Monday, December 28, 2009

On the Clock...

Just a quick update about BABY WATCH, which is what I am calling my family situation right now. My wife is now 37 weeks, which means she is full term. Most of our families have semi-earlier births, but we think God is pretty good at knowing the best time for the baby to come.

We have met with our Nurse-Midwife, our OB, and have been meeting with our Doulas. [Guess I won't be making jokes or sarcastic comments during the delivery with 4 birthing professionals - all female- in the room :( ] So now we are just "on the clock" - as they say in pro sports drafts. The due date is Jan. 16. Both of our sisters are flying in on the 14th and 17th... so I think the baby will either be early whereas they will both miss the birth - or it will be late causing a "panic" as to whether they will even BE HERE for the birth.

I am informing you this solely out of excitement... but also in case I "disappear" for a few days. The Christmas and New Year days always create sporadic blog situations for some people and then to add to it a birth... people might just stop reading all together if I don't post for a week straight... so please stick with me :)

Also... we finally received 3 things from our registry and feel confident having the child now. We have a bassinet/co-sleeper, a car seat, and some cloth diapers. We aren't slacking due to some lazy attitude, we just are without a baby store within 3-hours of us so it has made it difficult to STOCK UP. We really are blessed with some AMAZING new friends and 'family' [aka Church friends] so we have pretty much everything we need. We also know once the little mini-human leaves its round the clock jacuzzi we will have more than what we need.

I ask for nothing more than your prayers and a little patience when the time comes. [Also, if you are a fabulously rich person looking to spoil a strange child, you can always click on my Amazon wish list and get the child something from there. Even the books will help... trust me I will make sure I read them to the baby.] We really are excited... and I look forward to posting more posts relating to the Defense of Children and families on this blog. I know I have slipped a bit in my "focus" but I plan to get back to the theme of Battling Against the Wickedness and Snares of the Devil.... right after we bring a bundle of love into the world.

Now if we could only settle on a good strong Catholic name....

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