The story? The NCR decided to name a "Person of the Year." They have "never named a person of the year and [they] might not again in the future." But clearly there was someone this year that was so influential and important in the history of Catholic thought and tradition that they had to break ranks. So who was this person that did so much for the cause of Christ?
Well, I normally don't do the whole inline commenting thing but let's take a look at the article [with my comments]. I won't attempt to be funny with my comments, because I will fail when compared to Fr. Z's or Larry's comments, so I will just try and paint the picture for folks, to help set up other commentators efforts. :
NCR has never named a person of the year, and we might not again in the future. [Because you have now lost all credibility?] However, as we sent our last print issue to press in the waning days of 2010, we felt the need to single out one American Catholic who showed extraordinary leadership and courage this last year. [Notice the lack of any mention of this persons adherence to the Faith.]So the NCR is knowingly publishing faleshoods, and attempting to convince unsuspecting Catholics of their way of thinking through half-truths and vague paragraphs of distorted teaching. They are purposefully teaching contrary to the Faith, in an attempt to praise one of their own, and someone who is pushing their agenda: a progressive cafeteria-style Faith, with all the luxury of tradition and time.
In the spring of 2010, as the national debate on health care reform seemed deadlocked, Sr. Carol Keehan, the Daughter of Charity who is president and CEO of the Catholic Health Association, led her organization to endorse the legislation and thus helped pass it through Congress. The move put health care coverage within the reach of an additional 32 million Americans. [No mention of the fact that it also put ABORTION within the reach of 32 million more people.]
In a video message delivered to the Catholic Health Association convention in June, President Obama praised Keehan: “Your work, your passion, your commitment helped make the difference, and you did so in a way that protects your long-standing beliefs and the beliefs of so many others across the country.”[Shows who their target readership is - an Obama mention is rather telling.]
Catholic bishops and conservative commentators were not pleased. The bishops had not endorsed the legislation, and they expected all Catholics to follow their lead. They called the health association’s position “a wound to Catholic unity.” The bishops held a closed-door meeting in June to discussion the association. [They have thrown in the towel at being an unbiased Catholic publication.]
Through the summer and fall, the association and Keehan were the butt of scathing attacks by conservative commentators. Relations between association leadership and the bishops were said to be strained. Numerous people told NCR the Catholic Health Association was keeping its head down and waiting for its relationship with the bishops to heal.
And then, last month, Phoenix Bishop Thomas Olmsted withdrew the “Catholic” designation from St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center because he said the hospital wouldn’t accept his full authority about a medical case that he had deemed to be an abortion. The hospital had said it was acting to save a life. [This infuriates me! He didn't do it because they wouldnt accept his full authority he did it because they wouldnt accept the full authority and teaching of the CHURCH, the CATHOLIC CHURCH.]
As NCR tried to report on St. Joseph’s losing its Catholic status, we sought comments from ecclesial authorities and canon lawyers. Despite copious commentary produced over several months from ethicists and moral theologians who reasoned the hospital had acted compassionately and morally, no one had much to say for the record on this latest development, beyond acknowledging Olmsted’s right to do what he thinks best in his own diocese. No one, that is, except the Catholic Health Association, led by Keehan, who supported the hospital. [This is a contorted and confusing paragraph to set up their assertion that Sr. Keehan is a selfless martyr. This is not the case, she is a martyr to an agenda that is not selfless, but in actuality very selfish and misguided. By that, I mean misguided in the fact that she claims to be Catholic, but doesn't teach or profess true Catholic beliefs.]
As Catholics, we agree on essentials, but can, and often do, disagree on the application of essential beliefs, as in the St. Joseph’s Hospital case. When we disagree, we do it respectfully, as the Catholic Health Association has done. Sometimes it takes special courage, as in the health care legislation and the St. Joseph’s Hospital situations. [Wow, they gloss over this. No deep analysis of how, why and when we can disagree on the application of Catholic beliefs? Again, this is the NCR's acceptance that they are irrelevant and have completely become the official paper of the dissident progressive catholyc heresy.]
We also can’t help but note that with the Vatican in the midst of two investigations of U.S. women religious, many people have counseled the women to keep a low profile. In this atmosphere, Keehan, a woman religious, continues to take courageous stands. [Courageous stands for what? They never seem to say. A person is courageous if they rush into a lion cage... or maybe they are just something else...]
And that’s why Sr. Carol Keehan is NCR’s person of the year for 2010.
This move by the NCR should be a nail in their coffin. They have gone off the deep end, and if you see a copy of this publication in a parish you should probably find a better parish to attend Mass at. There is no defense of their dissident beliefs and they do nothing but harm the Catholic Faith.
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