Studying in college is very serious and need a high concentration. If you are someone who just joined the higher education, of course you really feel the differences between the ways you learn in Senior High School with College level. Learning materials at the college level is very heavy. However, you may also be assisted by tutors who are experienced in their fields especially for particular hard subjects. The tutoring services such as:
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Therefore, the correct way of learning for students, I will share an effective way of learning. Here are some suggestions from me.
Some of the differences between college with senior high school:
- Schedule of College Student is more irregular compared to Senior High School. Schedule of lectures much-perforated holes, sometimes there is a solid college days but there is also an empty day.
- Must be more independent in learning, the material is not fed like in senior high school.
- Freedom is higher. No one will scold you like in senior high school if, not doing chores, even there also not taking the exam.
- Professors teach with variety of styles, not like teacher in senior high school.
- The relationship between friends is not as tight senior high school.
While some good tips on how to learn:
- Read the material before the lecture (10-30 minutes is enough), then after college (also 10-30 minutes). Without reading it first, based on my research lecturers absorbed is only 50%. This model also enables us to repay study, not compacted the day before the lecture.
- Understand the characteristics of the lecturer. Example: there are teachers who prefer the long answer, but some are more like brief but precise answers. Some allow students to come late, but there is also a very anti-etc. It is also important when taking a college choice, college would be more comfortable if the style fits students and lecturers.
- Do not forget to organize and socialize. Social skills, leadership are an important capital at work later. Although a person get 4.0 of GPA, but if unable to work in teams will be useless.
- The Last: enjoy and benefit from the short period. Lecture is the most fun in my opinion. Free to experiment, expression can still make mistakes with minimal risk and life is still borne by parents. After college, you will be required to work and independent. You will also deal with environmental to work harder than college.
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