I am very happy and proud of the Pro-Life community in Alaska.
Not only is there a "personhood" initiative currently going on, which appears to be supported by the new administration:
KTUU - Personhood Initiative but there is also a parental consent initiative also collecting signatures. That initiative can be found here:
Parental Consent Initiative
It is important for states like Alaska to implement these initiatives and get them passed. Alaska is a pretty conservative state, but over 50% of its population is in the surprisingly large Anchorage area. Politics don't follow the spectrum and labels that the lower 48 states do. Therefore it is important for a place like this to show that the more "hands" off states (in terms of government control/regulation) uphold traditional American Christian principles in their laws and policies.
Things are looking good, but prayers and support are needed! Please follow the links above and support in anyway that you can!
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