Today, when you are out doing your network marketing prospecting, one area you must keep up with is technology. By doing this, you business builders marketing plan will remain on the cutting edge.
In the following article, you will discover how utilizing webinars can be a great techy tool to grow your home business.
I encourage you to give it a shot!
To Your Success,
Monique Hawkins
Skype: Monique371
PS: The real training begins by reading the eBook, Success In Ten Steps. In case you haven't had a chance to download it, click here:
New Trends - Network Marketing Webinars
By KC Gleaton
Share Your Plan With One Or One Thousand With A Webinar.
A webinar is simply an online seminar. You upload your marketing presentation to the Webinar Company server and let technology take care of the rest! Webinar Marketing System allows you to show everyone in attendance your PowerPoint presentation, but seeing the presentation is only part of the sales process because your prospects get to hear it as well, while you provide them with files or examples to download and links to take action. Now, imagine being able to do ALL of this while at the beach, on the slopes or on vacation with the family. Well, some webinar systems will allow you to do just that.
Some webinar systems will allow you to upload an entire presentation and schedule it as though it was a live webinar, thus allowing you to duplicate yourself and multiply your business income. Webinar providers give you a few options. You can use their entry level meeting package for small meetings of up to twenty five people, up to the full blown webinar package for up to one thousand attendees. This gives you lots of flexibility Now here is the great thing.
Most webinar providers will also include with your full blown webinar package, their smaller entry level meeting options as well. So how does this build your business? Let's take the traditional one on one. You (or you and your sponsor) call your prospect. They want to learn more. You email them a link for an online meeting. They click on a link, connect to the server, and now they see your presentation in all its glory.
K.C. Gleaton, the company founder, wants to help you become an expert in your niche by sharing his extensive knowledge, experience and skill sets with you through this webinar marketing system.
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