If you are a rep who has been utilizing a Facebook FanPage to generate mlm leads, have you considered running contests? When building your network marketing business online with Facebook, contests are a great way to get more fans “liking” your page along with creating more fans overall! The more Facebook fans you have, the more people you can share your message with.
You will want to think of a fantastic prize you can give to prospects/fans who take the time to listen. It can be any product, service, or valuable item from your mlm home based business. It’s gotta be something people will love!
When putting together the contest, you will want to make sure the prize is consistent with the entry. Always keep in mind you are building a list of qualified people and therefore the contest shouldn’t be too easy yet not difficult enough to discourage people. For example, in exchange of having your leads/fans receive a product or service worth $100, have them send a video, audio, or essay on te lling you what they would do if money were not an issue. If you have been in network marketing for awhile, you know this is called their “why.” What will happen is that you will have a flood of mlm business leads who are motivated and highly qualified.
When building your network marketing business online using Facebook, keep in mind you can’t make “liking” your page a condition of entry unless you can pay thousands of dollars for advertising on Facebook. But, you can set up your page so that you can capture people’s email addresses and send them follow-up messages suggesting they like your page along with other valuable content. This is called building your list!
As you can see, creating contests with your Facebook fan page can be hugely rewarding. So, get those creative juices flowing, create your contest, and watch your mlm business grow!
To Your Success,
Monique Hawkins
540-858-2885 anytime
Skype: Monique371
Be A Mentor With a Servant's Heart
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