Saturday, November 7, 2009

Bp. Trautman's "jihad" against the New Translation of the Missal

Fr. Z has once again "hit the nail on the head" about Bp. Trautman and his inconceivable stance against the New Roman Missal translation which is coming up for approval soon. See his post here:
Bp. Donald “Ineffable” Trautman’s jihad against the new translation [Fr. Z POLL]

For a refresher on this issue go to my first post here:
"Bp. Trautman on New Missal Translation: 'Slavishly Literal'"

A quick summary of the issue is:
There is a newly proposed translation of the english version of the Roman Missal. The Missal is essentially the "play book" for the Mass. It contains all the rubrics, rules, and sayings that guide the Mass. Precision and true translation are important. When the current translation came out, it had a lot of words and phrases that were theological and literal "Stretches" in an effort to create a "bigger tent" mentality within the Church. The proposed translation is much truer to the latin and to the purposeful meaning of the words within the Mass. It also aligns much closer to other Rites and translations that exist, especially the Orthodox. If the Catholic Church is really a universal church, its most important texts much show that universality through congruent translation. Now to this current issue....

The problem at this point is that Bishop Trautman has seemingly taken on this fight not for true philosophical reasons but for some more deep rooted and tangental reason. Why do I say that? Because of this section of the article:
Trautman said he thinks the only procedural way the bishops can halt the process and gain a new review of texts they have already approved (including Vatican reversals of many of their amendments to earlier texts) is to vote down at least one of the final segments up for review and form a committee to go to Rome and consult with the Vatican on what he considers the questionable texts approved by the Holy See.
Now granted this  article is written in the very liberal leaning National Catholic Reporter (NCR - not to be confused with the National Catholic Register which is a faithfully orthodox Catholic paper), but I am sure it still captures the essence of what Trautman is really trying to do - OPPOSE, OPPOSE, OPPOSE, and by any means necessary.

It is important that some translation occurs, and that it isn't opposed SOLELY for the purpose of opposing it. We need unversality in the Church and the texts are the foundation of the quest.

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