Since some people visit my blog for more of the "Current Events" topics, I figure a post like this, on a day like this would be the best way to get this info out there, without doing 15 different posts.
The Pope Vatican ...a pontifical commission council wants a One-World Gov't World Bank Supports Occupy Wall Street has listed some ideas to move forward...
Ok, by now you have probably read all 18 pages of the most recent letter from the Pontifical Council of Justice and Peace. If you haven't you have probably read some article distorting what it says, which carried a headline like one of the crossed out ones above. All of those were actual headlines, in some form that I read. It is crossed out, it isn't true. That being said, go read the 18-page document, study it, read it in light of Rerum Novarum and other documents of a teaching level. Then read this blog post: "Vatican wants One World Government!!!!" Enough said. Seriously. Remember the whole: "The Pope supports contraception and condoms!?!?!" Yeah. Let us be a little more tempered in our commentary, and read this in light of Church teaching. You might also want to brush up on your Distributist reading and understanding of where Catholicism sits in terms of economic justice and norms. Oh, and read this too... about what the letter from the council isn't doing... Catholic Vote: ...Not a Papal Decree.
Providence and "Courage, Compassion, and Cross-Cultural Care"
Apparently there is a "Cultural" educational class occurring at Providence Hospital today. I dont have a lot of details except what is provided on there website, and the website of "Bent Alaska - Alaska GLBT News and Events" It doesn't bother me that a Catholic hospital is discussing better ways to interact with different "communities" that present themselves for care at a Catholic hospital. What concerns me is that there is an indication, or inference that can be drawn, that there is a lack of compassion for certain individuals, due to their differences. While I won't pretend that certain prejudices don't exist, it offends me as a Catholic, that an allegedly Catholic institution would ever treat any human being as less than another human being. This is the kind of thinking that paves the way for abortion, contraception, and sterilization. There are all sorts of "ghosts" in this story, but I don't want to touch on them because I don't have all the facts. I would love if a reader that attended this lecture report back and let us know how this subject was handled. I think there is a need to properly discuss homosexuality within the context of Catholic teaching. We need to stop conflating homosexuality and "gay" and realize there is a difference between sexual attraction and lifestyle choices. (Some great blogs in this regard are Abbey Roads, as well as Steve Gershom's blog) Unfortunately most of the time Catholics handle the homosexual issue in one of two ways: full acceptance or none at all. The teaching of the Church is somewhere in the middle. Find out more at: Courage.
Cistercians of Spring Bank Auction: Good sets of Vestments for Auction (Black, Gaudete, etc...)
From the Badger Catholic:
The Cistercians of Spring Bank still have items left to be sold off. They have several nice vestment sets worth taking a look at. Since they declared bankruptcy, the auctioneer has to make money off of them. At the discounted price, they are still a good deal. If you can find a good home for the vestments please do. Go to and search the word "vestments."
It appears there are several other items of interest from the abbey that might be of interest. The website is a bit hokey, but you should be able to search if you are interested.
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