The CCHD campaign and debate is the source of debate for many Catholics. It seems like there isn't enough information out there to get to a really clear answer. This has caused many to be weary of giving this Sunday to the 2nd collection which will go around at Parishes across the country. The problem is that the USCCB has re-affirmed their support for the CCHD this week during their meetings. This move has caused many to question their concern for the CCHD campaign. Those people who have questioned their opposition do so in large part out of their desire to remain obedient to the Bishops and the Church.
My family has decided that we are well enough informed, and skeptical enough to not give to the CCHD and feel ok about that decision. We also do so not out of opposition to the Bishops but out of opposition to the idea of contributing to groups contrary to our beliefs. [Let me add we are in a financial position to give less monetarily than we normally would on top of the fact that we have our first child due in less than 2 months.] Therefore as a family we have decided in general that we will give more of our time instead of simply giving less money. We still contribute our Sunday collection, but our charitable contributions have scaled back to some degree.
This got me thinking... why not do that with the CCHD campaign this weekend? Why not decide to volunteer MORE than you normally would in lieu of giving monetarily. Your conscience is saved and yet your influence is still affecting good in the world. So... if you are unsure what to do still and you are worried that by not giving you are somehow failing in some moral duty... VOLUNTEER. I am sure the local Crisis Pregnancy Center, Soup Kitchen, or Church Youth Group would LOVE YOUR HELP!
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