Sunday, August 29, 2010

MBA Admissions Consulting for Non-Traditional Applicants

I never intended to monetize anything when I set this blog up, but by the shear volume of emails I receive, it's obvious that there are a lot of military and non-traditional candidates who are hungry for information about the business world, and Harvard Business School in particular. If you fall in these categories, and are still interested in help, shoot me an email and we'll try to work something out that is appropriate to your situation.

My strengths:
  • Helping junior military officers and non-traditional candidates
  • Particularly helping people figure out when is the best time to apply, which schools to apply to, and how to handle the career transition
  • How to position yourself (essays, letters of rec, academics, resume, etc.)
  • Perhaps most importantly, how to translate your non-business experience in a way that admissions committees can understand and appreciate
  • I've also helped many discuss career decisions beyond Harvard Business School. If you think I can help, just write in with some details of what you need...

If you're not looking for admissions advice but just want to chat about military careers or something in general, feel free to drop me a line as well, though I can't guarantee to reply to everyone. I also suggest reading the previous advice I've put on this blog regarding admissions:
  1. Defeating the GMAT
  2. Application Resources
  3. Deciding on which schools to apply to
  4. Application strategy
  5. Letters of Rec
  6. B-School Essays
  7. Interview Prep
Good luck to everyone out there! We all make our own luck.

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