Though you may be managing your own business, it is really not a one-man task. You have to take note of the fact that there are other people who have the appropriate knowledge, expertise, and exposure to some specific responsibilities in your business industry. Forming a team of them with specific fields of expertise in business aspects and having them brainstorm are beneficial for the improvement and the development of your business venture. One example of responsibility is the requirement to lodge a Business Activity Statement (BAS) with the taxation office, and someone with bookkeeping skills is invaluable as a member of your team.
Looking for an Efficient and Effective Bookkeeper
Though it sounds easy, choosing the most effective and efficient bookkeeper for your business is quite challenging in your part as a business owner. First of all, there could be hundreds of qualified applicants, and the problem lies in choosing which one among them would be the best for the bookkeeping needs of your business, and hence be hired as your bookkeeper.
The Tax Agent Services Act of 2009 was passed by the Federal government in response to this, in which this law requires registration for all self-employed bookkeepers offering BAS services. This law commenced in early 2010.
If your business or company is searching for a bookkeeper to look after your tax obligations and bookkeeping needs, here are some things to remember on how to get the most useful and efficient bookkeeper.
Formal Qualification and Experience
First thing to look for is the applicant's formal qualification and experience. Though it may not be a requirement, you may prefer those who are members of professional bookkeeping associations.
Backing of a Professional Organization
You may also prefer those applicants who have the backing of a professional organization. The reason is that being a member of one of these organizations enables them to access updates and changes in the world of accounting and bookkeeping solutions.
Awareness of the Current Taxation Laws
It is important to consider the applicants' awareness of the current taxation laws which restricts the services that bookkeepers can provide. With this awareness at hand, your business won't take some risks of not conforming to the government law with regards to the bookkeeping services that they provide.
Professional Code of Conduct
Also, be sure that the applicants for the bookkeeper position should be subject to a professional code of conduct. Members of professional organizations have to abide by their policies and association's ethical guidelines.
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