If you are marketing and selling your services, you want to aim for and maintain marketing momentum. For a definition, let's describe marketing momentum as arriving at a situation where your business name is being marketed consistently and cohesively, and you are receiving a regular flow of interested prospects who convert easily into clients. You may be thinking that that is the dream of every business. Yes, it probably is, but it does not happen without effort and strategic planning. Let's look at some of the aspects of what marketing momentum looks like when it is achieved.
1. You have regular and consistent marketing efforts that keep your business name in front of your target market.
You have put together a marketing plan and execute it consistently. There are no lapses in your marketing efforts and you have set up some "auto-pilot" type aspects. Whatever it is that you are doing to market, you do it without fail - no matter how busy you get. During slow times, you spend your time and energy on setting up additional marketing campaigns. You plan ahead and make sure that you continue to market. It is an ongoing effort.
2. You get regular contacts from interested prospects wanting to know more about your services.
You do not have to "chase" prospects or try to sell them. Your marketing writing has already gotten them to contact you, because they have an excellent comprehension of what you do, and how they could benefit. They are already knowledgeable and basically ready to be "closed". They may have a few questions for you, and want a small amount of additional information, but they are basically ready to buy from you.
3. Prospects convert easily into clients.
They have read all your marketing writing and website writing, and they already believe that you can help them solve their problem. Your writing has already done the sales job. You've created a 24/7 "salesperson" for your business and don't have to do such involved sales presentations as you once did. Prospects want the benefits that you describe in your marketing writing. Your website writing gives them all the details they need to know to buy from you.
4. You consistently close new business.
New business comes to you in a consistent stream. It is fairly predictable. You aren't worried all the time about dearth of new clients. You no longer go into panic mode because there's no new business on the horizon. You have come to expect a steady flow of new business. You have marketing momentum.
5. You continue to market and maintain your marketing momentum.
You continue to do your consistent marketing, even though you have a steady supply of new business. Actually, you keep on doing consistent marketing because you have a steady supply of new business. You have a steady flow of new business because you do consistent marketing.
Aim your business for marketing momentum, and make that a business goal. It will take a lot of work to achieve this aim, but takes less work to maintain it. Once attained, you do want to maintain momentum. Momentum makes the business or providing your services an entirely different experience from the life of struggling to get new clients.
1. You have regular and consistent marketing efforts that keep your business name in front of your target market.
You have put together a marketing plan and execute it consistently. There are no lapses in your marketing efforts and you have set up some "auto-pilot" type aspects. Whatever it is that you are doing to market, you do it without fail - no matter how busy you get. During slow times, you spend your time and energy on setting up additional marketing campaigns. You plan ahead and make sure that you continue to market. It is an ongoing effort.
2. You get regular contacts from interested prospects wanting to know more about your services.
You do not have to "chase" prospects or try to sell them. Your marketing writing has already gotten them to contact you, because they have an excellent comprehension of what you do, and how they could benefit. They are already knowledgeable and basically ready to be "closed". They may have a few questions for you, and want a small amount of additional information, but they are basically ready to buy from you.
3. Prospects convert easily into clients.
They have read all your marketing writing and website writing, and they already believe that you can help them solve their problem. Your writing has already done the sales job. You've created a 24/7 "salesperson" for your business and don't have to do such involved sales presentations as you once did. Prospects want the benefits that you describe in your marketing writing. Your website writing gives them all the details they need to know to buy from you.
4. You consistently close new business.
New business comes to you in a consistent stream. It is fairly predictable. You aren't worried all the time about dearth of new clients. You no longer go into panic mode because there's no new business on the horizon. You have come to expect a steady flow of new business. You have marketing momentum.
5. You continue to market and maintain your marketing momentum.
You continue to do your consistent marketing, even though you have a steady supply of new business. Actually, you keep on doing consistent marketing because you have a steady supply of new business. You have a steady flow of new business because you do consistent marketing.
Aim your business for marketing momentum, and make that a business goal. It will take a lot of work to achieve this aim, but takes less work to maintain it. Once attained, you do want to maintain momentum. Momentum makes the business or providing your services an entirely different experience from the life of struggling to get new clients.
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