Monday, February 28, 2011

Why Your Company Needs Job Descriptions

How To Write One In Thirty Minutes or Less
It may seem like an unnecessary step. You know what work you will need for your employee to perform. Does putting the job down on paper really even matter? Absolutely! Five advantages to "putting it in writing":
1. Helps you to clearly define the work that needs to be performed. No second-guessing or figuring what work needs to be done once the employee is hired.
2. Allows you to think about how the role interrelates with other positions within your company or organization, which in turn can eliminate work redundancy.
3. Creates transparency about your job expectations, which helps to significantly reduce the potential of making a "bad hire".
4. Employees are more productive because they understand what is expected of them.
5. When employees understand what is expected, they are able to work more efficiently. Saves time and money!
Take these steps when writing your job description:
Step 1
Create or list the job title that reflects the work to be done. Some things to think about when creating a job title: What is the core work that the person will have responsibility for? Does the job title easily identify the person's core job responsibilities? How does the title fit in with the structure of the company, (if applicable)?
Remember that job titles can be important to many employees. Employees have been known to turn down job offers because of the title. Be creative if you can, but keep the title simple and true to the work to be performed. For example an Esthetician could b e called a "Skin Care Specialist" or a "Customer Service Representative might be called a "Customer Care Assistant.
Step 2
Create a list of the actual work that will be performed. No need to write a dissertation! Keep it simple and summarize the major tasks required so that the job responsibilities are clear.
Step 3
Write down the specific type of experience needed to perform the job effectively as well as the educational requirements and the years of experience needed to perform the job if applicable.
You're done! You now have a document that you can share with potential candidates. Don't forget your current employees. Make sure that all of your staff has a job description on file.
Remember, a job description should be treated as a "living document", not a paper to be left in a file, never to be viewed again. Both you and your employees should refer to their job descriptions as needed. Be sure to update the job description as your employees' responsibilities change.

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