Friday, November 13, 2009

Success! My first negative comment!

Well they say you haven't made it in the blogging world until you start getting negative comments and hate mail! That means I am well on my way. [As a side note, my goal is not fame, fortune, or even a large following... my goal is the greater glory of God.] That being said though, I know that as a Christian and as a Catholic, there will be those out there trying to disuade us in our mission. Hence..."Defend Us in Battle..."

And you shall be hated by all men for my name's sake. But he that shall endure unto the end, he shall be saved. -Mark 13:13
As a side note, I am actually humbled by the amount of people actually coming to the blog:

I have 10 google followers
45 Facebook fans
18 Feed's Subscribed to
85 Twitter followers
& over 700 site visits!

Thank you all so much... I know my posts have been somewhat shallow and absent-minded lately, but I am trying to get into a rhythm and niche still, so please bear with me through the growing pains. I hope I am writing at least something that touches you... if not... I hope to in the future!

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