Friday, August 19, 2011

Fifty-Two babies, so far...: A Providence/AWHC Update

Fifty-two (52) is the number of babies, based on their own numbers, that the Alaska Women's Health clinic has aborted since July 11th. This is the date that AWHC set up their new offices inside of Providence hospital, a  situation that I posted about on August 7th.  Since the 7th, Sixteen babies have been aborted. I don't have numbers for contraception or sterilization services, but I can assure you that those figures would only compound this awful and scandalous situation. 

The Archdiocese has told me that meetings have taken place with Providence and that they are currently trying to determine what, how, when, why, who, and where things happened. The Archbishop is in Madrid for WYD, so I don't blame the slow go of things, but as I said - fifty-two babies (based on their numbers) have been aborted since they partnered with Providence.

Catholics from around the country have contacted me completely shocked that they would even allow a clinic to offer contraceptive services let alone sterilization. But then, to put inside a Catholic hospital, a clinic which admits to performing abortions and that is lead by such a notorious abortionist is beyond their comprehension.

So, while we wait for facts to be found, meetings to be held, and nuances to be debated - babies die.


The Culture of death is claiming lives every day, I am doing what I can... are you?


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