Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Why the Providence Hospital situation isn't just about Abortion

First I would like to update you on what the Archdiocese has let me know concerning their end of things regarding the Providence Hospital situation. I have been keeping in contact with them as closely as possible. Obviously they are somewhat guarded in what they say to me, knowing that it will be posted for everyone to read. (Unless of course they told me something that they requested not be blogged.) What I have been told is that the Archbishop is aware of the situation and is addressing it. Due to the fact that he is leaving for Madrid this week, there probably wont be any official statement or resolution of this until he returns.

This Archbishop has always been very "quiet" in terms of how he responds to situations. Statements are only published once a full resolution of some matter is decided, and so this type of response is not abnormal or concerning. In fact, we must take this as the best possible scenario. This means the Archbishop is looking into this situation with full attention and it gives both he and all of us an opportunity to pray about this seeking the heart of God and the protection of the unborn. We must prayerfully and obediently await the outcome of his inquiry and we should also pray for the pilgrimage of all of those traveling to World Youth Day.

That being said, this issue isn't only about abortion. In fact, if it only about abortion then we are misguided in our focus as Catholics, and we are confused as to what makes this situation so offensive to the Church and Her teachings. In fact, Stacy Trasancos wrote about this subject at her blog "Accepting Abundance" just the other day, in relation to the situation in Colorado and Mercy Hospital.

The point isn't just that there is a Doctor at Providence who is a notorious abortionist, and it isn't just that there is some 'material cooperation' with evil through that relationship. The mere fact that this clinic exists in Providence and advertises and offers the services that they do is so contrary to the morality of the Church and to the ERDs that guide Catholic hospitals that it is an abomination of the mission of Catholic health care.

We must expect and ensure that Catholic hospitals treat each person as if they were Christ, we wouldn't expect a Catholic hospital to offer the services that we see from some of these clinics to the Blessed Virgin or Christ himself, so why should we accept that they offer them to the most vulnerable of our society?

 That is why our 'protest' should be more than just about Providence and their ties to abortion; as Ms. Trasancos explains:
We should also be protesting any Catholic hospital that employs any OB/GYN physician who is involved in any procedure that "separates procreation from the marital act in its unitive significance." That is a direct quote from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops "Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services" under the section, Issues in Care for the Beginning of Life.
So when faced with a situation like ours, what do we do? It is obvious that the Alaska Women's Health clinic operating inside of Providence is doing so contrary to the ERDs of the Church and creating scandal amongst the faithful. Lisa Graas points out that based on Canon Law, we the faithful may actaully have a duty to speak out to our clergy about this. She links Canon 212. §3:
§3. According to the knowledge, competence, and prestige which they possess, they [Christian faithful] have the right and even at times the duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church and to make their opinion known to the rest of the Christian faithful, without prejudice to the integrity of faith and morals, with reverence toward their pastors, and attentive to common advantage and the dignity of persons.
As Christian faithful, it seems we have a right and most likely a duty to stand against decisions made by boards of directors that are contrary to the ERDs which are supposed to keep hospitals within the realm of right action. Some ask why I take such a measured approach towards the Archdiocese and why we shouldn't demand action. My response is that this situation isn't "us vs. them"; in fact the Archdiocese is our greatest ally. The Archbishop is a man that to us, the Christian faithful, represents Christ. Therefore we are obliged to be obedient to him in that manner. We must pray that he will follow in the footsteps of his brother bishops, Bishop Olmsted in Phoenix and Bishop Kurtz in Louisville, and bring this matter to a conclusion that upholds the dignity of the person, the unborn, and the Holy Catholic Church.

Again, this isn't just about whether abortions occur on the grounds of Providence. This goes to the meaning and purpose of the ERDs which that hospital is obliged to follow. If a "loophole" can be found where a Catholic hospital can bring in any clinic that adheres to their own set of ethical princples, the purpose and point of ERDs and a Catholic hospital have been lost. Abortion, Contraception, Sterilization IVF, and other services that destroy the dignity and sanctity of procreation are contrary to the faith and contrary to the dignity of the person. If a Catholic hospital is more concerned with profit, community, standing, or some other focus other than the teachings of Christ and His bride, the Church - then we really ought to rethink why we are providing health care in the name of the Church.

Therefore, we the Christian faithful in our duty to make known our opinion on this matter to the sacred pastors within the Archdiocese need to take an appropriate approach to how we express our beliefs. Stacy Trasancos has 5 things that we all can do. Four of them are communicating with those in positions to do something about it and the fifth one is to pray. The fifth one is more powerful than the first four combined, but the first four give the fifth something to work with.

Let us continue to make our hearts and minds known to the Archbishop and those involved with this situation, and let us do it in a way that is respectful and appreciative of the complexity of the manner in which this situation exists. Let us also remember that we must combine our human efforts with sacred spiritual ones as well. Prayer, Mass attendance, and of course penance will help more than any communication effort we make.

The Chancery:
Archbishop: The Most Reverend Roger L. Schwietz, OMI: ab.schwietz@caa-ak.org
Vicar General: Reverend Thomas Lilly: tlilly@caa-ak.org
Judicial Vicar: Reverend Thomas Brundage, JCL: tbrundage@caa-ak.org

NB: Remember to keep your communications respectful and focused on the specific ills of this situation. We must work with our sacred pastors to uphold the GOOD of the CHURCH. 


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