Sunday, June 5, 2011

Leave Grammar, Ezinearticles Now Ignores Facts too!

Indeed, there is a downfall with the strategies getting changed at Ezineartilces. One of my readers mailed me the screenshot of an Ezinearitlce that is approved (again by so called great editors) without any problem. 

I could not believe the stuff when received through the mail but then checked twice by clicking on the link. Leave grammar, ezinearticles now ignores the facts too; another nail into the coffin! And that also the fact about the world famous city -Venice! 

Can you believe the article states Venice as NORTHERN CITY IN INDIA! IN THE VERY FIRST LINE OF THE ARTICLE! Bravo Ezinearticles and salute to the editors! Again, as usual, I'm posting the screenshot of the article as I'm pretty sure that this article too will be removed like others showing their real 'level' of strategies for editing, accepting and publishing articles. 

Note: I don't care alignment but rather prefer to spread the truth.  

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