Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Snow & Wind

So the snow came to our area a few days ago... and it looks as if it is here to stay. On top of that, All Hallows' Eve last night, and I took my little dinosaur out to get some candy. Then the crazy "Wind Storm" we have been having. All of it means that you get a very busy blogger who lost his internet for most of the day today.

That is why you didn't see an All Saints post (or a Halloween post) from me. It is also why I am late on a few other topics, including this month's SSS order. Hopefully these things will all resolve themselves shortly.

While I am at it, is there anyone desperate for me to change anything about the blog? "Dynamic Views" for example? Just let me know. Also, #Cathdudes, I haven't forgotten about the idea, I am just a little busy. Email me if you are really interested, or DM me on Twitter. (If you don't know what any of that means, don't worry).

Oh, and I have been having dreams of podcasts and elongated written works... pray for me.


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