Saturday, January 29, 2011

Tips of Betting on Football

Football betting is a worldwide game.
At the World Cup or Premier League, no game can rival the world of football when you are talking about the context of betting.

So how can you win the bet?
There is no betting on other sports that are easier than betting in football, on football betting you can still be a winner in a long time. You only have to show some discipline and learn to take good bet.
Find the Best Market and Make sure you take more than one account and bet on several different brands of online free betting. The difference between the markets may seem small but when I say that you might win 10 times free of charge, if you are interested.

Bet with your head, not your heart. Most of the experts (pro) never bet on their own team. They know they will love their team, but they think rationally in choosing their team will put in a bet. Bet on teams based on heart feeling often trap the beginners. The team that you love you should be placed the same with other teams at the time you place a wager.

Try to find the best free bets, do not just choose which team you think will win. Do not always put a bet on your favorite team. Your favorite does not always win and you always will have a smaller chance when you choose your favorite team.

Bet without prediction, forget IT. The road that very tempting to lose money is to bet on games that just because you feel like placing a bet and not because you already have a prediction on the match. Surely you can find a weak prediction on a match on that day, but you better wait until you have found a good match with the prediction. Prediction of the game is checking the factors in the game, where you'll place a wager. This may be a fault of most people, people often throw away their money by placing bets on games they have never thoroughly before.

Do your homework. Through the internet, you can find the information you need. Use your time to search. Learn about changes in the market, and learn also about the changes in the team. Does your team plays well in the opposite cage, or at home? The more you know, the greater your chances to win the bet. The following summaries are the conditions that you must know before you make a bet:
  • Is there any injured player on the team or in the penalty period?
  • Are there any players who are recovering from injury or completion of the penalty period?
  • Does the team have new talented players? 
  • Do the opposing players often do shot towards goal?
  • The results of previous matches. 
  • The morale and the confidence of the team. 
  • The factors that needed to win: campaign, relegation 
  • Is the current has reached the end of the season and a team has approached the first rank at or near the position of champion (where the team will play all out or feel tense) or near relegation (where the team will play all out to get points) 
  • Match the reply. 
  • The status manager, new manager? Whether managers will soon be fired? Etc. 
  • Play against a former player or manager 
  • Does the team have a good backup team or will the team shattered when losing one or more of the key players. 
  • See the performance and potential "key players", but do not overreact if the player is not revealed in the game. 
Bet "Outright" is a good way to win. Bet future devoted to the team that will win the competition in a particular sport. Unlike betting in a game that ended in 1 or 2 hour, bets "Outright" take a week to monthly. Look for teams that you think is strongest. This is similar to buying good stocks.

Bet "Mix Parlay" is not the best way bet. The only time where you can perform multiple bet is when you take only 2 teams. If you take more than 2 teams, you have losses a percentage. The best option is to place a wager on one bet and increase the bet when you win.

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