Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The right business mailing

   The right business mailing list can get you the desired sales leads

When you are selling a product or service and need to run a successful business, you need an effective way to reach out to your innumerable customers. Knowing your target audience is very important because if you send your product brochures and details to an uninterested consumer; it will end up in the junk mail or will be rejected. Therefore, you need the right list which will have a targeted audience. This is where business mailing list will help. An authentic provider of direct mailing lists and database service providers will provide extensive address listsdatabase to help you reach the correct audience and increase sales. These mailing lists will include location of the business, year started, business size, whether private/public, Fortune 500, annual sales, credit rating, and other specific information.

Most of the renowned list provider companies try to give as much detailed and up-to-date business mailing list to their clients. Their collection of data is based on detailed questionnaire, regular telephonic queries and thorough research. A reliable consumer list is then compiled that is again updated every 2-3 months. If your business is engaged in direct marketing campaign; consumer mailing list becomes an investment that brings in huge profits in the long run. It adds to your customer base taking your business to a new height. It helps you to find new customers, increase revenue, increase profits and reduce selling costs.
Most business owners still consider sending direct mails to be one of the most reliable ways to get in contact with new customers. It is one of the best proven ways to get word out about your new goods and services. Therefore purchasing a business mailing list and getting hold of accurate address lists is very helpful. The data collected in this way will provide you with an authentic mailing list which has proper job description from different professions and small, medium to large scale industries. This kind of list is prepared keeping individual business needs and prevailing trends in mind and usually helps to get high sales leads. In today's competitive market, anyone who is serious about his business requires an appropriate and up-to-date business mailing list.

Business Mailing List

Our telephone-verified business mailing lists will provide you access to over 18 million businesses and over 15 million executives, making it easy for you to get your message to your best business prospects. Pinpoint your message by reaching professionals within each organization who are responsible for purchase decisions related to your product or service. Or, select from one of our specialized business lists that target key markets such as new businesses, home-based businesses or high growth businesses.
Our business mailing lists are compiled from multiple data sources such as telephone directories, government filings, annual reports and over 20 million phone calls to verify information. Selections include:

Canadian Business List

Our telephone-verified Canadian business list contains information on over 1.2 million Canadian businesses. Over 100,000 Canadian businesses have significant changes within our database every month. Since our file is compiled from multiple sources and telephone-verified on an ongoing basis, you get the most complete and accurate Canadian business list available.
Our Canadian business list is compiled from sources such as telephone directories, annual reports and business directories along with over 1.3 million annual phone calls to verify information.


Our executives mailing list is an unduplicated database of over 30 million executives compiled from over 40 different sources. From Fortune 1,000 headquarters to small and mid-size businesses, this database allows you to reach decision makers from all major job functions and industries. When combined with the selection capability of our business mailing list, you get pinpoint accuracy in targeting your most lucrative prospects.

Franchise Businesses

Reach over 200,000 franchise owners with our franchise business list. Selectable by franchise name, our database allows you to refine your marketing message by targeting specific business brands. All records are available with owner's name and telephone number. 

High Growth Businesses

Tremendous growth represents unique challenges for business owners that can often be solved only with outside help. Ideal for consulting companies, software suppliers and providers of computer and office equipment, our high growth business list represents over 300,000 of the fastest growing businesses in the nation. Reach these rising stars at a time that they need your products and services the most and then watch your sales soar as their success becomes your success. 

Home-Based Businesses

Although home-based businesses constitute one of the large segments of businesses in the country, they're difficult to pinpoint with accuracy. However, home-based businesses are the fastest growing segment of our economy and represent significant potential for many marketers. With over 1 million telephone-verified records, you can rest assured that our home-based business list has the coverage needed to target this highly lucrative and responsive market.

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