Friday, December 3, 2010

22 Tips To Pump Free Targeted Web Traffic From Google

Can you really turn Google into a free targeted web traffic pump, that will send massive amounts of qualify visitors to your website or blog.

Yes, it you can!

Is up to you to decide in what kind of marketing and SEO pump you will change Google into.

Let me explain. You need to know that there are two type of pumps; the manual one and the automatic which usually is power by electricity, air, gas, oil, etc..

Well, in Internet marketing a web traffic pump can also be manual or automatic power by a good piece of software or an app (web application).

The tips and strategies below are manual and a little automated. But, if you want a good traffic automation software, the best one right now on the market is ATM, check a demo video at: this app is than a marketing tool, is online magic stick. After use it in you will see why I said that.


Below are a few marketing tips and strategies that can easily get traffic from the Big 'G' right into your website or blog:

1. Keep your blog up to date. Post once or even better twice a day, to keep your readers hook to your content, plus will increase your presence in G's Blogsearch.

2. Turn your email newsletter (ezine) into content for an optimized newsletter archive blog. Keep this one in a different website and domain name.

3. Post free advertorials or educational ads in USFreeAds ( ). Make sure to write good original copy for each classified. This site has a lot of love from the big 'G'. So, the more you post the more targeted visitors you will get.

4. Find blogs relevant to your niche and start sharing tips and opinions by commenting. But, make sure your comments add value to the article or ask a good question, readers and blog owner might want to answer.

5. Use social bookmarking sites to bookmark not just your website or blog content, but the those articles where you gave a great comment or you were one of the first commenters.

6. Find the blog with the most traffic, and see if they show their top commenters on the side bar, if they do, work your way up in the ladder by interacting in the conversation until you become one the sites top commenters.

7. Open a YouTube and other great video sharing site accounts. Then take some of the best tips from your blog and turn them into short educational videos.

8. Post at least one to two, or more videos per week for the first two month, and then you can go back on submitting one video per week.

9. Get a Twitter account and tweet or post your articles, and other relevant information from other websites, like those you just post a comment on.

10. Create a Facebook personal and business profile (fan page). When posting your content on your Facebook page, make sure use different title from the one you use on Twitter. This way the content remains original on both accounts. Don't worry about the personal account, that can use the same content as Twitter, because is more private and will not affect your search engine optimization effort.

11. Write original useful articles and submit them to top ranking article directories, and link back to your site or blog. Your can use:

12. Use a free software called OpenOffice ( ), which is almost like Microsoft Office. With this software you can create ebooks and save them in PDF format. Then post your report in and Make sure a link to your site is inside your ebooks.

13. Don't forget to add your site URL or web address on your social site profiles (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc..).

14. Create a lens or content page at This site is already search engine optimized, you just need to add some good content. Make sure each page is targeting a search keyword. Find good keyword phrases at
15. Do the same you did on Squidoo on Hubpages. Remember to link to your site or blog from each page you make.

16. One more site we need to add even so it will not give SERP or ranking juice to your site, but still you can use it to add more presence on the web is Google Knol.

17. Now let's boost it up by writing at least two or more articles that you will submit to directories and link to your lens, knols, and hubs. Do that for each content page.

18. Submit Press Releases to zero cost PR sites and some press power for visitors and SEO (search engine optimization) boost.

19. Make sure to put some SEO tactics on practice in your blog, website, and landing pages. Like:

- Use your targeted keywords in your headline.
- Add H1, H2, H3 tags to each respective headline.
- Use keywords in your body content but up to 10% of the copy.
- Link to other parts of your site using the keywords as the link text or anchor.
- Keep content unique and relevant.
- make sure to keep your blog up to date with new content.

20. Use Feedburner to manage your RSS feed, and let the app submit your new blog posts to RSS directories ( this is also call ping) and to Twitter.

21. Submit your site to no cost online directories, blog directories like, and RSS directories.

22. Get a Google profile where you can add some good business bio, web address, and can be kept updated with the use of Buzz, a service a little bit like Twitter and works through your gmail email account.

By having a G profile, every time someone in your social media circle search for something and you have a current tweet about it you will also be part of the first page search results, without any SEO effort!

I hope I gave you enough power to pump the traffic juice out of Google.

Remember that if you have an automated marketing software tool like ATM ( ) you don't need to spend much time doing all this by hand. You can use your time in creating income assets.

To your success,

Luis E Galarza,
Online Marketing Specialist.

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Sent from my BlackBerry® by Boost Mobile

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