Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Catholic at work...

In recent years, my faith has found new ways to "come out." I attended a CATHOLIC law school so during those three years it was pretty easy. At work... this isn't always the case. Finding appropriate places and ways to discuss your faith, or beliefs is a difficult thing. Especially in todays story where not only is it faux-paus but might actually have legal and ethical implications.

Yet, working in the legal field, I have found my Natural Law beliefs, and in general my Catholic Morality is easily interjected into my work and both my casual and professional discussions. Most everyone at work knows I am Catholic. Because of this knowledge I have recently felt comfortable in displaying more outward signs of my faith. No in advertisement, but just for my own personal devotion. For example, in my own little office I have printed out prayers and pictures of Mary. This is a nice little daily reminder that I can gaze upon and helps focus me and reminds me to pray on a daily basis - sometimes even hourly. [Prayers don't have to be long or elaborate - a Hail Mary, Salve Regina, or some other short prayer can allow you to pray at work on an hourly basis.]

The next thing I did was put up computer wallpaper/desktops that are Catholic themed. Right now I have one from and one that I found somewhere else. I have dual monitors so it is double effect. I plan on changing these as the mood and season change; there is a lack of quality Catholic wallpapers out there though. There are the sorta kitschy-over flowery type, but I am looking for some really bold modern-gothic-esque [is that even a style?] type of images. If you all know of good sites to get Catholic wallpaper/desktops from please let me know.

I think that everyone could find ways to implent their faith into their work life. Even if it isn't verbal, there are ways. You also don't have to do it "for others." Meaning, that I don't suggest you do this to "prove" to others that you are Catholic. More so, this is an attempt to implement your faith into your life outside of church and home. It is to make you fully Catholic in a way that lets that light shine beyond the safe confines of the sanctuary. It is about taking your faith to the battle, as opposed to the battle coming to you. Surely you can agree that nowhere is there a greater need for Catholicism and faith than in the arenas of our cultural and professional life.

So what can you do to bring your Catholic life to work? Prayer cards on your cubicle walls? A small statute on the desk or icon on the wall? How about chant on your cd/ipod/computer? Catholic desktop/wallpaper? I bet with just a little bit of effort you could implement 2-3 reminders with just a little effort. I also bet that those improvements would help you focus on the IMPORTANT things, help you through stresfful situations, and inspire you to pray more [or pray for the first time] at work!
Right now I have these two desktops up:

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