Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Archdiocese of Anchorage appoints new Vicar General: Fr. Tom Lilly

Father Tom Lilly
New Vicar General
A quick announcement regarding the Archdiocese of Anchorage; a new Vicar General was appointed by Archbishop Schwietz. Father Tom Lilly, pastor of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish will be the new Vicar General, replacing Father Steve Moore. The Catholic Anchor has the full story, but I wanted to update everyone on the news.

Here is a description from the Diocese of Madison's website:
The vicar general is a priest (of at least 30 years of age) who has been appointed by the diocesan bishop to assist him in the governance of the faithful entrusted to his care. The vicar general is, by reason of his office, granted ordinary administrative power and jurisdiction over the whole diocese, a power which he exercises vicariously in the name of the diocesan bishop, whom he serves. The large scope and executive nature of the office requires that the vicar general be of sound doctrine, of integrity, of prudence, and well versed in both canon law and theology. [emphasis mine] While the historical origins of this office date back to the 4th century, the Second Vatican Council spoke of it as "the most important office in the diocesan curia", and the 1983 Code of Canon Law established it as a mandatory office in the organizational structure of a diocese. In handling many of the day-to-day canonical operations of the diocese, the vicar general maintains frequent communication with the bishop so that he may always act in harmony with the intention and mind of the Successor of the Apostles. [can. 475-481]
Readers, I ask that you pray for Fr. Lilly. The AOA needs strong leaders due to the nature of the Church in Alaska. The vast area that each Diocese covers requires a unique approach to its administration. The best way we can assist in this monumental task is through our prayers.


N.B.: We here at DUIB have reached out to congratulate Fr. Lilly on his new appointment and to extend an offer to build a relationship between the blog and the AOA. In the past we have reached out for comments on various posts, and have not had the most free flowing of communications. We hope with Fr. Lilly that will change and that we will see a joint effort that benefits all the faithful in Alaska.


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