Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Big Tent Catholicism: Towards or Away from?

There was an intersting commentary on the radio today about politics. The theory went essentially like this:
Conservatism flourished in the late 90's and early 00's because the Conservative base revitalized the Republican party. Then, as they became the "entrenched" party and started to lose a hold on polititical positions there was an appeal to moderates, liberal Republicans, and others. The "Big Tent" idea came about to include "more people" with some core set of beliefs. But then what happened instead of "growing" the party, they essentially ushered everyone out. That social conservatives wouldn't vote for McCain, and more seasoned elitist style Republicans began to push back against an "outsider" like Palin. You also saw people like Colin Powell, George W. Bush, Rudy Giuliani, and Arnold Schwarzenegger all of a sudden all found themselves in the same party but espousing VERY different ideas from one another. This all occured amidst the call for "A NEW REAGAN!" As Conservatives realized that Conservative no longer was synonymous with Republican, the party, the big tent, began to empty, and it had the opposite effect. So now what? Well... as you see in NY#23, the Conservatives are grabbing the party back. The Republican dropped out after Palin came in and endorsed the Conservative Party candidate.
Does this sound familiar? Doesn't this sound like the Catholic Church? How do we make it better, well let's round off the corners and be more "inclusive." Instead of making "them" conform to "us," we can bend a little, get them in under the tent and it will slowly all blend together. And then what happened?
  • Liturgical Dance
  • Illicit Practices
  • Rain Sticks
  • Carpet Floors
  • The Removal of Kneelers
  • Etc...
Just like Republicans didn't win more elections, practicing Catholics didn't grow in number. Yet, as Summorum Pontificum was released and more traditional elements were reclaimed, the faith grew. Catholics came back, and the base was revitalized. Some would argue, "But isn't the new Anglican situation a version of BIG TENT?" The simple answer is, NO, it isn't. The Church didn't CHANGE its core beliefs to accomodate, instead it said, "if you want to be a part of us, you need to change." The important question is, Why did the Anglicans want to come back? Because of the return to the traditional and core beliefs. Therefore, the furth the Church gets away from the Big Tent mentality the stronger the faith will be. Now this doesn't mean it shouldn't pursue relations with SSPX, Anglicans, the Orthodox, etc... The very opposite really. The Church should puruse these relations, because as it reclaims its traditional roots, it will "reform the reform" on the inside. Then it can trully attract these groups to a pure and more authentic Catholic faith. Rather than a watered down amorphous version of what it is supposed to be.

So you see... even though more are flocking to the Church, it is because the Tent is shrinking. But dont fret... there is plenty of room for everyone, and a better tent it will be.

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