Call - means talking about something. You can tell your colleague, for example: "They did not bring any of our suggestions at the meeting."
Continue - the phrasal verb is very similar to "continue". Like "go," it means "continue", but it is generally used in expressions such as "continue" or "You can go on without me."
Chase spot - a great way to say "find, search. For example, you were assigned a particular task, but some required files are missing. You can say "I'll go after these files means that you can go see where these files are. You can also run after a person -" I'm going to go after Frank, because I need his help with homework and nobody else has an idea how to do it! "
Come all - to find something or meet by chance something unexpected. If you have found an interesting article online and you tell your friend about it, you can say, "You know, I came across this article online where they have conducted research on ..."
Come with - it is a verb phrasal very useful if you generally find it difficult to describe the fact when someone talked about a new plan or a good idea. You may be faced with phrases like - "He created a good plan" or "She produced a completely new solution" or - "I invented a new idea on how to ..." native English speakers would simply say: "She came with a brand new solution" so you can start using the phrasal verb!
Fall Apart - describes when something falls apart. Say you're a bunch of packing left and you're struggling with it. You can say: "Everything is constantly falling apart, I can not conclude, can you help me?" It's another phrasal verb foreigners do not normally use and if you start using such occasions, you will find it much easier to describe the situation!
Get along - means to have a good relationship with someone. You can say, "Do you get along with Mary of accounting?" If you want to ask that person if he is on good terms with Mary. Another sample sentence - "I do not get along with Mark, I did not love her the very first day I met him! "
Get away with - how to avoid being punished for not having done something or violation of rules. A typical phrase, you can begin using immediately is "Do you think you can get away with it?" If you caught someone having done something that you are very unhappy.
Get more - if you can not accept something that happened in your life and you can not stop thinking about it, we can say - "It is very difficult for me to get over it." And if you want to cheer someone and say this is not a big deal, after all, you can say "common, get over it, it's not as bad as it seems!
Give up - use this phrasal verb when speaking of the resolution you have ceased to follow or expectations that are most likely to remain a dead letter. "I gave up my diet the New Year. I just could not stick to it "" I have given up hope of getting a better job. "
Go! - It's a typical way to tell someone to start a particular action or start something. If you can not expect someone to start telling an interesting story, you exclaim in excitement - "Come on, come on" You can also use "continue" if you, for example, write the numbers are your co-worker is crying for you. Whenever you're ready to make the next figure you can use the phrasal verb "continue" so that your partner knows he can call the following figure.
Hold on! - Literally "remember" how to hold on to something. The most common use of the phrasal verb, however, is when you want to tell somebody to stop doing something or wait until you're ready to go to the original action. Foreigners usually use "Stop!" And "Wait!" Instead, "hold" is more natural spoken English.
Take care - means "take care" and is much used in communications between supervisors and employees at work. Generally, your boss asks you "Can you look after this order for me?" So if you want a more natural and friendly, do not say things like "I'm responsible for that customer." "I deal with this customer" is the best way to say it.
Look up - to find something in a book by phone, Internet or other media reference. It is a phrasal verb is very practical to use in sentences such as "Can you look at their address on the Net?"
Let me - to recognize, distinguish details of something. "I could not understand what she said!" - You can say a sentence like that if the person he spoke too fast, or with a sharp focus, or too low. Another sample sentence - "I can not make these details, can you help me with this, please?"
Pull over - if you drive a car, you can use the phrasal verb to describe an action to drive on the side of the road to stop. typical application of this phrasal verb - "Can you over to the next gas station?" Foreigners are more likely to say "to stop at ..." if you start using "pull over" its you more natural when speaking English!
Ask - ". In writing" simply means "Hey, I'm going to ask, let me find a piece of paper"
Give - it's an informal way of saying "defer", "do later". "I do not want to clean my house today, I'm going to do it tomorrow" would be a perfect example of this phrasal verb in use.
Put in place - the means to arrive. You can learn about your friend by asking "Is Michael has until today?" If you have not seen and you wonder if he came to work or school to everyone.
Warning! - You can use this phrasal verb If something endangers the safety of someone else and you want to attract the attention of the person in that object or activity. Foreigners usually use inarticulate sounds, instead - like "Ahh!" Or "Ohh!" Simply because for the case of an ultra-fast response is required they can not think of a word or phrase mounting said.
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