Thursday, March 17, 2011

Why You Should Start Podcasting

Are you selling information or learning content products over the internet? Or are you perhaps using a website to gain leads for your bricks and mortar consulting? Or maybe you're doing a mix and providing coaching or consulting programs through conference calls and collaboration tools.
Whatever you are doing, if it involves being an expert or providing a service, you should start podcasting.
That's a pretty strong statement after all. There has to be something to back up that statement. There has to be some solid reasoning behind such a statement.
And there is. In this article I'm going to deal with only four of the reasons that you should start podcasting. There are more reasons but these are the most important -- at least to my mind.
1. Podcasting builds credibility.
Podcasting is a repeating learning content product. It's the teleseminar equivalent of articles. But with repetition built in to reinforce the effect. Each week your customer will hear you -- not an outsourced freelance writer but you -- explain something around your product. This constant barrage of quality information will convince your audience that you can be trusted. And trust is one of the major buying criteria.
2. Podcasting builds a reputation.
For the same reason a podcast will help to build your reputation. In fact, it's just the opposite side of the equation. Not only can you be trusted but you can be trusted because you know what you are talking about. The constant repetition of quality information reinforces the fact that you know your subject.
3. Podcasting builds relationships.
Podcasting is a very personal media. Perhaps not as personal as video is but certainly much more personal than writing. It takes a gifted writer to express passion in their writing. To let your audience inside your head enough to feel what you are feeling. But we do it all day long with our voice and our body. That's why people we are close to often mistake what we are saying in our letters but seldom in conversation. (Okay, no communication is perfect. Even body language can sometimes lie. But in general it's still true). The personal nature of podcasting allows your audience to believe they know and like you. And that's the second major buying criteria.
4. Podcasting generates targeted traffic.
There are many ways of generating traffic to your opt-in or sales page. But many of them generate barely qualified traffic. Their conversion rates are unbelievably low. And that wasted traffic -- people who aren't really interested in you and your product -- costs you money. You are better off getting less traffic but increasing your conversion rate. That's the point of targeted traffic techniques such as podcasting. After all, anyone visiting you from the podcast already knows who you are, what you are selling and why they are interested. Chances are they already know they are going to buy when they show up to your site.

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