We offer you a better one, and free! It’s Reverso Dictionary.
Reverso Dictionary allows you to translate words and sentences from English to the language of your choice and vice versa. You’ll also be able to look for the definition along with the list of synonyms and antonyms for the English word that you wish. For example, for the word easy there are countless synonyms and antonyms, more than 20.
Other feature to highlight about Reverso Dictionary is its function to conjugate verbs - simply awesome! You’ll be able to write the verb that you want and it’ll show you all its conjugations (present, preterit, infinitive, imperative, participle, past participle, present continuous, present perfect, past continuous, past perfect, past perfect continuous, future, future perfect, future continuous, present perfect continuous and future perfect continuous), in short, any conjugation you might need. It also works with phrasal verbs.
Visit : Reverso Dictionary
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