack.
She was on a public sidewalk outside a Planned Parenthood affiliate in San Jose, California with a group of about 20 students and three adults to pray and provide information to women who might be open to alternatives to abortion, a statement from Live Action says.
Shortly before noon on Thursday, she interacted with a uniformed male Planned Parenthood escort.
According to Rose, she spoke to the escort from the public sidewalk and asked him if he was familiar with the abortion procedure.
The escort then approached her rapidly from the Planned Parenthood parking lot and said, “You idiot. You've caused so much trouble. You piece of crap."
Rose asked if she could show him a picture of what abortion “really does to a baby.” The escort then struck Rose on the hand, knocking literature and a Bible to the ground.
According to Live Action Films, the police report said Rose stepped further back on the sidewalk and the escort stepped toward her.
He was visibly shaking and said “It’s a woman’s choice!”
To this, Rose responded “What about the baby’s choice?”
The escort said “It’s not a baby!” and turned and walked away.

Wow... I am more shocked at his answer than his smack. I mean, things get pretty heated in these situations. but for him to answer... "It's not a baby?"
My favorite answer to that response is: "Then you aren't pregnant!" But really... what is it then? That isn't a religious belief... I mean, really what is it?

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