Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Underwear Bomber... a TEST RUN??

I wasn't going to post about this issue. I didn't have time to do the research necessary, and we all have been  inundated with info about it, so I was sure that I didn't need to add to it. Especially considering the fact that I have been struggling with it internally, I decided it was best to leave it to the 'experts.' That was until I read these:

The Digital Hairshirt: Accessories
Patrick Madrid: Game Changer
DetNews: Wisc. Man Claims Incident Video Taped

These articles made me think that this incident may not have been an 'actual' attack. Yes, it was an attack, yes it was against out country and Christianity - ON CHRISTMAS. But maybe the intent was never to actually blow up the plane. This is just a theory, and I know I have done this before, so hang with me.

Let's pretend that there was a video taper of the incident. If the plane was SUPPOSED to blow up, what good would a tape be? None. So what would be the point? The point of taping is to watch - but what were they looking for. Again, going on the theory that this was staged and never intended as an actual "blow-up" we then have to analyze all aspects of it.

What were they looking for:

  • The passengers reactions?
  • The crews reactions? 
  • Did they get what they were looking for?
The tape theory doesn't lend itself to these theories; but how about our reaction by DHS, the Administration, etc... if it was a 'dry run' what have they 'gained'?

I don't believe it was a 'real' attack. I have a feeling this was some sort of rehearsel. I know there are those that have forwarded this theory, and in response a lot of people reply with the argument that such a theory is silly because all it did was raise our 'awareness' and tip the terrorists 'hand.' My reply is, "What have we changed? REALLY?" We don't know their plan, this sort of device could EASILY still be on board, and if all they wanted was a plane blown up they could have accomplished it, right?

Now let's really throw the monkey wrench into this. Remember last week when the Obama Administration said that there will be a new 3-hour max for planes waiting on runways? What about waiting in-line at the airport? So now how do we reconcile all this with new "security measures?"

I just don't think is the last of all of this. I think there are too many things that point to something else, even though I am not quite sure what that "else" is. I hope that in the next few weeks we figure out a way to ensure the security of our air, our lives, and our freedom. I also hope that we take this serious and the appropriate steps are taken as opposed to a show being put on simply to make us all "feel" better.

The most that the majority of us can do is ... well, pray.