Sunday, December 6, 2009

Focus: Alaska & The Catholic Church

I have occasionally posted about things dealing with my  parish (which I have not named) and other things in general within the Catholic Church here in Alaska. I have been thinking/hearing from some that I should focus more on the local Church. I will begin doing so but need help.

Alaska as you know is a pretty big place, and although I am in the Anchorage Diocese which is pretty big and populated, it is still difficult to get information from more remote areas. I do know that quite a few Alaskans read this blog, if you have news, info, "tips", etc... please email me:

The Catholic Church here in Alaska is still very young. It has a lot of good things going on... [as well as a lot of not so good things.] My hope is that we can focus on the former which should in turn help to weed out the latter. Even the Pope has called for the "new media" to help evangelize the world. We must heed his call... so let's get to it!

That being said... ALASKAN CATHOLICS: please send me info about what is going on in your parish, city, or diocese!

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