You seen many marketers giving blog posts tips and ideas all the time. Today I want to share some unusual ways to get some content going on your site!
We all hate write's block, specially book writers, journalist, bloggers, and marketers who love using articles as a marketing tool. We all been there, you are ready to write a post, you even have some ideas of the things you want to talk about and then puzzzz! All the inspiration go away, your mind is completely blank or overloaded of ideas and can't concentrate on one that can be turn into an article.
What do you do when this happened to you?
One thing that works great for me is to stop thinking, and first fine a quite area and relax, then look for 1 or 2 inspirational source of information. These inspirational sources can be articles, other blogs in your industry, videos, pictures, etc.. And then decide between the two which one to focus your writing on now!
Remember focus on only one idea, then you can do as much research as you want to help you provide a great informative peace of content to your readers.
Before I give you the tips, I think you should watch this video where the writer of the script for the movie "Crash", an Oscar award winner writer Bob Moresco has to said about writers block!
Hope you enjoy the video, which has a great advice form a top writer. Please let me know what you think about it on your comments.
The Unusual Writing Ideas!
OK, here are the ideas I promise, feel free to use them as you please:
1. Talk about your failures and what you learn from them.
2. Take your failures to the next level by turning them into advice. Show how you face each down time.
3. Write about your successes, and share tips to help others achieve similar success.
4. Find a video related to your niche and write a simple introduction and post it on your blog.
5. Find articles related to your content and review its content. Point the good and the bad form it.
6. Share your top source of incoming traffic.
7. Showcase good tweets about you from your follower (like testimonials). This is a great way to generate trust.
8. Blog about lessons you learn from one of your Twitter followers and Facebook friends.
9. Write about what you think other blogs in your industry are doing great.
10. Share your site and business goals with some details.
11. Find article that have a set number of tips relevant to your niche and then write a post for each of those tips with details.
12. Make a post about anything useful you find on other websites relevant to yours.
13. Write about how you got the idea for you latest articles.
If you think this post is incomplete. Well, that is just another good post for you (idea number 14), completed by writing a post on your blog and just link to this one to provide the extra information to your readers...
Recommended Resources.
QUICK PROFIT TIP: Be transparent and resourceful, this way you will always have new content to provide to your readers.
To your success,
Luis Galarza, Internet Marketing Consultant In Massachusetts.
Proud member of the Internet Entrepreneurs Club.
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