Monday, June 6, 2011

Drastic Fall in Ezinearticles Popularity and Submissions

Every dog has its own day and Ezinearticles HAD theirs! Unfortunately, you cannot fool a person for several times, especially when the readers are conscious, educated and alert about the facts. There has been great debates and controversies about Ezinearticles changing their strategies to meet the algorithms of search engine giants. There is nothing wrong but then their so called scholar editors started rejecting/declining articles giving silly reasons. They must know being strict does not make them best! 

In fact, the reasons they gave while declining articles were indigestible and sounded trumpery! It forced me to start this blogging so that I can bring the truth to the world. I placed many screenshots exposing the 'level' of Ezinearticles editors here and I got plenty of emails appreciating my efforts. Thanks to all you sincere readers.

Now I am posting the screenshots I took today showing the drastic fall in Ezinearticles in terms of popularity, pageviews and statistics the like. I am happy that at least one percent of this result could be because of my efforts. 

I am open to accept suggestions, posts and other annoyance if you faced due to Ezinearticles that enjoyed its glory temporary!

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