Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Let me paint a picture...

Let's say you wake up one day to find that a scandal had popped up over night. Someone had discovered emails between the Pope and some Cardinals which essentially explained that the Catholic faith was predicated not on historical fact and belief, but on simply a "desire" for it to be true. The emails also explained that contrary to actual evidence AGAINST the faith, the Church was able to cover up against such evidence, and perpetuate their desire.

Imagine what would happen? The entire faith would crumble. People of all depths of belief would be left helpless. On top of this... the Church infrastructure would crumble. Laws would be enacted instantaneously stripping the Church of any and all rights it had in society, and the entire "endeavor" would go bankrupt in days. Churches would close, the clergy would become unemployed nothings. It would become the largest fraud in history. Governments would be scorned for their support, and would be themselves vulnerable to attack and failure due to their complicit support of the Church financially and legally. 

Anything related to Christianity would become worthless. The social repercussions would be unfathomable. People would commit acts contrary to the Church's teaching simply in an act of rebellion and as a statement of their anger. Yet... a fraud like that could never be perpetuated could it? Could an entire belief structure fall apart over night? Could an entire industry which was made up of legal, financial, theoretical, scientific, industrial, and social facets suffer a credibility blow such as this and not face the wrath of unfettered reprisal? Of course not... this country and our global society would not stand for it. People would rage against that "wizard of oz" and destroy the very memory of such a thing... wouldn't we?

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