Saturday, November 7, 2009

H.R. 3962 & The Stupak-Pitts Amendment - LIVE UPDATING

Call Rep. Shadegg and tell him to VOTE NO on Stupak and PICK up the FIGHT against HCR Bill after that!! It will take 5 minutes... and save you thousands and save lives.

 **UPDATE** - 9:20pm est:
I think the best thing that can happen at this point is for the vote to happen, the Stupak Amendment to pass, and then the eventual defeat of the HCR Bill. I have been trying to get more info on the Shadegg idea and there doesn't seem to be a lot of support. I don't think it is wise to vote "PRESENT" on the Stupak and then hope to win on the full bill. I just don't trust the D's.
Here is an alternative take regarding whether this Amendment will do any good in the long run:
GOP Shadegg to buck pro-lifers, party

I am worried this Amendment is a just a "wolf in sheep's clothing" I really do. Let's say the Amendment goes through and they remove the Abortion funding. Do they then feel that is the LAST hurdle, thereby seeing it as a green-light to railroad the rest of the HCR through? Also... does it REALLY ensure that Gov't health care wouldn't be able to fund abortion in ANY WAY? This doesn't mean that I don't want to see the Amendment voted on - I just worry that it isn't the end of the fight, but only the beginning. Maybe I am paranoid... I just think that there might be a LOT more to this than simply removing the words from the bill. I worry that abortion funding will come from some other measure or source... let's pray I am just over reacting.

A lot of people have been asking for information on this issue. The best way to get "learned" on everything that is going on is to go straight to the experts. Follow the links below and find out what you can:

Also if you are on Twitter these are the hash tags to follow:


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