Thursday, August 4, 2011

Stay Tuned.

1865 illustration by John Tenniel
July was a little hectic for me, and so blogging was sometimes sporadic. I am trying to get back to my original blogging style and doing more spiritual warfare/contemplative posts as well as posts that are a little longer and more investigative/research based. In fact I am currently working on two posts (one of each of the types I just mentioned) and plan to have one out in the next day or two and one that should drop early next week. Both of which I think are going to be really interesting posts.

The first one is going to be about what we value in life, as it relates to faith, God, and the things of this world. We all would like to think that we would make the choice to follow God... but is that what we actually end up doing?

The second one I can't talk a whole lot about yet... I received an email about a Catholic Organization that has some rather dubious ties to some rather un-Catholic people and practices. It is an Alaskan based organization, but the implications and situation reaches far beyond the state borders and touches on what it means to be Catholic. It really is one of the most interesting and all encompassing posts I have ever tried to write.

Honestly, there are a lot of things I thought and prayed about during the last month and I feel like there are a lot of topics that I think will provide for some good posts. So these look to be just the beginning.

Dont forget to follow the blog on Twitter, Facebook, and now Google+. Sometimes I update those when I don't have time to do a full blog post.

So as the title says... Stay Tuned!


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