Monday, May 30, 2011

St. Joan of Arc Feast Day & other AmChurch Shenanigans

Today is the feast of St. Joan of Arc. Don't believe me? Well just look on a Catholic Calendar... oh wait, that's right, it isn't on there, because of, well... all sorts of reasons known only to the American Catholic Church 'powers that be.' Just know that she is important, regardless of what anyone says. The Pope even spoke of her importance to the Universal Church recently.

St. Joan is a patroness of this blog, and of me, personally. I have had a lot of strong, important women in my life named Joan.

I seek St. Joan's intercession regularly - and so should you. She clung to a cross as she burned at the stake, and her crime was listening to the will and words of God. Therefore, let us remember her example when we complain of our hardships and when struggle to walk the path God has set for us. Celebrate her feast with your family, celebrate the fullness of our Catholic Faith Tradition, and remember that the Universal Church was constructed so that our Faith contained a continuity with the entire "Body of Christ."

St. Joan is a perfect saint to remember today, on this day where we memorialize those that chose a path of danger and destruction. Let us ask St. Joan to intercede for those that have chosen to disregard their personal safety so as to win and secure the freedom and liberty of those unable to do so for themselves.


At least the AmChurch doesn't move around with the important feasts like Ascension Thursday...
Oh, the AmChurch and their "exceptions"


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